	Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com


	Base building base building with ghost preview.

    Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike


    [_object,_item] spawn EPOCH_staticMove;

		_this select 0: OBJECT - Base building object
		_this select 1: STRING - Item to consume on build finalization

//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_EPOCH_1","_EPOCH_2","_allowedSnapObjects","_allowedSnapPoints","_arr_snapPoints","_baselineSnapPos","_cfgBaseBuilding","_class","_currentOffSet","_currentPos","_currentTarget","_dir2","_direction","_distance","_energyCost","_ins","_isSnap","_lastCheckTime","_maxHeight","_maxSnapDistance","_nearestObject","_nearestObjects","_numberOfContacts","_objSlot","_objType","_offSet","_offsetZPos","_pOffset","_pos1","_pos1_snap","_pos2","_pos2ATL","_pos2_snap","_pos_snapObj","_rejectMove","_simulClass","_snapChecks","_snapConfig","_snapDistance","_snapPointsPara","_snapPointsPerp","_snapPos","_snapPos1","_snapPosition","_snapType","_stabilityCheck","_up2","_worldspace"];
if !(isNil "EPOCH_simulSwap_Lock") exitWith{};

params [

// exit if object is nulll
if (isNull _object) exitWith{ EPOCH_target = objNull; };
// exit if item is not given
if (_item == "") exitWith{ EPOCH_target = objNull; };

if (EPOCH_playerEnergy <= 0) exitWith{
	["Need Energy", 5] call Epoch_message;

// Remove object if not allowed
if !(_object call EPOCH_isBuildAllowed) exitWith{ deleteVehicle _object };
EPOCH_simulSwap_Lock = true;

_objType = typeOf _object;

_cfgBaseBuilding = 'CfgBaseBuilding' call EPOCH_returnConfig;

_energyCost = getNumber(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "energyCost");
if (_energyCost == 0) then {
	_energyCost = 0.1;

_class = getText(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "GhostPreview");
_maxHeight = getNumber(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "maxHeight");
_simulClass = getText(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "simulClass");
_snapChecks = getArray(("CfgSnapChecks" call EPOCH_returnConfig) >> _objType >> "nails");

_maxSnapDistance = 1;
_lastCheckTime = diag_tickTime;
_stabilityCheck = false;

// force sim check if object has sim class and default max height to 9m if not already specified
if (_simulClass != "") then {
	_stabilityCheck = true;
	if (_maxHeight == 0) then {
		_maxHeight = 500;

if (_class != "") then {

	_objSlot = _object getVariable["BUILD_SLOT", -1];

	deleteVehicle _object;

	_pos2 = player modelToWorldVisual[EPOCH_X_OFFSET, EPOCH_Y_OFFSET, EPOCH_Z_OFFSET];

	EPOCH_target = createVehicle[_class, _pos2, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	// send to server
	[EPOCH_target] remoteExec ["EPOCH_localCleanup",2];

	if (_pos2 select 2 > _maxHeight) then {
		_pos2 set[2, _maxHeight];

	_pos2ATL = _pos2;
	if (surfaceIsWater _pos2ATL) then {
		_pos2ATL = ASLtoATL _pos2ATL;
	EPOCH_target setposATL _pos2ATL;

	EPOCH_target attachTo[player];
	_currentTarget = EPOCH_target;

	if (_objSlot != -1) then {
		_currentTarget setVariable["BUILD_SLOT", _objSlot, true];

	_allowedSnapPoints = getArray(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _class >> "allowedSnapPoints");
	_allowedSnapObjects = getArray(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _class >> "allowedSnapObjects");

	_currentOffSet = [];
	EP_snap = objNull;
	EP_snapPos = [0, 0, 0];
	_isSnap = false;

	_EPOCH_1 = diag_tickTime;
	_EPOCH_2 = diag_tickTime;
	_nearestObjects = [];

	while {EPOCH_target == _currentTarget} do {

		_rejectMove = false;
		if ((diag_tickTime - _lastCheckTime) > 10) then {
			_lastCheckTime = diag_tickTime;
			_rejectMove = !(_object call EPOCH_isBuildAllowed);
		if (_rejectMove) exitWith{
			deleteVehicle EPOCH_target;

