/* Author/s: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com Description: Spawns Bunker Dynamically. Improvements and or bugfixes and other contributions are welcome via the github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_server_bunker_event/EpochEvents/BunkerSpawner.sqf */ //[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]] private ["_allBunkers","_animationStates","_bunkerClasses","_bunkerCounter","_bunkerLocationsKey","_bunkerLocations","_colCount","_debug","_debugLocation","_expiresBunker","_firstBunker","_instanceID","_list","_loc1","_location","_maxBunkerLimitPerRow","_maxBunkerLimitSlots","_maxColumns","_memoryPoints","_modelInfo","_newBunkerCounter","_object","_originalLocation","_pOffset","_response","_rng","_rngChance","_rowCount","_score","_scriptHiveKey","_seed","_selectedBunker","_size","_veh"]; //[[[end]]] if (worldName == "VR") then { _debug = false; _expiresBunker = 14400; // four hours _debugLocation = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; _memoryPoints = ["one","two","three","four"]; _bunkerCounter = 0; _newBunkerCounter = 0; _instanceID = call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID; _maxBunkerLimitSlots = 100; _maxBunkerLimitPerRow = 10; _rngChance = 0; // Lower this to spawn more positions _scriptHiveKey = "EPOCH:DynamicBunker007"; // change this to force a new seed to be generated. _bunkerLocationsKey = format ["%1:%2", _instanceID, worldname]; _response = [_scriptHiveKey, _bunkerLocationsKey] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveGETRANGE; _response params [["_status",0],["_data",[]] ]; _firstBunker = objNull; _bunkerLocations = []; // check for proper return and data type if (_status == 1 && _data isEqualType [] && !(_data isEqualTo [])) then { _bunkerLocations = _data; } else { // generate new bunker _size = 13.081; _maxColumns = _maxBunkerLimitSlots / _maxBunkerLimitPerRow; _allBunkers = []; _newBunkerCounter = 0; // Generate Seed _seed = random 999999; diag_log format["Generating bunker with seed: %1",_seed]; _location = ATLToASL _debugLocation; _originalLocation = +_location; _bunkerClasses = [ "bunker_epoch" ]; _rowCount = 0; _colCount = 0; //spawn x number of connected bunkers. while {true} do { if (_colCount > _maxColumns) exitWith {}; _rng = _seed random [_location select 0,_location select 1]; if (_rng > _rngChance) then { _selectedBunker = selectRandom _bunkerClasses; _object = createSimpleObject [_selectedBunker, _location]; _allBunkers pushBack _object; _newBunkerCounter = _newBunkerCounter + 1; }; _location set [0,(_location select 0) + _size]; _rowCount = _rowCount + 1; if (_rowCount >= _maxBunkerLimitPerRow) then { _rngChance = 0.3; _colCount = _colCount + 1; _rowCount = 0; _location set [0,_originalLocation select 0]; _location set [1,(_location select 1) + _size]; }; }; _score = 0; { _veh = _x; _animationStates = []; { _pOffset = _veh selectionPosition _x; if !(_pOffset isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { _loc1 = _veh modelToWorldVisual _pOffset; _list = nearestObjects[_loc1, [], 1]; if !(_list isEqualTo []) then { _score = _score + 1; _animationStates pushBack 0 } else { _animationStates pushBack 1 }; }; } forEach _memoryPoints; _modelInfo = getModelInfo _veh; _bunkerLocations pushBack [_modelInfo select 1, getPosWorld _veh, _animationStates, _score]; } forEach _allBunkers; // remove temp bunkers _allBunkers apply {deleteVehicle _x}; // save to DB [_scriptHiveKey, _bunkerLocationsKey, _expiresBunker, _bunkerLocations] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSETEX; }; // spawn final bunkers { if (_x isEqualType [] && !(_x isEqualTo [])) then { _x params ["_selectedBunker", "_posWorld", ["_memoryPointsStatus",[]] ]; _object = createSimpleObject [_selectedBunker, _posWorld]; if (isNull _firstBunker) then {_firstBunker = _object;}; { _object animate [_x,(_memoryPointsStatus param [_forEachIndex,1]),true]; } forEach _memoryPoints; _bunkerCounter = _bunkerCounter + 1; }; } forEach _bunkerLocations; // move respawn point into first bunker. if (!(isNull _firstBunker) && {_firstBunker distance _debugLocation > 1}) then { deleteMarker "respawn_west"; createMarker ["respawn_west", getposATL _firstBunker]; }; if (_debug) then { diag_log format["DEBUG: Spawned %1 Existing Bunker",_bunkerCounter]; if (_newBunkerCounter > 0) then { diag_log format["DEBUG: Spawned %1 New Bunker.",_newBunkerCounter]; }; }; };