/* Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com Description: Displays custom text message to player Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_code/gui/scripts/messaging/Epoch_message.sqf Usage: "TEST" call Epoch_message TODO: Add colors */ #include "\A3\ui_f\hpp\defineCommonGrids.inc" _msg = param [0, "No input"]; _time = param [1, 2]; _msg = str (parseText str _msg); //Parses and converts text back to small string if !(isNil "rmx_var_msgQueue") exitWith { rmx_var_msgQueue pushBack [_msg, _time];}; rmx_var_msgQueue = [[_msg, _time]]; [] spawn { private ["_c1pos","_c2pos","_c3pos","_clr","_dsp"]; disableSerialization; _dsp = findDisplay 46; _yPos = 15; _ySize = 2; _c1StartPos = [safeZoneX,((_yPos - _ySize) * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y),safeZoneW, _ySize * GUI_GRID_H]; _c1pos = [safeZoneX,(_yPos * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y),safeZoneW, _ySize * GUI_GRID_H]; _c2pos = [safeZoneX,((_yPos + _ySize) * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y),safeZoneW, _ySize * GUI_GRID_H]; _c3pos = [safeZoneX,((_yPos + _ySize * 2) * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y),safeZoneW, _ySize * GUI_GRID_H]; _getClr = call Epoch_getColorScheme; _clr = [_getClr select 0, _getClr select 1, _getClr select 2, 0.2]; //Start anim _msg = ""; _time = (rmx_var_msgQueue select 0 select 1); _fnc_animFirst = { private "_ctrl"; _ctrl = param [0]; _msg = param [1]; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [_clr select 0, _clr select 1, _clr select 2, 0.2]; _ctrl ctrlSetText _msg; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _c1StartPos; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _c1pos; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0.3; }; _fnc_animShiftCtrl = { private ["_ctrl", "_fade", "_fontSize", "_pos"]; _ctrl = param [0]; _fade = param [1]; _fontSize = param [2]; _pos = param [3]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _pos; _ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight _fontSize; _ctrl ctrlSetFade _fade; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0.3; }; _tick = diag_tickTime; _ctrlArr = []; while {(diag_tickTime - _tick) < _time} do { if !(rmx_var_msgQueue isEqualTo []) then { _msg = (rmx_var_msgQueue select 0 select 0); _time = (rmx_var_msgQueue select 0 select 1); _tick = diag_tickTime; rmx_var_msgQueue deleteAt 0; _uniqueID = switch (count _ctrlArr) do { case 0: { _c = _dsp ctrlCreate ["rmx_t1", call epoch_getIDC]; _ctrlArr = [[_c, _msg]]; [_c, _msg] call _fnc_animFirst; }; case 1: { _c = _dsp ctrlCreate ["rmx_t1", call epoch_getIDC]; _ctrlArr set [count _ctrlArr, [_c, _msg]]; [_c, _msg] call _fnc_animFirst; [_ctrlArr select 0 select 0, 0.5, 0.035, _c2pos] call _fnc_animShiftCtrl; }; case 2: { _c = _dsp ctrlCreate ["rmx_t1", call epoch_getIDC]; _ctrlArr set [count _ctrlArr, [_c, _msg]]; [_c, _msg] call _fnc_animFirst; [_ctrlArr select 1 select 0, 0.5, 0.035, _c2pos] call _fnc_animShiftCtrl; [_ctrlArr select 0 select 0, 0.75, 0.03, _c3pos] call _fnc_animShiftCtrl; }; case 3: { _oldCtrl = (_ctrlArr select 0 select 0); [_oldCtrl] call epoch_getIDC; ctrlDelete _oldCtrl; _ctrlArr deleteAt 0; _c = _dsp ctrlCreate ["rmx_t1", call epoch_getIDC]; _ctrlArr pushBack [_c, _msg]; [_c, _msg] call _fnc_animFirst; [_ctrlArr select 1 select 0, 0.5, 0.035, _c2pos] call _fnc_animShiftCtrl; [_ctrlArr select 0 select 0, 0.75, 0.03, _c3pos] call _fnc_animShiftCtrl; }; }; }; }; //End anim { (_x select 0) ctrlSetFade 1; (_x select 0) ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, ((_yPos + _ySize * (_forEachIndex + 1)) * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y)]; (_x select 0) ctrlCommit (0.4 - ((_foreachIndex + 1) / 10)); } forEach _ctrlArr; uisleep 0.50; { ctrlDelete (_x select 0); } forEach _ctrlArr; rmx_var_msgQueue = nil; }; true