		_pos2 = player modelToWorldVisual _offSet;

		if (surfaceIsWater _pos2) then {
			_pos2 set[2, ((getPosASL player) select 2) + EPOCH_Z_OFFSET];

		if !(_currentOffSet isEqualTo _offSet) then {
			_currentOffSet = _offSet;
				detach _x;
			} forEach attachedObjects player;

			if (_pos2 select 2 > _maxHeight) then {
				_pos2 set[2, _maxHeight];
			_pos2ATL = _pos2;
			if (surfaceIsWater _pos2ATL) then {
				_pos2ATL = ASLtoATL _pos2ATL;

			EPOCH_target setposATL _pos2ATL;
			EPOCH_target attachTo[player];

		if (EPOCH_doRotate) then {
			_dir2 = [vectorDir player, EPOCH_buildDirection] call BIS_fnc_returnVector;
			_up2 = (vectorUp player);
			EPOCH_doRotate = false;
			EPOCH_target setVectorDirAndUp [_dir2,_up2];

			_nearestObject = _x;
			if !(isNull EP_snap) then {
				if ((_pos2 distance EP_snapPos) < _maxSnapDistance) then {
					_nearestObject = EP_snap;

			if (!isNull _nearestObject && _nearestObject isEqualTo _x) then {

				_isSnap = false;
				_snapPosition = [0, 0, 0];
				_snapConfig = _cfgBaseBuilding >> (typeOf _nearestObject);
				_snapPointsPara = getArray(_snapConfig >> "snapPointsPara");
				_snapPointsPerp = getArray(_snapConfig >> "snapPointsPerp");

				// base line for z height offset
				_baselineSnapPos = _nearestObject modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0];

				if (EPOCH_buildMode == 1) then {
						_x params ["_snapPoints","_type"];
							if (_x in _allowedSnapPoints) then {
								_pOffset = _nearestObject selectionPosition _x;
								_snapPos = _nearestObject modelToWorldVisual _pOffset;
								if (surfaceIsWater _snapPos) then {
									_snapPos set[2, ((getPosASL _nearestObject) select 2) + (_pOffset select 2)];
								_snapDistance = _pos2 distance _snapPos;
								if (_snapDistance < _maxSnapDistance) exitWith{
									_isSnap = true;
									_snapPosition = _snapPos;
									_snapType = _type;
						} forEach _snapPoints;
					} forEach [[_snapPointsPara,"para"],[_snapPointsPerp,"perp"]];

				_distance = _pos2 distance _currentTarget;

				if (_isSnap && _distance < 5) then {

					EP_snap = _nearestObject;
					EP_snapPos = _snapPosition;

					_direction = getDir _nearestObject;
					if (_snapType == "perp") then {
						_snapPos1 = [_snapPosition select 0, _snapPosition select 1, 0];
						_pos_snapObj = getposATL _nearestObject;
						_pos_snapObj set[2, 0];
						_direction = _direction - (_snapPos1 getDir _pos_snapObj);
					} else {
						_direction = 0;
					if (EPOCH_snapDirection > 0) then {
						if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 1) then {
							_direction = _direction + 90;
						if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 2) then {
							_direction = _direction + 180;
						if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 3) then {
							_direction = _direction + 270;
					if (_direction > 360) then {
						_direction = _direction - 360;
					if (_direction < 0) then {
						_direction = 360 + _direction;

					if !(attachedObjects player isEqualTo[]) then {
							detach _x;
						} forEach attachedObjects player;
						if (EPOCH_snapDirection > 0) then {
							if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 1) then {
								_direction = _direction + 90;
							if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 2) then {
								_direction = _direction + 180;
							if (EPOCH_snapDirection == 3) then {
								_direction = _direction + 270;
						if (_direction > 360) then {
							_direction = _direction - 360;
						if (_direction < 0) then {
							_direction = 360 + _direction;

						_dir2 = [vectorDir _nearestObject, _direction] call BIS_fnc_returnVector;

						if (_pos2 select 2 > _maxHeight) then {
							_pos2 set[2, _maxHeight];
						if (surfaceIsWater _snapPosition) then {
							_snapPosition = ASLtoATL _snapPosition;

