/* Author: Andrew Gregory - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Mission selection configs and dialogs. Defines the missions for trader menu or triggered event. Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgMissions.hpp */ class EpochMissionList{ traderMissionClasses[] = {"missionDelivery","missionEscort","missionUav","missionSapper","missionSkull","missionMilitary","gameCaptureTheJammer","gameCarRace","infoTime","infoName","infoNews","infoVehicles","infoPeople","helpAirDrop","debugResetMission"}; //Exclude from here to remove from menu and trigger traderMissionActiveNames[] = {}; //Not currently used (WIP) traderMissionLongDesc[] = {}; //Not currently used (WIP) traderMissionActiveLongDesc[] = {}; //Not currently used (WIP) }; class epochMissions { class missionDelivery{ missionName = "Pikes Peak Express"; //Name of mission as it appears in trader list missionToolTip= "Courier."; //Tooltip for trader menu missionDesc = "You must deliver an important message to another trader somewhere else on the map. Choose your trader wisely."; //Misison description as it appears in trader menu. missionDeny = ""; //Specify a call compile condition. If it returns true the mission will be dis-allowed. Title will be rust coloured and prefixed with NOT ALLOWED. missionDenyToolTip = ""; //Provides a tooltip explaining why the mission is denied. prefixed with NOT ALLOWED. tasksList[] = {"prepForDelivery","doDelivery","finishDelivery"}; //Must contain a list of tasks used for this mission, in order. Used to control trader menu when mission is active. WIP - To control mission from this array alone. missionTrigger = ""; //A dynamic trigger that sets off the mission anywhere in-game. e.g. player != vehicle player Not currently used (WIP) missionTriggerDialog[] = {""}; //Randomly selected dialogue that is shown when mission is dynamically triggered. Not currently used (WIP) }; class missionEscort{ missionName = "VIP Escort"; missionToolTip = "Escort a VIP.."; missionDesc = "You must deliver the generals daughter to a secret military base."; missionDeny = "true"; missionDenyToolTip = "Not Ready."; tasksList[] = {"takeEscortDelivery","startEscortMission","AIVehicleFind","rndDenyIfInGroup"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class missionUav{ missionName = "Drone Pilot"; missionToolTip = "Pilot a UAV."; missionDesc = "Fly a drone to another trader and perform reconnaissance over the area. Girls make better pilots."; missionDeny = "missionNameSpace getVariable [""EPOCH_playerEnergy"",0] < 50"; missionDenyToolTip = "You require energy for this mission !"; tasksList[] = {"uavMissionAccepted","doUAVSpawn","doUAVAttach","takeOffUAV","uavMission1","uavMission2","uavMission3"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class missionSapper{ missionName = "Sapper Bait"; missionToolTip = "Lure a sapper back to the trader."; missionDesc = "Traders use sappers as bait for bigger prey, earn a reward."; missionDeny = "true"; missionDenyToolTip = "Not Ready."; tasksList[] = {"takeEscortDelivery","startSapperMission","AIVehicleFind","rndDenyIfInGroup"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class missionSkull{ missionName = "Skulls New Target"; missionToolTip = "Infiltrate a secure location."; missionDesc = "Use your sniper and camouflage skills to complete this mission for a large reward."; missionDeny = "true"; missionDenyToolTip = "Not Ready."; tasksList[] = {"prepForMisssion","moveToContact","TakeMission","leaveContact","moveToMilitary","meetInsurgentContact","spawnCOntact","findPosition","removeTargets","moveIn","takeReward","rndVehicleSpawn","rndLooter","rndSapperSpwn","rndInsurgentTaskBin","rndInsurgentTaksCont"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class missionMilitary{ missionName = "Military Crash"; missionToolTip = "Loot the crashed military vehcile."; missionDesc = "Expect some resistance as you clear out the remaining troops and reap the rewards."; missionDeny = "count weapons player < 1"; missionDenyToolTip = "You are going to need weapons."; tasksList[] = {"milMissionAccepted","milSpawnCrashSite","milMarkCrashSite","milFindCrashSite","milEndCrashSite"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class gameCaptureTheJammer{ missionName = "Capture the Jammer"; missionToolTip = "Mini Game - Fight for control of the base with your group."; missionDesc = "Weapon and ammo drops during the game, the longer you keep the jammer the larger the prize, if you can find it."; missionDeny = "true"; missionDenyToolTip = "Not Ready."; tasksList[] = {"acceptMisssion","tpPlayerFSM","scoreMOnitorFSM","timeoutSpawnRndReward"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class gameCarRace{ missionName = "First Past The Line"; missionToolTip = "Mini Game - Vehicle Race"; missionDesc = "Mini Game - Race your vehicles to the finish point, make it there without stacking into a tree, there may be a prize for the winner."; missionDeny = "true"; missionDenyToolTip = "Not Ready."; tasksList[] = {}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class infoTime{ missionName = "What is the time ?"; missionDesc = "Find out the time from the trader."; missionToolTip = "What's the time"; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderDiagTime"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class infoName{ missionName = "What is your name friend ?"; missionDesc = "Ask the trader his name.."; missionToolTip = "Trader Name"; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderDiagName"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class infoNews{ missionName = "So, what's new ?"; missionDesc = "Ask the trader for news or tips."; missionToolTip = "News"; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderDiagNews"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class infoPeople{ missionName = "Who is nearby ?"; missionDesc = "Find out if there are nearby players."; missionToolTip = "Players"; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderDiagNearby"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class infoVehicles{ missionName = "What Vehicles are Nearby ?"; missionDesc = "Ask the trader if they know of any vehicle locations."; missionToolTip = "Need a Ride."; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderNearVehicles"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class helpAirDrop{ missionName = "Call an Air Drop"; missionDesc = "Helper - Call an airdrop if available"; missionToolTip = "Airdrop Request."; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderTriggerAirDrop"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; class debugResetMission{ missionName = "Reset Missions"; missionDesc = "Experimental - Reset missions cache if stuck on a mission."; missionToolTip = "DEBUG - Reset."; missionDeny = ""; missionDenyToolTip = ""; tasksList[] = {"traderMissionReset"}; missionTrigger = ""; missionTriggerDialog = ""; }; };