/* Made for A3 Epoch Mod EpochMod.com by Aaron Clark - [VB]AWOL This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Changelog: axeman - Added Load option. Looks in mission config (description.ext) for standard Epoch CfgBuildingLootPos. If not found in mission loads from configFile then warns if not found. axeman - Added / Updated hints. axeman - Add Loot / UnLoot Object. Controls: ~ = starts the placement Enter = to Select new Building target < or > = Cycle between building classes found in the EPB array Space = picks up and drops Delete = delete cursorTarget Ctrl+C = Create config and fill clipboard End = Delete Everything PageUp/Down = cycle loot objects (Shift = to switch to simulated) Up/Down Arrow = Raise /lower loot placement (Alt = Slow, Ctrl = Fast) Right/Left Arrow = Rotate placement (Alt = Slow, Ctrl = Fast) L = Load loot objects from mission config, if not found defaults from config are loaded. Ctrl+L = Load all existing configured buildings into EPB array. Q or Z = Move object in or out. R = Loot / UnLoot Object. */ EPB = ["Land_runway_edgelight_blue_F","Land_Flush_Light_red_F","Land_TTowerBig_1_F","Land_LampHalogen_F","Land_Vysilac_FM","Land_Ss_hangard","Land_TTowerBig_2_F","Land_Dome_Small_F","Land_Ammostore2","Land_Garaz_s_tankem","Land_Army_hut2_int","Land_obihacka","Land_prebehlavka","Land_prolejzacka","Land_podlejzacka","Land_Army_hut_int","Land_Army_hut3_long_int","Land_Budova4_in","Land_Zed_dira_civil","Land_Ind_Shed_02_EP1","Land_Ind_Shed_01_EP1","Land_Radar_F","Land_Army_hut_storrage","Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F","Land_Communication_F","Land_Army_hut2","Land_Com_tower_ep1","Land_Lampa_vysoka","Land_LampSolar_F","Land_ReservoirTank_Airport_F","Land_LampStreet_small_F","Land_LampDecor_F","Land_Pub_C","Land_HouseB1","Land_Kulna","Land_Fuel_tank_big","Land_fuel_tank_small","Land_Podesta_s10","Land_HouseA","Land_HouseA1","Land_IGA_GeneralStore","Land_Stoplight01","Land_Stoplight02","Land_HouseB","Land_Podesta_1_stairs4","Land_A_BuildingWIP_EP1","Land_Kostelik","Land_kolotoc","Land_houpacka","Land_Piskoviste","Land_Misc_GContainer_Big","Land_ladder_half","Land_Dum_istan4_big","Land_ladder","Land_Podesta_1_mid","Land_Market_stalls_02_EP1","Land_Podesta_1_mid_cornp","Land_Podesta_1_stairs2","Land_Panelak3","Land_water_tank","Land_Podesta_1_cornl","Land_Dum_istan2_01","Land_Lampa_sidl","Land_Zastavka_jih","Land_fs_feed_F","Land_Lampa_sidl_2","Land_Ind_FuelStation_Feed_EP1","Land_Ind_TankSmall","Land_Psi_bouda","Land_Dum_istan3_pumpa","Land_Podesta_5","Land_KBud","Land_Ind_FuelStation_Shed_EP1","Land_Metal_Shed_F","Land_Lampa_ind","Land_Ind_FuelStation_Build_EP1","Land_fs_roof_F","Land_Plot_rust_vrata","Land_Plot_rust_branka","Land_Komin","Land_Ind_Workshop01_02","Land_Nasypka","Land_Dum_istan3_hromada2","Land_LampShabby_F","Land_Hut_old02","Land_Misc_Cargo1Ao","Land_IGA_GeneralStore2","Land_Zastavka_sever","Land_seno_balik","Land_Ind_SawMillPen","Land_PoliceStation","Land_PostB","Land_E76_shop_single1","Land_Misc_Cargo1C","Land_BarGate_F","Land_Budova5","Land_Fuelstation","Land_Letistni_hala","Land_Nabrezi_najezd","Land_Molo_krychle2","Land_Molo_krychle","Land_House_C_10_EP1","Land_Pub_A","Land_Fuel_tank_stairs","Land_Plot_green_vrata","Land_Plot_istan1_rovny_gate","Land_Plot_Ohrada_Pruchozi","Land_Podesta_1_mid_cornl","Land_nav_pier_m_2","Land_Podesta_1_cube_long","Land_Wall_Gate_Ind2B_L","Land_sloup_vn","Land_sloup_vn_drat","Land_Plot_zed_drevo1_branka","land_nav_pier_m_end","Land_Bouda2_vnitrek","Land_E76_shop_multi1","Land_LampStreet_F","Land_A_Office02C","Land_Misc_Cargo1G","Land_Misc_Cargo2D","Land_Misc_Cargo1D","Land_Misc_Cargo2E","Land_Misc_Cargo1F","Land_Misc_Cargo2B","Land_Misc_Cargo1B","Land_Misc_Cargo2C","Land_Hotel","Land_Podesta_10","Land_Market_stalls_01_EP1","Land_Vysilac_FM2","Land_Vysilac_budova","Land_Telek1","Land_House_C_5_EP1","Land_Molo_drevo","Land_ruin_rubble","Land_Ind_Garage01_EP1","Land_Benzina_schnell","Land_Trafostanica_mala","Land_Ind_PowerStation_EP1","Land_Watertower1","Land_Ind_Pec_03","Land_Ind_Expedice_3","Land_Ind_BoardsPack1","Land_Tovarna1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Main_EP1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Conv1_end_EP1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Conv1_10_EP1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Conv1_Main_EP1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Hopper_EP1","Land_Misc_Coltan_Heap_EP1","Land_Ind_Coltan_Conv2_EP1","Land_Budova2","Land_Budova1","land_nav_pier_c","Land_IndPipe2_bigL_L","Land_Misc_Cargo1E","Land_IndPipe2_big_ground1","Land_A_Crane_02b","Land_Misc_Cargo1Bo","Land_A_Crane_02a","Land_IndPipe2_big_18","Land_IndPipe2_big_ground2","land_nav_pier_c_90","land_nav_pier_C_R","Land_NavigLight","land_nav_pier_C_R30","Land_Runway_edgelight","Land_Runway_PAPI_4","Land_Runway_PAPI_3","Land_Ind_BoardsPack2","Land_Runway_PAPI_2","Land_Runway_PAPI","Land_Ind_Timbers","land_nav_pier_C_L","Land_Zidka_branka","Land_New_WiredFence_10m_F","Land_Leseni4x","Land_House_C_4_EP1","Land_Fuelstation_army","Land_Dome_Big_F","Land_New_WiredFence_10m_Dam_F","land_nav_pier_c_t20","land_nav_pier_c_big","Land_Army_hut3_long","Land_Molo_drevo_bs","Land_Posed","Land_Molo_drevo_end","Land_Flush_Light_green_F","Land_GuardShed","Target","Land_fortified_nest_small","Land_Hlaska","Land_Bouda_plech","Land_Dam_Conc_20","Land_Dam_ConcP_20","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_Lampa_ind_zebr","Land_Hut03","Land_Hut01","Land_Podesta_1_stairs","Land_Leseni2x","Land_Dum_istan4_big_inverse","Land_Dum_istan4_detaily1","Land_Dum_istan4_inverse","Land_BoatSmall_1","Land_LampHarbour_F","Land_Radar_Small_F","Land_Garaz_bez_tanku","land_nav_pier_M_fuel","Land_Ind_SawMill","Land_Ind_Workshop01_03","Land_dp_smallTank_F","Land_SignB_Hotel_CZ","Land_Hotel_riviera1","Land_Podesta_1_cube","Land_Podesta_1_stairs3","Land_Hotel_riviera2","Land_Dum_mesto3_istan","Land_SignB_Hotel_CZ2","Land_Dum_istan2_02","Land_Dum_istan2_03","Land_Dum_istan3_hromada","Land_Dum_istan2_04a","Land_Dum_istan2b","Land_Dum_istan2_03a","Land_Cihlovej_Dum_in","Land_Cihlovej_dum","Land_Kostel2","Land_Sign_Bar_RU","Land_SignB_Hotel_CZ3","Land_Molo_beton","Land_Podesta_1_cornp","Land_Garaz","Land_TTowerSmall_2_F","Land_TTowerSmall_1_F","Land_Hut04","Land_BoatSmall_2a","Land_BoatSmall_2b","Land_Statek_kulna","Land_Nav_Boathouse_PierL","land_nav_pier_F_17","Land_Nav_Boathouse","Land_GH_Stairs_F","Land_Dum_istan4","Land_Nav_Boathouse_PierR","Land_Dum_istan3","Land_E76_tower2","Land_E76_tower4","Land_Strazni_vez","Land_Flush_Light_yellow_F","Land_Nabrezi","Land_Ind_Pec_03a","Land_Ind_Workshop01_box","Land_IndPipe2_SmallBuild2_R","Land_IndPipe2_Small_9","Land_IndPipe2_T_L","Land_IndPipe2_SmallL_L","Land_IndPipe2_bigL_R","Land_IndPipe2_big_18ladder","Land_Ind_Expedice_2","Land_Ind_MalyKomin","Land_IndPipe2_SmallBuild2_L","Land_IndPipe2_Small_ground1","Land_IndPipe2_bigBuild2_L","Land_Net_Fence_Gate_F","Land_Device_assembled_F","Land_Pier_F","Land_Podesta_s5","Land_HighVoltageEnd_F","Land_TBox_F","Land_A_TVTower_Mid","Land_A_TVTower_Top","Land_spp_Transformer_F","Land_Misc_Scaffolding","Land_dp_mainFactory_F","Land_Ind_TankSmall2","land_nav_pier_F_23","Land_Helfenburk_zed","Land_Dum_mesto_in","Land_Ind_Mlyn_02","Land_Ind_Mlyn_03","Land_Ind_Pec_02","Land_Ind_Mlyn_04","Land_LHD_1","Land_LHD_2","Land_LHD_3","Land_LHD_house_1","land_nav_pier_c2","Land_LHD_4","Land_LHD_house_2","Land_LHD_5","Land_LHD_elev_R","Land_LHD_6"]; EPBCount = count EPB; player allowDamage false; player enableFatigue false; EP_distance = 2; EPOCH_vehTarget = objNull; EPOCH_lootClassesRaw = [ ["shelfPos", "Shelf_EPOCH", true], ["fridgePos", "Fridge_EPOCH", true], ["bedPos", "Bed_EPOCH", false], ["couchPos", "Couch_EPOCH", false], ["wardrobePos", "wardrobe_epoch", false], ["cookerPos", "cooker_epoch", false], ["chairPos", "Chair_EPOCH", true], ["filingPos", "Filing_epoch", true], ["pelicanPos", "Pelican_EPOCH", false], ["tablePos", "Table_EPOCH", false], ["lockerPos", "Locker_EPOCH", false], ["toolRackPos", "ToolRack_EPOCH", false], ["shoeboxPos", "Shoebox_EPOCH", false], ["palletPos", "Tarp_EPOCH", false], ["freezerPos", "Freezer_EPOCH", false], ["cabinetPos", "Cabinet_EPOCH", false] ]; EPOCH_lootSIMClassesRaw = [ ["shelfPos", "Shelf_SIM_EPOCH", true], ["fridgePos", "Fridge_SIM_EPOCH", true], ["bedPos", "Bed_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["couchPos", "Couch_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["wardrobePos", "wardrobe_SIM_epoch", false], ["cookerPos", "cooker_SIM_epoch", false], ["chairPos", "Chair_SIM_EPOCH", true], ["filingPos", "Filing_SIM_epoch", true], ["pelicanPos", "Pelican_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["tablePos", "Table_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["lockerPos", "Locker_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["toolRackPos", "ToolRack_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["shoeboxPos", "Shoebox_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["palletPos", "Tarp_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["freezerPos", "Freezer_SIM_EPOCH", false], ["cabinetPos", "Cabinet_EPOCH", false] ]; EPOCH_lootClassesCustom = []; { EPOCH_lootClassesCustom pushBack (_x select 1); } forEach EPOCH_lootClassesRaw; EPOCH_lootClassesCount = count EPOCH_lootClassesCustom - 1; EPOCH_lootClassesCustom2 = []; { EPOCH_lootClassesCustom2 pushBack (_x select 1); } forEach EPOCH_lootSIMClassesRaw; EPOCH_lootClasses2Count = count EPOCH_lootClassesCustom2 - 1; EPOCH_KeyDownCustom = { _dikCode = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; _ctrl = _this select 3; _alt = _this select 4; _handled = false; _zheightChanged = false; _pickupTarget = false; if (isNil "Base_Z_height") then { Base_Z_height = 1; }; if (isNil "Base_angle") then { Base_angle = getDir player; }; if (isNil "Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex") then { Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex = 0; }; if (isNil "Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex") then { Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex = 0; }; _staticORSimArray = EPOCH_lootClassesCustom; if (_shift) then { _staticORSimArray = EPOCH_lootClassesCustom2; }; _selectedClass = _staticORSimArray select Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex; _worldPos = player modeltoworld [0,5,Base_Z_height]; switch (_dikCode) do { case 0x2E: { hint "Saved to clipboard"; if (_ctrl) then { copyToClipboard call EPOCH_dbg_saveLootPos; } }; case 0xD3: { if !