/* Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Fixes to remove global exec of killed eh payload on map objects. Update: 12/4/2015 still needed as of 1.54 Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgVehicles/Fixes.hpp */ class House; class House_F: House { class DestructionEffects; }; class House_Small_F; class Ruins_F; class PowerLines_base_F : House_F { mapSize = 2.35; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "PowerLines_base_F"; scope = 0; scopeCurator = 0; displayName = ""; model = "\A3\Weapons_F\empty.p3d"; vehicleClass = "Structures_Infrastructure"; cost = 100; compatibleWires[] = {}; class EventHandlers { killed = "if (isServer) then {this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\A3\Structures_F\Ind\PowerLines\Scripts\column_ruins.sqf""};"; }; }; class PowerLines_Small_base_F : House_Small_F { mapSize = 2.79; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "PowerLines_Small_base_F"; scope = 0; scopeCurator = 0; displayName = ""; model = "\A3\Weapons_F\empty.p3d"; vehicleClass = "Structures_Infrastructure"; compatibleWires[] = {}; cost = 100; class EventHandlers { killed = "if (isServer) then {this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\A3\Structures_F\Ind\PowerLines\Scripts\column_ruins.sqf""};"; }; }; class Land_Communication_anchor_F : House_F { mapSize = 9.73; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "Land_Communication_anchor_F"; scope = 1; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Land_Communication_anchor_F0"; model = "\A3\Structures_F\Ind\Transmitter_Tower\Communication_anchor_F.p3d"; vehicleClass = "Structures_Infrastructure"; class DestructionEffects { class DestroyPhase1 { simulation = "destroy"; type = "DelayedDestruction"; lifeTime = 1; position = ""; intensity = 1; interval = 1; }; }; class EventHandlers { killed = "if (isServer) then {this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\A3\Structures_F\Ind\Transmitter_Tower\Scripts\anchor_ruins.sqf""};"; }; }; class Land_Communication_F : House_F { mapSize = 4.53; author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; _generalMacro = "Land_Communication_F"; scope = 1; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Land_Communication_F0"; model = "\A3\Structures_F\Ind\Transmitter_Tower\Communication_F.p3d"; vehicleClass = "Structures_Infrastructure"; cost = 40000; class EventHandlers { killed = "if (isServer) then {this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""\A3\Structures_F\Ind\Transmitter_Tower\Scripts\tower_ruins.sqf""};"; }; };