/* Author: DirtySanchez - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Update player community stat Can function as inbound stat adjustment from server side change Can also function as client side adjustment and send to server for saving Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_code/compile/functions/EPOCH_client_updatePlayerStat.sqf usage: // This will add +15 to the "ZedKills" index and will also update the server variable ["ZedKills",15,true] call EPOCH_client_updatePlayerStat; _statType - STRING: the name of the variable as set in the EpochClientConfig defineCommunityStats[] = {}; _adjust - NUMBER: set the positive or negative adjustment, a value of 0 will exit the script _toServer - BOOLEAN: (OPTIONAL): false by default */ params [ ["_statType",""], ["_adjust",0], ["_toServer",false] ]; if(_statType isEqualTo "")exitWith{ diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -2- stat type not defined"; }; if(_adjust isEqualTo 0)exitWith{ diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -3- stat adjustment is 0"; }; private _statVarName = format["EPOCH_total%1",_statType]; private _currentStat = missionNameSpace getVariable[_statVarName,0]; private _newStat = _currentStat + _adjust; missionNameSpace setVariable[_statVarName,_newStat]; if(_toServer)then{ [player, _statType, _adjust, false, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_fnc_updatePlayerStats",2]; };