/* Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com Description: Displays custom text message to player, supports any variable and structured text Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_code/gui/scripts/Epoch_dynamicText.sqf Usage: "TEST" call Epoch_dynamicText */ #include "\A3\ui_f\hpp\defineCommonGrids.inc" _in = param [0, "No input given"]; _timer = param [1, 2]; if !(_in isEqualType "STRING") then {_in = str _in}; if (isnil "rmx_var_dtMessageArr") then { rmx_var_dtMessageArr = []; }; if (!isnil "rmx_var_dtEnabled") exitWith { if !([_in, _timer] in rmx_var_dtMessageArr) then //spam protection { rmx_var_dtMessageArr pushBack [_in, _timer]; }; }; rmx_var_dtEnabled = true; rmx_var_dtMessageArr pushBack [_in, _timer]; [GUI_GRID_W, GUI_GRID_H] spawn { params ["_gridW","_gridH"]; disableSerialization; _dsp = findDisplay 46; _c = _dsp ctrlCreate ["rmx_ST2", -8777]; _c2 = _dsp ctrlCreate ["RscText", -8776]; _c3 = _dsp ctrlCreate ["RscText", -8775]; _clr = call rmx_fnc_getColorScheme; _c ctrlSetBackgroundColor [_clr select 0, _clr select 1, _clr select 2, 0.5]; _c2 ctrlSetBackgroundColor _clr; _c3 ctrlSetBackgroundColor _clr; //first animation _width = 0.2 * _gridW; _height = 2 * _gridH; _c ctrlSetPosition [0.5 - _gridW / 2,1,_gridW,_height]; _c2 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 - _gridW / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c3 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 + _gridW / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c ctrlCommit 0; _c2 ctrlCommit 0; _c3 ctrlCommit 0; _cmt = 0.25; //Main queue while {!(rmx_var_dtMessageArr isEqualTo [])} do { _in = rmx_var_dtMessageArr select 0 select 0; _timer = rmx_var_dtMessageArr select 0 select 1; rmx_var_dtMessageArr deleteAt 0; _c ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText _in); _cnt = 0; { _ct = if (_x in [65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90]) then {0.8} else {0.3}; _cnt = _cnt +_ct; } count (toArray _in); _w2 = ((_cnt max 5) min 80) * _gridW; _c ctrlSetPosition [0.5 - _w2 / 2,1,_w2,_height]; _c2 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 - _w2 / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c3 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 + _w2 / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c ctrlCommit _cmt; _c2 ctrlCommit _cmt; _c3 ctrlCommit _cmt; uiSleep _timer; }; //exit with animation _c ctrlSetPosition [0.5 - _gridW / 2,1,_gridW,_height]; _c2 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 - _gridW / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c3 ctrlSetPosition[0.5 + _gridW / 2,1,_width,_height]; _c ctrlCommit _cmt; _c2 ctrlCommit _cmt; _c3 ctrlCommit _cmt; uiSleep _cmt; ctrlDelete _c; ctrlDelete _c2; ctrlDelete _c3; rmx_var_dtEnabled = nil; };