/* Weather Control System by Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Improvements and or bugfixes and other contributions are welcome via the github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_server_settings/EpochEvents/ChangeWeather.sqf */ // Initalize variable for tracking time between runs. if (isNil "EPOCH_lastWeatherChange") then { EPOCH_lastWeatherChange = diag_tickTime; }; // get the time between weather change events to use as tranistion time. _WeatherChangeTime = diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastWeatherChange; // increment timer to current time. EPOCH_lastWeatherChange = diag_tickTime; _force = false; // use config static weather if set. if !(EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast isEqualTo []) then { _tempOVRD = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast select 0; _rainOVRD = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast select 1; _fogOVRD = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast select 2; _overcastOVRD = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast select 3; _windOVRD = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast select 4; diag_log format["DEBUG: static weather: %1", EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast]; } else { // Make database call to get "Weather:InstanceID" that can be set in the database to allow for weather controls outside of the game. _response = ["Weather", (call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID)] call EPOCH_server_hiveGETRANGE; if ((_response select 0) == 1 && typeName(_response select 1) == "ARRAY" && !((_response select 1) isEqualTo[])) then { _arr = _response select 1; _tempOVRD = _arr select 0; _rainOVRD = _arr select 1; _fogOVRD = _arr select 2; _overcastOVRD = _arr select 3; _windOVRD = _arr select 4; diag_log format["DEBUG: hive weather: %1", _arr]; }; }; // get random temp. _rnd_temp = if (sunOrMoon < 1) then { (random 35) + 15 } else { (random 75) + 50 }; // push temp to all players and JIP. EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER = if (isNil "_tempOVRD") then { _rnd_temp } else { _tempOVRD }; publicVariable "EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER"; // fog, rain, overcast. _fog = if (isNil "_fogOVRD") then { [random 0.2, random 0.2, random 20] } else { _fogOVRD }; _rain = if (isNil "_rainOVRD") then { random 1 } else { _rainOVRD }; _overcast = if (isNil "_overcastOVRD") then { random 1 } else { _overcastOVRD }; _WeatherChangeTime setFog _fog; _WeatherChangeTime setOvercast _overcast; _WeatherChangeTime setRain _rain; // wind. _windValX = random 10 - 5; _windValZ = random 10 - 5; if (_rain > 0.5) then { _windValX = random 20 - 10; _windValZ = random 20 - 10; }; if !(isNil "_windOVRD") then { _windValX = _windOVRD select 0; _windValZ = _windOVRD select 1; }; setWind[_windValX, _windValZ, true]; // will force weather change if set to true (will cause lag). if (_force) then { forceWeatherChange; }; diag_log format["Weather Change: fog: %1 rain: %2 overcast: %3 windx: %4 windz: %5 forced: %6", _fog, _overcast, _rain, _windValX, _windValZ, _force];