						_currentTarget setVectorDirAndUp[_dir2, (vectorUp _nearestObject)];
						_currentTarget setposATL _snapPosition;

						if ((diag_tickTime - _EPOCH_2) > 2) then {
							_EPOCH_2 = diag_tickTime;
							_arr_snapPoints = [];
							EPOCH_arr_snapPoints = [];
						        _pos1_snap = _currentTarget modelToWorldVisual (_x select 0);
						        _pos2_snap = _currentTarget modelToWorldVisual (_x select 1);
						        _ins = lineIntersectsSurfaces [AGLToASL _pos1_snap, AGLToASL _pos2_snap,player,_currentTarget,true,1,"VIEW","FIRE"];
						        if (count _ins > 0) then {
									if (surfaceIsWater _snapPosition) then {
										_arr_snapPoints pushBackUnique (_ins select 0 select 0);
									} else {
										_arr_snapPoints pushBackUnique ASLToATL(_ins select 0 select 0);
								if (count _arr_snapPoints >= 2) exitWith { EPOCH_arr_snapPoints = _arr_snapPoints; }
						    } forEach _snapChecks;


				} else {

					EPOCH_arr_snapPoints = [];
					if !(attachedObjects player isEqualTo[]) then {
						_pos1 = player modelToWorldVisual _offSet;
						if (surfaceIsWater _pos1) then {
							_pos1 set[2, ((getPosASL player) select 2) + EPOCH_Z_OFFSET];
							_pos1 = ASLtoATL _pos1;
						EPOCH_target setposATL _pos1;
						EPOCH_target attachTo[player];

		} forEach _nearestObjects;

		if ((diag_tickTime - _EPOCH_1) > 1) then {
			_EPOCH_1 = diag_tickTime;
			if !(isNull EPOCH_target) then {
				_nearestObjects = nearestObjects[EPOCH_target, _allowedSnapObjects, 12];
				EPOCH_playerEnergy = (EPOCH_playerEnergy - _energyCost) max 0;


	EPOCH_arr_snapPoints = [];

		detach _x;
	} forEach attachedObjects player;

	if !(isNull _currentTarget) then {

		// check if touching ground
		_currentPos = getPosATL _currentTarget;
		if (_currentPos select 2 > _maxHeight) then {
			_currentPos set[2, _maxHeight];
			_currentTarget setPosATL _currentPos;

		_currentPos set[2, (_currentPos select 2) + 0.1];

		// remove item here
		if (([player, _item] call BIS_fnc_invRemove) == 1) then {

			if (_stabilityCheck && !isTouchingGround _currentTarget) then {

				_offsetZPos = [_currentPos select 0, _currentPos select 1, (_currentPos select 2) - 0.5];
				if !(terrainIntersect[_currentPos, _offsetZPos]) then {

					_numberOfContacts = 0;
				        _pos1_snap = _currentTarget modelToWorldVisual (_x select 0);
				        _pos2_snap = _currentTarget modelToWorldVisual (_x select 1);
				        _ins = lineIntersectsSurfaces [AGLToASL _pos1_snap, AGLToASL _pos2_snap,player,_currentTarget,true,1,"VIEW","FIRE"];
				        if (count _ins > 0) then {
							_numberOfContacts = _numberOfContacts + 1;
						if (_numberOfContacts >= 2) exitWith {}
				    } forEach _snapChecks;

					if (_numberOfContacts < 2) then {
						// TODO: foundations need to be handled
						// change to sim
						_worldspace = [getposATL _currentTarget, vectordir _currentTarget, vectorup _currentTarget];
						deleteVehicle _currentTarget;
						_currentTarget = createVehicle[_simulClass, (_worldspace select 0), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

						_currentTarget setVectorDirAndUp[_worldspace select 1, _worldspace select 2];
						_currentTarget setposATL(_worldspace select 0);

			_currentTarget spawn EPOCH_countdown;

[] spawn{
	uiSleep 2;
	EPOCH_simulSwap_Lock = nil;