@echo off :: Turn off all firewall rules echo Disabling firewall rules for this server netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="a3Epoch" program="C:\EpochServer\Epochserver_x64.exe" timeout 2 :: MAKE SURE ALL TASKS ARE REALLY STOPPED echo Making sure all instances of this server have stopped taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" /im Epochserver_x64.exe taskkill /f /im Epochserver_x64.exe timeout 2 :: RESTARTING THE ARMA 3 SERVER BE SURE TO EDIT THIS TO YOUR SERVER .EXE LOCATION -NOTE ALSO THIS IS WHERE YOU DEFINE WHERE YOU CONFIG.CFG IS echo Starting ARMA 3 Server... C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start "arma3" "C:\EpochServer\Epochserver_x64.exe" "[email protected];" "[email protected];" -config=C:\EpochServer\sc\server.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=sc -cfg=C:\EpochServer\sc\basic.cfg -name=sc -BEPath=C:\EpochServer\battleye -autoINIT -Loadmissiontomemory echo ARMA 3 Server has started timeout 60 :: THIS RUNS THE SERVER MONITOR FOR YOU SO YOU DON'T FORGET echo Starting Server Monitor Loop set ServerMonitorPath="C:\Epochserver" cd /d %ServerMonitorPath% start "" "servermonitor.bat" echo Server Monitor has started. Have Fun timeout 5 :: Turn On Firewall rule timeout 10 echo Turning on Firewall Rule to allow server network traffic netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="a3Epoch" dir=in action=allow program="C:\Epochserver\Epochserver_x64.exe" enable=yes echo Firewall is on and players can join timeout 5 @exit