**Client** [Added] Drinking a Soda now returns a Empty Soda Can (ItemSodaEmpty). [Added] Eating a can of food now returns a Empty Tin Can (ItemEmptyTin). [Added] Repack magazines feature. Simply select a magazine and press the "Repack" button. [Added] 55 Gallon (210 liters) Fuel Barrel that can be used to refill/siphon vehicles. (Full - ItemBarrelF,Empty - ItemBarrelE). [Added] Ability to siphon fuel from other fuel sources like gas stations and gas tanks (transportFuel > 0). [Added] Crafting Burlap (ItemBurlap) from 2x Hemp (ItemKiloHemp) while at a workbench. [Added] Crafting of Plywood sheets (ItemPlywoodPack) from 3x Wood Log (WoodLog_EPOCH). [Added] Crafting of Aluminum Bars (ItemAluminumBar) from 6x Empty Soda Cans (ItemSodaEmpty) and one jar of water (water_epoch). Also requires a fire nearby. [Added] Crafting of Tin Bars (ItemTinBar) from 6x Empty Soda Cans (ItemEmptyTin) and one jar of water (water_epoch). Also requires a fire nearby. [Added] Copper Bars (ItemCopperBar) that can be crafted from cables (ItemCables) nearby a fire. Cables can also be made from Copper Bars at a workbench. [Added] Briefcase Full (ItemBriefcaseGold100oz) crafted from ten 10oz Gold bars and a Empty Briefcase (ItemBriefcaseE). [Added] Crafting of Bars (ItemGoldBar and ItemSilverBar) from Gold (PartOreGold) and Silver (PartOreSilver) Ores. [ADDED-WIP] Pack/unpack empty backpacks into carryable magazine items. [ADDED-WIP] Hotwire Kit (ItemHotwire). [ADDED-WIP] Key Makers Kit (ItemKeyKit). [ADDED-WIP] Keys in colors: (Black ItemKey,ItemKeyRed,ItemKeyGreen,ItemKeyBlue,ItemKeyYellow). [ADDED-WIP] Metal Pipes (ItemPipe). [ADDED-WIP] Documents (Trash,Books,Vehicle Upgrades) (ItemDoc1-8, ItemVehDoc1-4). [ADDED-WIP] Light Bulb (ItemBulb). [Changed] Upgrading wood Stud wall and Tower to Plywood covered versions requires Plywood (ItemPlywoodPack). [Changed] Debug monitor now shows all custom stats dynamically based on 'customVarsDefaults' config. [Changed] Increased angle that the player is able to aim up. [Changed] Drinking Alcohol increases the new "Alcohol" stat instead of directly effecting blood pressure. [Changed] Crafting Hesco barrier now require 3x Burlap. [Changed] Crafting wood and metal spike traps now also require Sticks and a Hydraulic Jack. [Changed] Change all publicVariableServer calls to use remoteExec calls for better performance. [Fixed] Previous patch had incorrectly reduced armor values of the Cultist. [Fixed] Male(Female) characters lose vest items after equipping opposite sex's vest. [Fixed] Secure storage locking mechanism improvements should prevent any unwanted intrusions. [Fixed] Reworked login to prevent getting stuck at "waiting for inventory". [Fixed] Prevented death just after revive due still having high blood pressure. [Fixed] Incorrectly being able to sell/buy items from a dead trader. [Fixed] Snakes now require line of sight to bite player. [Fixed] Custom epoch swing animations for Hatchet and sledge now work correctly. [Fixed] Boss Sapper incorrectly cleaned up before detonation. **Server** [Added] Newly world spawned vehicles now have randomized damage. [Added] if 5th array element is true 'telePos' config array can now use world position for teleport pads location. [Added] Setting to control random magazine ammo counts in loot spawner. CfgEpochClient -> randomizeMagazineAmmoCount (default: true) [Added] Debug box now dynamically spawns with flood lights to help players see inside the box at night. [Added-WIP] CUP terrain pack support added: - Sahrani - Southern Sahrani - United Sahrani - Porto - Utes - Chernarus - Chernarus Summer - Desert - Takistan - Zargabad - Shapur - Proving Grounds - Bukovina - Bystrica - Takistan Mountains [Changed] Removed support for AIA terrain pack in favor of CUP terrain pack. [Changed] Empty fuel barrel added to large trash and vehicle loot tables. [Changed] Earthquakes with mineral veins spawn chances increased with less players. [Changed] Driver or passengers of a driverless can now control vehicle locks. Also only the owner can control locks from outside of a occupied vehicle. [Changed] Commented out Halloween masks from loot tables. [Changed] Player positions in database now use Epoch precision position functions. [Updated] New Battleye remoteExec.txt for added remoteExec calls. [Fixed] Admin tools map AI markers not working. [Fixed] Static propPos campfires not working on Takistan due to disabled simulation. [Fixed] When killed instead of saving blank array delete (object,trader,vehicle) data from database. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0370.