	Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com


	Initalize variables used client side and server side

    Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike

private ["_customVarsInit","_antagonistSpawnDefaults","_spawnLimits","_say3dsounds"];
// Init Custom vars
EPOCH_customVars = [];
EPOCH_defaultVars = [];
EPOCH_customVarLimits = [];
EPOCH_customVarsDefaults = [
_customVarsInit = ["CfgEpochClient", "customVarsDefaults", EPOCH_customVarsDefaults] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
	EPOCH_customVars pushBack (_x select 0);
	EPOCH_defaultVars pushBack (_x select 1);
	EPOCH_customVarLimits pushBack (_x param [2,[]]);
} forEach _customVarsInit;
EPOCH_customVarCount = count EPOCH_customVars;

// Init antagonist spawn limits
EPOCH_spawnIndex = [];
EPOCH_spawnLimits = [];
_antagonistSpawnDefaults = [
	["Epoch_Cloak_F", 1],
	["GreatWhite_F", 2],
_spawnLimits = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistSpawnIndex", _antagonistSpawnDefaults] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
	EPOCH_spawnIndex pushBack (_x select 0);
	EPOCH_spawnLimits pushBack (_x select 1);
} forEach _spawnLimits;

//GroupSize (number) // Price (String)
EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl = ["CfgEpochClient", "group_upgrade_lvl", [4,"100",6,"300",8,"500",10,"1000",12,"1500",13,"1750",14,"2000",15,"3000",16,"5000"]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;

// Init 3d sound handler
EPOCH_sounds = [];
EPOCH_soundsDistance = [];
_say3dsounds = "isClass _x" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgSay3Dhandler");
	EPOCH_sounds pushBack (configName _x);
	EPOCH_soundsDistance pushBack getNumber(_x >> "distance");
} forEach _say3dsounds;

// disable remote sensors on server and client as all Epoch AI is local to the side controlling it.
disableRemoteSensors (["CfgEpochClient", "disableRemoteSensors", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2);