//Picks a random spot behind the player //usage: [200,50,60] call EPOCH_fnc_findRandomPosBehind //_maxIn - Maximum distance to choose point //_minIn - Minimum distance to choose point //_arcIn - Spread of arc in degrees behind player //_unitIn - Unit, player, vehicle etc. //_offset - offset initial angle, allows to pick position to the side with -90 or 90 (right or left) _maxIn = _this select 0; _minIn = _this select 1; _arcIn = _this select 2; _unitIn = _this select 3; _offset = 0; if ((count _this) > 4) then { _offset = _this select 4; }; _rnd = ((180 +_offset) - (_arcIn / 2)) + (random _arcIn); _pos = getPosATL _unitIn; _dist = ((random (_maxIn - _minIn)) + _minIn) max _minIn; _dir = (getDir _unitIn) - _rnd; if (_dir<0) then {_dir = _dir + 360}; _outPos = [(_pos select 0) + (_dist*(sin _dir)), (_pos select 1) + (_dist*(cos _dir)), _pos select 2]; _outPos