// _newObj = [_class,_object] call EPOCH_swapBuilding; //[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]] private ["_newObj","_objectPos","_owner","_UpdatePlots"]; //[[[end]]] params [["_class",""],["_object",objNull],["_method",0]]; _newObj = objNull; if (!isNull _object && !(_class isEqualTo "")) then { _objectPos = getPosWorld _object; _newObj = createVehicle [_class, ASLtoAGL _objectPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (!isNull _newObj) then { _owner = _object getvariable ["Build_Owner",""]; if !(_owner isEqualTo "") then { _newObj setVariable ["BUILD_OWNER", _owner, true]; }; _UpdatePlots = false; if (_object in EPOCH_Plotpoles) then { EPOCH_Plotpoles = EPOCH_Plotpoles - [_object]; _UpdatePlots = true; }; if (_class in (call EPOCH_JammerClasses)) then { EPOCH_Plotpoles pushback _newObj; _UpdatePlots = true; }; if (_UpdatePlots) then { publicvariable 'EPOCH_Plotpoles'; }; _object hideObjectGlobal true; switch (_method) do { case 0: { _newObj setposATL (getPosATL _object); _newObj setDir (getDir _object); _newObj setVectorDirAndUp [vectorDir _object, vectorUP _object]; }; case 1: { _newObj attachTo [_object,[0,0,0]]; detach _newObj; }; /* case 2: { _newObj setPosWorld _objectPos; _newObj setDir (getDir _object); _newObj setVectorUp (vectorup _object); }; */ }; deleteVehicle _object; _serverSettingsConfig = configFile >> "CfgEpochServer"; _UseIndestructible = [_serverSettingsConfig, "UseIndestructible", false] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; _IndestructibleBaseObjects = [_serverSettingsConfig, "IndestructibleBaseObjects", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; _ExceptedBaseObjects = [_serverSettingsConfig, "ExceptedBaseObjects", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; _DisableDoorsOnObj = [_serverSettingsConfig, "DisableDoorsOnObj", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; { _x params ["_ClassX",["_VarsX",[]]]; if ((tolower _class) isequalto (tolower _ClassX)) exitwith { { _x params ["_VarNameX","_ValueX"]; _newObj setvariable [_VarNameX,_ValueX,true]; } foreach _VarsX; }; } foreach _DisableDoorsOnObj; if (_UseIndestructible) then { if ({_class iskindof _x} count _ExceptedBaseObjects == 0) then { { if (_class iskindof _x) exitwith { _newObj allowdamage false; }; } foreach _IndestructibleBaseObjects; }; }; // new Dynamicsimulation if([configFile >> "CfgEpochServer", "baseDynamicSimulationSystem", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry)then { _newObj enableDynamicSimulation true; _newObj triggerDynamicSimulation false; // this object doesnt need to turn anything on in the server }; }; }; _newObj