class uavMissionAccepted{ author = "axeman"; title = "UAV Mission Accepted"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 1; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = ""; dialogues[] = {}; callevents[] = {}; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "missionNameSpace getVariable [""InSafeZone"",false]"; faileddialogues[] = {"Mission not allowed in Safe Zone"}; completeCondition = "true"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"uavMissionStart"}; // Not used atm taskLimit = 3; itemSpawn = 3; callEventBinTask = 0; diagSquelch = 30; abandonDist = 100; }; class uavMissionStart{ author = "axeman"; title = "UAV Mission Start"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {"B_UavTerminal"}; triggerDelay = 1; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = ""; dialogues[] = { { "true", {"The UAV terminal is at your feet, Equip it !","Pick up the terminal and equip yourself with it.","Grab the UAV terminal and put it in your GPS slot."} }, { "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player)", {"Hurry it up, pick up and equip the terminal.","Come on, Equip yourself with the terminal.","We don't have all day, get that terminal equipped."} } }; callevents[] = { { "missionNameSpace getVariable [""InSafeZone"",false]", "['Mission not allowed in Safe Zone',5] call Epoch_Message", {} } }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "false"; faileddialogues[] = {"I guess you have better things to do.","Try again later.","You didn't pick up the terminal. Misison Failed !"}; completeCondition = "'B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player"; completedialogues[] = {"That's great, you have 30 seconds to find a safe position.","Find a hidden spot to operate from, take off in 30 seconds.","Find yourself a concealed position to work from, taking off in half a minute."}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"doUAVSpawn"}; // Not used atm taskLimit = 3; itemSpawn = 3; callEventBinTask = 0; diagSquelch = 30; abandonDist = 100; }; class doUAVSpawn{ author = "axeman"; title = "UAV Spawn"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 30; triggerintervall = 2; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = "axeUAV = objNull"; cleanUpCall = ""; dialogues[] = { { "true", {"UAV is ready, get prepared! Connecting in 10 seconds","Here it comes, connecting you in 10 seconds..","Nice spot, connecting you to the UAV in 10 seconds!"} } }; callevents[] = { { "(diag_tickTime - EPOCH_task_startTime) > 40", "_targetPos = (getPosATL player) findEmptyPosition [25,250,""I_UAV_01_F""];axeUAV = createVehicle[""I_UAV_01_F"", _targetPos, [], 10, ""CAN_COLLIDE""];axeUAV disableTIEquipment true;_driver = (group player) createUnit[""I_UAV_AI"", position axeUAV, [], 0, ""CAN_COLLIDE""];_driver moveInAny axeUAV;[axeUAV] remoteExec [""EPOCH_localCleanup"",2]", {} } }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive player)"; faileddialogues[] = {"Lost it already.. Mission Over","Not a willing pilot eh ? Try again later.","Equipment Lost.. Mission Failed !"}; completeCondition = "!(isNull axeUAV)"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"doUAVAttach"}; }; class doUAVAttach{ author = "axeman"; title = "UAV Spawn"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 2; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = "player action [""SwitchToUAVDriver"", axeUAV];addToRemainsCollector[axeUAV];"; cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; dialogues[] = { { "true", {"Woohoo, here we go.. Get it in the air.","Get it in the air, no time to waste","You are a natural kid. Let's fly."} } }; callevents[] = {}; abandonTime = 1200; failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV"; faileddialogues[] = {"Lost it already.. Mission Over","Not a natural pilot. Try again later.","Mission Failed !"}; completeCondition = "(getPosATL axeUAV select 2) > 10"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = "if(SunOrMoon < 1)then{player action [""lightOn"", axeUAV];};"; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"takeOffUAV"}; }; class takeOffUAV{ author = "axeman"; title = "Pilot the UAV"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 8; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; dialogues[] = { { "alive axeUAV", {"Great start.. Lets take this thing for a ride.","We're off, get some practice, I am finding you a target.","Get clear of this area, I am calculating your target."} }, { "alive axeUAV", {"Keep it up, you are doing a great job.","Try and find some targets on your way.","Don't get shot down now !"} } }; callevents[] = { { "diag_tickTime - EPOCH_task_startTime > 30", "", {"uavMission1","uavMission2"} } }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV"; faileddialogues[] = {"Oh dear, that didn't go well..","Try again later.","Misison Failed !"}; completeCondition = "false"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {}; }; class uavMission1{ author = "axeman"; title = "Trader House Recon"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 0; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 2; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 180; markerText = "Trader House Recon"; initcall = "_obj = selectRandom (nearestObjects [axeUAV,[""HOUSE""],2500]);EPOCH_taskMarkerPos = getPosATL _obj;"; cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; dialogues[] = { { "true", {"I need some recon on a nearby house","We need intelligence on a potential trader location.","Help us gather intel on a trader house !"} }, { "EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV > 450", {"I have marked your map, it will be nearby.","Check you map, there is a marker near a safehouse","Search your map for the landing zone, near a traders safehouse."} }, { "EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV < 450", {"Land it nearby and switch off the engine.","You need to land by the house, quietly.","Drop the UAV in the marker, then keep quiet."} } }; callevents[] = {}; abandonTime = 900; failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV"; faileddialogues[] = {"Oh dear, Mission Over !","Mission Failed !"}; completeCondition = "!(isengineOn axeUAV) && EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV < 275"; completedialogues[] = {"Great work, here's your reward."}; completedCALL = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; reward[] = {"ItemGoldBar","ItemGoldBar"}; cleanUp = 1; nextTask[] = {}; }; class uavMission2{ author = "axeman"; title = "Deliver UAV To Trader"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 0; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 2; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 220; markerText = "UAV Trader"; initcall = "_obj = selectRandom (player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],10500] select {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1] > -1 && player distance _x > 50});EPOCH_taskMarkerPos = getPosATL _obj;"; cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; dialogues[] = { { "true", {"I need this UAV delivering to my buddy","Recon a rogue trader, land this near his location.","Land this UAV near the target trader."} }, { "EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV > 450", {"Check your map for his location, you will need to land nearby.","I have marked your map with his location.","Fly to the location marked on your map, then land."} }, { "EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV < 450", {"Get this thing down and the engine off.","Land in the zone and switch your engine off quickly.","Find a landing spot in the area and keep quiet."} } }; callevents[] = {}; abandonTime = 900; failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV"; faileddialogues[] = {"Oh dear, Mission Over !","Mission Failed !"}; completeCondition = "!(isengineOn axeUAV) && EPOCH_taskMarkerPos distance axeUAV < 275"; completedialogues[] = {"Great work, here's your reward."}; completedCALL = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV"; reward[] = {"ItemGoldBar","ItemGoldBar"}; cleanUp = 1; nextTask[] = {}; };