/* Trigger Air drop client side via randomly selected player. by Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com Improvements and or bugfixes and other contributions are welcome via the github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_server_settings/EpochEvents/AirDrop.sqf */ // 50% chance every 45 minutes by default _chance = 50; if (random 100 < _chance) then { // get all alive players _players = []; { if (alive _x) then {_players pushBack _x}; } forEach allPlayers; // continue if players found alive if !(_players isEqualTo []) then { // select random player _player = selectRandom _players; // Trigger air drop via player ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _player, true] remoteExec ['EPOCH_unitSpawn',_player]; diag_log format["Epoch: Air Drop Triggered on %1", _player]; }; };