/* Author: Andrew Gregory - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: test code to spawn flocks (unused) Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_code/compile/startFlock.sqf */ // //Flocking (Emergent) Behaviour AI Test / Demo // //An attempt to make UAVs fly with flock / bird / fly swarm like behaviour. //Using the three rules of flocking behaviour with some modifications for Arma //Currently only controls X & Y, Z to be added.. // //USAGE // // As it's only testing at the moment you need to call this sqf (startFlock.sqf) with []execVM "\x\addons\epoch_code\compile\startFlock.sqf" // //CONTROLS: // //INS / DEL - Alignment Up / Down //Home / End - Cohesion Up / Down //PG Up / Pg Dn - Separate up / Down //Up / Down Arrow - Speed Up / Down //Left / Right Arrow - Script Speed Up / Down // //Notes // //Once you have a flock moving away try adding another. Flock spawns above player. _disableAI = { {_this disableAI _x}forEach["TARGET","AUTOTARGET","FSM"]; }; _targetPos = getPosATL player; _targetPos set[2, 42]; axeUAV = createVehicle["I_UAV_01_F", _targetPos, [], 56, "FLY"]; addToRemainsCollector[axeUAV]; axeUAV allowdamage false; axeUAV flyInHeight 42; _grp = createGroup RESISTANCE; _driver = _grp createUnit["I_UAV_AI", position axeUAV, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _driver moveInAny axeUAV; axeUAV call _disableAI; axeHandle = [axeUAV] execFSM "\x\addons\epoch_code\system\flocking.fsm"; for [{_i=0}, {_i<12}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _targetPos = getPosATL player; _targetPos set[2, 42]; _uav = createVehicle["I_UAV_01_F", _targetPos, [], 56, "FLY"]; addToRemainsCollector[_uav]; _uav flyInHeight 42; _grp = createGroup RESISTANCE; _driver = _grp createUnit["I_UAV_AI", position _uav, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _driver moveInAny _uav; _uav allowdamage false; _uav call _disableAI; [_uav] execFSM "\x\addons\epoch_code\system\flocking.fsm"; }; axeLineStart = getPosATL player; axeLineFinish = getPosATL player; onEachFrame { drawLine3D [axeLineStart, axeLineFinish, [1,1,1,1]]; }; EPOCH_KeyDownCustom = { _dikCode = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; _ctrl = _this select 3; _alt = _this select 4; _handled = false; switch (_dikCode) do { case 0xD2: { axeWeightAlign = axeWeightAlign + 0.01; hint format ["ALIGN: %1", axeWeightAlign]; _handled = true; }; case 0xD3: { axeWeightAlign = axeWeightAlign - 0.01; hint format ["ALIGN: %1", axeWeightAlign]; _handled = true; }; case 0xC7: { axeWeightCohese = axeWeightCohese + 0.01; hint format ["COHESE: %1", axeWeightCohese]; _handled = true; }; case 0xCF: { axeWeightCohese = axeWeightCohese - 0.01; hint format ["COHESE: %1", axeWeightCohese]; _handled = true; }; case 0xC9: { axeWeightSpearate = axeWeightSpearate + 0.01; hint format ["SEPARATE: %1", axeWeightSpearate]; _handled = true; }; case 0xD1: { axeWeightSpearate = axeWeightSpearate - 0.01; hint format ["SEPARATE: %1", axeWeightSpearate]; _handled = true; }; case 0xC8: { axeSpeed = axeSpeed + 0.1; hint format ["SPEED: %1", axeSpeed]; _handled = true; }; case 0xD0: { axeSpeed = axeSpeed - 0.1; hint format ["SPEED: %1", axeSpeed]; _handled = true; }; case 0xCB: { axeLoopTime = axeLoopTime + 0.05; hint format ["RESPONSE: %1", axeLoopTime]; _handled = true; }; case 0xCD: { axeLoopTime = axeLoopTime - 0.05; hint format ["RESPONSE: %1", axeLoopTime]; _handled = true; }; }; _handled }; [] spawn { (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{_this call EPOCH_KeyDownCustom}]; }; while {true} do { if (!isNull player) then{ onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos;true;"; }; };