/* Author: Andrew Gregory - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Create a local marker, with options. Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_makeMarker.sqf Example: [player, position player, "ICON", "mil_dot", "Hi, I am a marker.. yay.", "ColorRed", [0.7,0.7], "Border", 42, 0.6,"markerName"] call EPOCH_makeMarker.sqf Parameter(s): _this select 0: Target Object - Used if name not supplied _this select 1: ARRAY / OBJECT - Marker Position (Object should be acceptable) _this select 2 - 9: STRING(S) - Marker parameters. Returns: */ _paramres = params [["_trgt", str(diag_tickTime)],["_mPos", position player],["_mShape","ICON"],["_mType","mil_dot"],["_mColor","ColorBlack"],["_mSize",[0.7,0.7]],["_mBrush",""],["_mDir",0],["_mText",""],["_mAlpha",1],["_mName",""]]; diag_log format["Epoch: ADMIN: Creating marker at %1 called %2 (Params:%3).", _mPos, _trgt, _paramres]; if(_mName == "")then{_mName = str(_trgt) + str(diag_tickTime);}; _mrkr = createMarkerLocal [_mName, _mPos]; _mrkr setMarkerShapeLocal _mShape; _mrkr setMarkerTypeLocal _mType; if!(_mText=="")then{_mrkr setMarkerTextLocal _mText;}; _mrkr setMarkerSizeLocal _mSize; _mrkr setMarkerColorLocal _mColor; if!(_mBrush == "")then{_mrkr setMarkerBrushLocal _mBrush;}; _mrkr setMarkerDirLocal _mDir; _mrkr setMarkerAlphaLocal _mAlpha;