Ignatz_Refuel = nil; Ignatz_Repair = nil; Ignatz_Rearm0 = nil; Ignatz_Rearm1 = nil; Ignatz_Rearm2 = nil; Ignatz_Rearm3 = nil; if (vehicle player == player) exitwith {false}; if !(local vehicle player) exitwith {false}; if (speed vehicle player > 2 || speed vehicle player < -2) exitwith {false}; if (((getpos vehicle player) select 2) > 1) exitwith {false}; private ['_missingammo','_ownedcompletemags','_magname','_actionTitle','_costs','_vehicle','_refuel_costs','_refuel_updateInterval','_refuel_amount','_costsFree','_repair_costs','_repair_repairTime','_fnc_getCosts','_fnc_actionTitle']; _config = 'CfgServicePoint' call EPOCH_returnConfig; _servicepoints = getArray (_config >> worldname >> 'ServicePoints'); _servicepointDist = ["CfgServicePoint", "ServicePointDist", 40] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; if !(({player distance _x < _servicepointDist} count _servicepoints > 0)) exitwith {false}; _Vehicle = vehicle player; if (!(_Vehicle iskindof 'ship') && (((getposasl _Vehicle) select 2) < 1)) exitwith {false}; _repair_costs = ["CfgServicePoint", "repair_costs", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _refuel_costs = ["CfgServicePoint", "refuel_costs", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _refuel_updateInterval = ["CfgServicePoint", "refuel_updateInterval", 1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _refuel_amount = ["CfgServicePoint", "refuel_amount", 0.1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _repairTime = ["CfgServicePoint", "repairTime", 1.2] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _VehiclesAndAmmo = ["CfgServicePoint", "VehiclesAndAmmo", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2; _Ignatz_SP_Array = []; _costsFree = 'free'; _fnc_getCosts = { private ['_typeName','_vehicle','_costs','_cost']; _vehicle = _this select 0; _costs = _this select 1; _cost = 0; { _typeName = _x select 0; if (_vehicle isKindOf _typeName) exitWith { _cost = _x select 1; }; } forEach _costs; _cost }; _fnc_actionTitle = { private ['_itemName','_displayName','_actionName','_costs','_costsText','_actionTitle']; _actionName = _this select 0; _costs = _this select 1; _costsText = _costsFree; if (_costs > 0) then { _costsText = format ['%1 Crypto',_costs]; }; _actionTitle = format ['%1 (%2)', _actionName, _costsText]; _actionTitle }; { if ((typeof _vehicle) == _x select 0) exitwith { { _ammotype = _x select 0; _turret = _x select 1; _maxmags = _x select 2; _costs = _x select 3; _ammocount = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0) >> "count"); _maxammototal = _maxmags*_ammocount; _totalammocount = 0; { if (_ammotype isequalto (_x select 0) && _turret isequalto (_x select 1)) then { _totalammocount = _totalammocount + (_x select 2); }; } foreach (magazinesAllTurrets _vehicle); if (_totalammocount < _maxammototal) then { for '_i' from 1 to 10 do { if (_totalammocount < _i*_ammocount) exitwith { _ownedcompletemags = _i-1; _missingammo = _ammocount*_i - _totalammocount; _costs = round (_costs/_ammocount*_missingammo); }; }; _magname = getText (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _ammotype >> 'displayName'); if (_magname isequalto '') then { _magname = _ammotype; }; _reloagmags = _ownedcompletemags+1; _actionTitle = format['Rearm %1 with %2 round %3 (%4 Crypto)',getText (configFile >> 'Cfgvehicles' >> typeOf _vehicle >> 'displayName'),_missingammo,_magname, _costs]; _Ignatz_SP_Array pushback [_actionTitle,[_vehicle,_ammotype,_turret,_reloagmags,_ammocount,_costs]]; }; } foreach (_x select 1); }; } foreach _VehiclesAndAmmo; _costs = [_vehicle, _refuel_costs] call _fnc_getCosts; _actionTitle = [format['Refuel %1',getText (configFile >> 'Cfgvehicles' >> typeOf _vehicle >> 'displayName')], _costs] call _fnc_actionTitle; Ignatz_Refuel = [_actionTitle,[_vehicle,[_costs, _refuel_updateInterval,_refuel_amount]]]; _costs = [_vehicle, _repair_costs] call _fnc_getCosts; _actionTitle = [format['Repair %1',getText (configFile >> 'Cfgvehicles' >> typeOf _vehicle >> 'displayName')], _costs] call _fnc_actionTitle; Ignatz_Repair = [_actionTitle,[_vehicle,[_costs, _repairTime]]]; if (count _Ignatz_SP_Array > 0) then {Ignatz_Rearm0 = _Ignatz_SP_Array select 0;}; if (count _Ignatz_SP_Array > 1) then {Ignatz_Rearm1 = _Ignatz_SP_Array select 1;}; if (count _Ignatz_SP_Array > 2) then {Ignatz_Rearm2 = _Ignatz_SP_Array select 2;}; if (count _Ignatz_SP_Array > 3) then {Ignatz_Rearm3 = _Ignatz_SP_Array select 3;}; true