/* Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Unisex check for vests, gives swing ammo and performs radio changed check Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_UnisexCheck.sqf */ //[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]] private ["_config","_femaleVariant","_mags","_maleVariant","_vest","_vestItems","_woman"]; //[[[end]]] params ["_unit","_container","_item"]; // check for access of a locked container if (_container getVariable['EPOCH_Locked', false]) then { // kick player, TODO: temp ban? EPOCH_kicked = format ["%1 attempted to access a locked %2 with %3",_unit,_container,_item]; publicVariableServer "EPOCH_kicked"; }; _mags = (magazines player) + (handgunMagazine player); // TODO optimize if (_item in ["Hatchet","CrudeHatchet"]) then { if !("Hatchet_swing" in _mags) then { player addMagazine "Hatchet_swing"; }; }; if (_item in ["MeleeSledge","MeleeMaul","MeleeSword","Power_Sword"]) then { if !("sledge_swing" in _mags) then { player addMagazine "sledge_swing"; }; }; if (_item in ["WoodClub","Plunger","MeleeRod"]) then { if !("stick_swing" in _mags) then { player addMagazine "stick_swing"; }; }; //Radio Check if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)) == "ItemRadio") then { if (_item in(assignedItems player)) then { EPOCH_equippedItem_PVS = [_item,true,player]; }; }; if (_item in ["EnergyPack","EnergyPackLg"] && (typeof _container) in ["SolarCharger_EPOCH","SolarChargerXL_EPOCH"]) then { ["Stop Charging ...",5,[[1,0,0,0.2],[1,1,1,1]]] call Epoch_Message; }; // Unisex vest check _woman = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf player) >> "woman"); _config = configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _item; if (_woman == 1) then { if (isClass _config) then { if (isText (_config >> "femaleVest")) then { _femaleVariant = getText (_config >> "femaleVest"); _vest = vest player; if (_item == _vest) then { if (_femaleVariant != _vest) then { // get items in existing vest _vestItems = vestItems player; // remove vest removeVest player; // replace with female variant player addVest _femaleVariant; // readd items to players vest {player addItemToVest _x} forEach _vestItems; }; }; }; }; } else { if (isClass _config) then { if (isText (_config >> "maleVest")) then { _maleVariant = getText (_config >> "maleVest"); _vest = vest player; if (_item == _vest) then { if (_maleVariant != _vest) then { removeVest player; player addVest _maleVariant; }; }; }; }; };