Client: [Added] New secure storage device: Safe [Added] Totally new crafting system and UI. [Added] Epoch variant of the unarmed Strider vehicle. (I_MRAP_03_EPOCH) [Added] Melee weapons: a Broad Sword and Fishing Pole. [Added] Halloween Clown mask. [Fixed] Reduce client fps lag when first joining the server. [Fixed] Being unable to removal of solar generator. [Changed] Removed debug hint text for 3d rotation of objects. [Changed] Re-enable Move button. [Changed] Halloween Wolf/Pumpkin masks and Meeps Candy re-added to loot tables. Server: [Added] Example code: Epoch Event provides an example on how to broadcast a message to all players using BE. [Added] 'CfgTraderLimits' config can control stock limit per trader per item. Default is 100 per item class per trader. [Added] storedVehicleLimit variable in CfgEpochServer can now control the total max allowed vehicles on traders. Default limit is 20. [Fixed] Issue with trading vehicles that caused the trader data not to save or to save to the wrong slot. [Fixed] Added missing prices for female vests. [Fixed] Error Generic error in expression in EPOCH_server_repairVehicle. [Changed] Use new sort command instead of BIS_fncSortBy. [Changed] Use new worldSize command as default if maps worldSize setting in CfgEpoch does not exist. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0331. [Info] The source code for the a3_epoch_server.pbo is now on the GitHub. MORE TBA