(isNull(cursorTarget)) then { deleteVehicle cursorTarget; hint "Deleted Object"; }; }; case 0xCF: { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach allMissionObjects ""; hint "Deleted All Objects"; }; case 0x1C: { if !(isNull(cursorTarget)) then { EP_building = cursorTarget; hint format["Target Changed: %1", typeOf EP_building]; }; }; case 0x29 : { hint "tilde"; if (isnil "EPOCH_vehTarget") then { EPOCH_vehTarget = createVehicle [_selectedClass, _worldPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; EPOCH_vehTarget setDir Base_angle; EPOCH_vehTarget setPosATL _worldPos; hint str(EPOCH_vehTarget); } else { deleteVehicle EPOCH_vehTarget; EPOCH_vehTarget = nil; hint "deleted"; }; _handled = true; }; case 0x33 : { Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex = ((Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex + 1) min EPBCount) max 0; _selectedClass = EPB select Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex; hint _selectedClass; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach allMissionObjects ""; _selectedClass call EPOCH_LOOT; _handled = true; }; case 0x34 : { Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex = ((Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex - 1) min EPBCount) max 0; _selectedClass = EPB select Epoch_bldSelectedClassIndex; hint _selectedClass; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach allMissionObjects ""; _selectedClass call EPOCH_LOOT; _handled = true; }; case 0xC9 : { Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex = ((Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex + 1) min EPOCH_lootClassesCount) max 0; _selectedClass = _staticORSimArray select Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex; hint _selectedClass; _handled = true; }; case 0xD1 : { Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex = ((Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex - 1) min EPOCH_lootClassesCount) max 0; _selectedClass = _staticORSimArray select Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex; hint _selectedClass; _handled = true; }; case 0xC8 : { hint "arrowup"; _num = 0.1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; Base_Z_height = Base_Z_height + _num; _zheightChanged = true; _handled = true; }; case 0xD0 : { hint "arrowdown"; _num = 0.1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; Base_Z_height = Base_Z_height - _num; _zheightChanged = true; _handled = true; }; case 0x10: { _num = 0.1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; EP_distance = ((EP_distance + _num) min 5) max 2 ; _handled = true; }; case 0x2C: { _num = 0.1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; EP_distance = ((EP_distance - _num) min 5) max 2 ; _handled = true; }; case 0xCB : { _num = 1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; Base_angle = Base_angle + _num; if (Base_angle > 360) then { Base_angle = 0; }; hint "left"; _handled = true; }; case 0xCD : { hint "right"; _num = 1; if (_alt) then { _num = _num / 10; }; if (_ctrl) then { _num = _num * 10; }; Base_angle = Base_angle - _num; if (Base_angle < 0) then { Base_angle = 360; }; hint "right"; _handled = true; }; case 0x39 : { hint "space"; _handled = true; if (isnil "EPOCH_vehTarget") then { if (!isnull(cursorTarget)) then { if (cursorTarget isKindOf "WH_Loot" or cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_modular_F" or cursorTarget isKindOf "Animated_Loot") then { EPOCH_vehTarget = cursorTarget; _selectedClass = typeOF EPOCH_vehTarget; _index1 = EPOCH_lootClassesCustom find _selectedClass; _index2 = EPOCH_lootClassesCustom2 find _selectedClass; if (_index1 > -1) then { Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex = _index1; } else { if (_index2 > -1) then { Epoch_lootSelectedClassIndex = _index1; }; }; _pickupTarget = true; Base_Z_height = (getposATL EPOCH_vehTarget) select 2; }; }; } else { if (!isnull(EPOCH_vehTarget)) then { detach EPOCH_vehTarget; EPOCH_vehTarget = nil; }; }; }; case 0x13 : { if(({(_x find typeof cursortarget) > -1} count EPOCH_lootClassesRaw) > 0)then{ if(damage cursorTarget < 1)then{ cursorTarget setDamage 1; Hint format ["%1 Looted",typeof cursorTarget]; }else{ cursorTarget setDamage 0; Hint format ["%1 Un-Looted",typeof cursorTarget]; }; }; }; case 0x26 : { if (_ctrl) then { EPB = []; "if (isclass _x) then {EPB pushBack (configName _x); true}" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLootPos") } else { _buildLoading = objNull; if !(isNull(EP_building)) then { _buildLoading = EP_building }else{ _buildLoading = cursorTarget; }; _buildingPos = getPosATL _buildLoading; _config = missionConfigFile; _customLoot = true; _lootCount = 0; if!(isClass (_config >> "CfgBuildingLootPos" >> typeOf _buildLoading))then{ _config = configFile; _customLoot = false; }; if(isClass (_config >> "CfgBuildingLootPos" >> typeOf _buildLoading))then{ { _thisLoot = _x select 1; _thisRawLootPos = _x select 0; { _pos = _buildLoading modelToWorld [(_x select 0 select 0),(_x select 0 select 1),(_x select 0 select 2)]; _newLoot = createVehicle [_thisLoot,_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _dir = (_x select 1) + (getDir _buildLoading); if (_dir > 360) then { _dir = _dir - 360; }; _newLoot setDir _dir; _lootCount = _lootCount + 1; }forEach getArray(_config >> "CfgBuildingLootPos" >> typeOf _buildLoading >> _thisRawLootPos); } forEach EPOCH_lootClassesRaw; hint format["Loading House %2\nCustom Loot: %1\nLoot Count: %3",_customLoot,typeOf _buildLoading, _lootCount]; }else{ hint format["House %1 Not Found",typeOf _buildLoading]; }; }; }; }; if (!isnull(EPOCH_vehTarget)) then { if (typeOf EPOCH_vehTarget != _selectedClass) then { _curPos = getPos EPOCH_vehTarget; deleteVehicle EPOCH_vehTarget; EPOCH_vehTarget = createVehicle [_selectedClass, _curPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; EPOCH_vehTarget setDir Base_angle; EPOCH_vehTarget setPosATL _curPos; } }; _handled }; EPOCH_dirOffset = { _return = ((getdir (_this select 0)) - (getdir (_this select 1))); if (_return < 0) then { _return = _return + 360; }; _return }; EPOCH_dbg_replaceBrackets = { _return = []; { _string = _x; if (_string == 93) then { _string = 125; }; if (_string == 91) then { _string = 123; }; _return pushBack _string; } forEach toArray(format['%1',_this]); _return = toString _return; _return }; EPOCH_dbg_saveLootPos = { if (isNull(EP_building)) then { EP_building = nearestBuilding player; }; _buildingClass = typeOf EP_building; _br = toString [13,10]; _config_str = "class " + _buildingClass + " : Default {" + _br; _array = []; { _simClass = EPOCH_lootSIMClassesRaw select _forEachIndex; _objectsArray = nearestObjects [EP_building, [_x select 1, _simClass select 1], 100]; if !(_objectsArray isEqualTo []) then { _config_str = _config_str + format['%1[] = {%2',_x select 0,_br]; _countArray = (count _objectsArray) - 1; { _ppos = EP_building worldToModel (getposATL _x); _directionOffset = [_x,EP_building] call EPOCH_dirOffset; _config_str = _config_str + format['{ %1, %2 }%3', _ppos call EPOCH_dbg_replaceBrackets, _directionOffset,if (_forEachIndex isEqualTo _countArray) then {_br} else {("," + _br)}]; } forEach _objectsArray; _config_str = _config_str + "};" + _br; }; } forEach EPOCH_lootClassesRaw; _config_str = _config_str + "};" + _br; _config_str }; EPOCH_LOOT = { if !