/* Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Custom Epoch keymap Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_code/compile/setup/EPOCH_clientKeyMap.sqf Example: _arr = 2 call EPOCH_clientKeyMap; Parameter(s): TBA Returns: Mixed */ private ["_keyMap","_args","_input","_return"]; params [["_args",0],["_input",0]]; _keyMap = [ //["Name", "Variable name", Default value], ["Action","EPOCH_keysAction",0x39], ["Holster Weapon", "EPOCH_keysHolster", 35], ["Debug Monitor", "EPOCH_keysDebugMon", 41], ["Trade", "EPOCH_keysAcceptTrade", 0x14], ["Volume + (ctrl)","EPOCH_keysVolumeUp",0x0D], ["Volume - (ctrl)","EPOCH_keysVolumeDown",0x0C], ["Build: Mode 1", "EPOCH_keysBuildMode1", 2], ["Build: Mode 2", "EPOCH_keysBuildMode2", 3], ["Build: Direction", "EPOCH_keysBuildDir", 4], //["Build: Static", "EPOCH_keysBuildStatic", 5], ["Build: Move UP", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovUp", 0xC9], ["Build: Move DOWN", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovDn", 0xD1], ["Build: Move FORWARD", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovFwd", 0xC7], ["Build: Move BACK", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovBak", 0xCF], ["Build: Move LEFT", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovL", 0xD2], ["Build: Move RIGHT", "EPOCH_keysBuildMovR", 0xD3], ["Build: Rotate LEFT", "EPOCH_keysBuildRotL", 0x12], ["Build: Rotate RIGHT", "EPOCH_keysBuildRotR", 0x10] ]; switch (_args) do { case 0: //load variables { { call compile format ["%1 = profileNamespace getVariable ['%1', %2]",_x select 1, _x select 2]; } forEach _keyMap; _return = true; }; case 1: //delete all profile namespace variables { { profileNamespace setVariable [_x select 1, nil]; } forEach _keyMap; _return = true; }; case 2: //returns keymap to a caller for processing { _return = _keyMap; }; case 3: //search by variable name and return element if exists (not tested) { _return = { _s = toLower(_x select 1) find toLower _input; if (_s > -1) exitWith {_x}; [] } forEach _keyMap; }; }; _return