private ["_item","_worth","_cryptoCount","_itemWorth","_itemTax","_tax","_sizeOut","_uiItem","_config"]; params ["_control","_selected"]; _uiItem = (_selected select 0) lbData(_selected select 1); _config = 'CfgPricing' call EPOCH_returnConfig; if (isClass (_config >> _uiItem)) then{ (_selected select 0) lbDelete (_selected select 1); lbSetCurSel[42101, 0]; _cryptoCount = 0; _sizeOut = lbSize 41501; //_array = []; if (_sizeOut > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do { _item = lbData [41501, _i]; //_array pushBack _item; _worth = getNumber(_config >> _item >> "price"); _cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _worth; }; }; ctrlSetText [41004, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])]; _cryptoCount = 0; _sizeOut = lbSize 41502; if (_sizeOut > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do { _item = lbData [41502, _i]; _itemWorth = getNumber(_config >> _item >> "price"); _itemTax = getNumber(_config >> _item >> "tax"); _tax = _itemWorth * (EPOCH_taxRate + _itemTax); _itemWorth = ceil(_itemWorth + _tax); _cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _itemWorth; }; }; ctrlSetText [41005, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])]; };