(isNull(EP_building)) then { deleteVehicle EP_building; }; EP_building = createVehicle [_this, player modelToWorld [0,25,0] , [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; EP_building setDir Base_angle; EP_building setPosATL _curPos; _loots = [ ["shelfPos", "Shelf_EPOCH", true], ["fridgePos", "Fridge_EPOCH", true], ["bedPos", "Bed_EPOCH", false], ["couchPos", "Couch_EPOCH", false], ["wardrobePos", "wardrobe_epoch", false], ["cookerPos", "cooker_epoch", false], ["chairPos", "Chair_EPOCH", true], ["filingPos", "Filing_epoch", true], ["pelicanPos", "Pelican_EPOCH", false], ["tablePos", "Table_EPOCH", false], ["lockerPos", "Locker_EPOCH", false], ["toolRackPos", "ToolRack_EPOCH", false], ["shoeboxPos", "Shoebox_EPOCH", false], ["palletPos", "Tarp_EPOCH", false], ["freezerPos", "Freezer_EPOCH", false], ["cabinetPos", "Cabinet_EPOCH", false] ]; _building = EP_building; _config = configFile >> 'CfgBuildingLootPos' >> (typeOf _building); _buildingPos = (getPosATL _building); { _configPos = _x select 0; _positions = [] + getArray (_config >> _configPos); diag_log str(_positions); if (!(_positions isEqualTo [])) then{ _class = _x select 1; _randomColor = _x select 2; { if ((typeName _class) == 'ARRAY') then { _classCount = count _class; _class = _class select (floor(random _classCount)); }; _pos = _building modelToWorld (_x select 0); _buildingDir = getDir _building; _dir = (_x select 1) + _buildingDir; if (_dir > 360) then { _dir = _dir - 360; }; _item = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 0.0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _item setDir _dir; _item setPosATL _pos; } forEach _positions; }; } forEach _loots; }; KK_boundingBox = { private ["_obj","_bb","_bbx","_bby","_bbz","_arr","_y","_z"]; _obj = _this; _bb = { _bbx = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 1 select 0]; _bby = [_this select 0 select 1, _this select 1 select 1]; _bbz = [_this select 0 select 2, _this select 1 select 2]; _arr = []; 0 = { _y = _x; 0 = { _z = _x; 0 = { 0 = _arr pushBack (_obj modelToWorld [_x,_y,_z]); } count _bbx; } count _bbz; reverse _bbz; } count _bby; _arr pushBack (_arr select 0); _arr pushBack (_arr select 1); _arr }; bbox = boundingBox _obj call _bb; for "_i" from 0 to 7 step 2 do { drawLine3D [ bbox select _i, bbox select (_i + 2), [0,0,1,1] ]; drawLine3D [ bbox select (_i + 2), bbox select (_i + 3), [0,0,1,1] ]; drawLine3D [ bbox select (_i + 3), bbox select (_i + 1), [0,0,1,1] ]; }; }; [] spawn { (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{_this call EPOCH_KeyDownCustom}]; }; onEachFrame { if (!isnull(EPOCH_vehTarget)) then { _worldPos = player modelToWorld[0, EP_distance, 0]; _worldPos set [2,Base_Z_height]; if !(surfaceIsWater _worldPos) then { _worldPos = ATLToASL _worldPos; }; _target = player; if (!isnull(EP_building)) then { _target = EP_building; }; _finalVectorDir = [vectorDir _target, Base_angle] call EPOCH_returnVector; EP = [getPosASL EPOCH_vehTarget,_worldPos,velocity EPOCH_vehTarget,velocity player,vectorDir EPOCH_vehTarget,_finalVectorDir,vectorUp EPOCH_vehTarget,vectorUp player,1]; EPOCH_vehTarget setVelocityTransformation [getPosASL EPOCH_vehTarget,_worldPos,velocity EPOCH_vehTarget,velocity player,vectorDir EPOCH_vehTarget,_finalVectorDir,vectorUp EPOCH_vehTarget,vectorUp player,1]; }; if (!isnull(EP_building)) then { EP_building call KK_boundingBox; }; };