Attaches picture and text to World location and projects on UI.
[_location, _time, _image, _text, _distance, _externalBool] call epoch_gui3dWorldPos;
#include "\A3\ui_f\hpp\defineCommonGrids.inc"
_this spawn {
private ["_loc","_time","_pic","_txt","_dst","_bool","_display","_ctrl","_imgParsed","_txtParsed","_id","_tick"];
["_loc", [0,0,0], [[]]],
["_time", 10, [0]],
["_pic", "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)", [""]],
["_txt", "", [""]],
["_dst", 10, [0]],
["_bool", "", [""]]
_display = findDisplay 46;
_ctrl = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText",call epoch_getIDC];
_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [10 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X,10 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y,10 * GUI_GRID_W,10 * GUI_GRID_H];
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
_imgParsed = parseText format ["
_txtParsed = parseText format ["%1",_txt];
_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText (composeText [_imgParsed, parseText "
", _txtParsed]);
_id = call compile format
missionNamespace setVariable ['rmx_var_3DWP_temp%1',[_ctrl, _dst, _loc]];
_id = addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',{
_arr = missionNamespace getVariable 'rmx_var_3DWP_temp%1';
_pos = worldToScreen (_arr select 2);
(_arr select 0) ctrlSetPosition _pos;
(_arr select 0) ctrlCommit 0;
_scale = linearConversion [0, (_arr select 1), player distance (_arr select 2), 1, 0, false];
[(_arr select 0), _scale, 0] call BIS_fnc_ctrlSetScale;
,floor random 10000
_tick = diag_tickTime;
while {(diag_tickTime - _tick) < _time} do {
if !(missionNamespace getVariable [_bool, true]) exitWith {};
if ((player distance _loc) > _dst) exitWith {};
removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", _id select 0];
missionNamespace setVariable [_id select 1, nil];
_ctrl call epoch_getIDC;
ctrlDelete _ctrl;