## [Epoch Projects](https://github.com/EpochModTeam) by [Epoch Mod Team](https://github.com/orgs/EpochModTeam/people) for [Arma 3](https://arma3.com/) ### [Epoch Survival Gamemode](https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch) Open source survival gamemode for Arma 3. ### [Epoch Server Framework](https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochServer) Epoch Server DB extension (DLL / so) ### [Epoch Mod](https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochCore) Epoch Assets Mod Configs - Custom Units, Vehicles, Weapons, Items and more! #### Developers * [Aaron Clark ([VB]AWOL)](http://epochmod.com): Concept, Code, Configs, Textures * [Kenneth Bente (Axle)](www.twitch.tv/axles): Tester, Models * [Paul Tomany (Sequisha)](https://www.twitch.tv/sequisha): Models, Textures * [Damian Clark ([VB]GREEN)](http://epochmod.com): Graphics * [Andrew Gregory (Axeman)](http://thefreezer.co.uk): AI Code * [Raimonds Virtoss (Raymix)](https://www.twitch.tv/raymich): UI Code * [Darren Harrison (Kiory)](https://www.twitch.tv/kiory123): Models, Textures, Configs * [Niklas Wagner (Skaronator)](https://skaronator.com): Code * [Florian Kinder (Fank)](https://github.com/Fank): Code * [Denis Erygin (devd)](https://github.com/denisio): Linux Code Support * [Paden Sturtevant (SteamPunkGears)](https://www.twitch.tv/steampunkgears): Models, Textures * [Dan Dalsted (OrangeSherbet)](https://www.twitch.tv/OrangeSherbet): Tester, Videos, Wiki Editor #### Top Contributors * [HeMan](https://github.com/Ignatz-HeMan) * [$p4rkY](https://github.com/SPKcoding) * [82ndab-Bravo17](https://github.com/82ndab-Bravo17) - http://www.the82ndab.net * [Robio](https://github.com/RC-Robio) * [Poulmba](https://www.youtube.com/user/poulmba): Wiki Editor, Tester * [Richie](http://uk-gaming-zone.co.uk): Map Support, Forum Moderator * [Tobias Solem](http://whatthepoch.com/): Tester #### Special Thanks! * [Bohemia Interactive](http://bistudio.com) for an incredible and versatile game engine. * Top Donors: dean4310, Robio, rhinoCRUNCH, B3nzi, Madman2077 * [GTXGaming](http://www.gtxgaming.co.uk) - Dedicated Dev Server * [Survival Servers](https://www.survivalservers.com) - Dedicated Dev Server * [Vilayer](https://www.vilayer.com) - Dedicated Dev Server * [Nitrado](https://server.nitrado.net) - Dedicated Dev Server * [Vert Hosting](https://verthosting.com) - Shared Arma 2 and 3 Dev servers. * Also a thanks goes to all the testers and supporters we missed, you know who you are!