_cfgEpoch = configFile >> "CfgEpoch" >> worldname; _debug = if(getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "debugHeliCrashes") isEqualTo 1)then{true}else{false}; _limit = getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "maxSpawnedHeliCrashes"); _counter = missionNameSpace getVariable["EPOCH_HeliCrashCounter",0]; _others = missionNameSpace getVariable["EPOCH_HeliCrashes", [[0,0,0]] ]; _distFromOthers = getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "distFromOtherHeliCrashes"); //STOP THE SCRIPT AND EXIT IF THE COUNTER IS TOO HIGH. if (_counter >= _limit) exitWith { if (_debug) then {diag_log "DEBUG: suppressed HELICRASH spawn over limit"}; }; // decrease chance with more players if (count (allplayers select {alive _x}) == 0) exitwith {}; _chance = 0.1 + (linearConversion [1, 100, (count allPlayers), 0, 0.5, true]); if ((random 1) < _chance) then { _position = [0,0,0]; for "_i" from 0 to 100 step 1 do { _position = [epoch_centerMarkerPosition, 0, EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea, 5, 0, 1000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _goodPos = true; _goodPos = [_position, true, true, false, _others, _distFromOthers] call EPOCH_server_isNearChecks; if(_goodPos)then{ _i = 100; }else{ _position = []; }; }; if ((count _position) == 2) then{ _values = getArray(_cfgEpoch >> "availableHeliCrashes"); if (_values isEqualTo []) exitwith { if (_debug) then {diag_log "DEBUG: suppressed HELICRASH no HeliClasses defined"}; }; _veharray = selectrandom _values; _startpos = [_position, 0, 3000, 5, 0, 1000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; if ((count _startpos) > 2) then { _startpos = [3000,3000]; }; _startpos set [2,600]; _veh = createVehicle [_veharray select 0, _startpos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _veh setpos _startpos; _veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken; _group = creategroup east; _unit = _group createUnit["I_Soldier_EPOCH", [0,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit moveInDriver _veh; _veh flyinheight 200; for '_i' from 0 to 3 do { _group move _position; uisleep 30; }; _time = diag_ticktime; waituntil {uisleep 0.5; !(surfaceiswater (getpos _veh)) || diag_ticktime - _time > 60}; deletevehicle _unit; uisleep 2; _veh setdamage 1; _starttime = diag_ticktime; waituntil {uisleep 0.25; ((getpos _veh) select 2) < 2 || diag_ticktime > _starttime+30}; _pos = getposatl _veh; _pos set [2,0]; deletevehicle _veh; uisleep 0.5; if !(surfaceiswater _pos) then { _veh = createVehicle [_veharray select 1, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setVectorUp surfaceNormal _pos; _veh setPosatl _pos; [objnull,"HeliCrash",false,_pos,[true,[6,12]]] call EPOCH_serverLootObject; // Place markers and get decay, compromised and original colors _markers = []; _originalColors = []; _showMarkers = if(getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "showHeliCrashMarkers") isEqualTo 1)then{true}else{false}; _decayMarkerColor = getText(_cfgEpoch >> "heliCrashDecayMarkerColor"); _compromisedColor = getText(_cfgEpoch >> "heliCrashCompromisedColor"); if (_showMarkers) then{ _markers = ["HeliCrash",_pos] call EPOCH_server_createGlobalMarkerSet; { _originalColors pushBack (getMarkerColor _x); }forEach _markers; // Check for HeightenedPlayerVsPlayer false and remove comprimised coloring if!(getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "HeightenedPlayerVsPlayer") isEqualTo 1)then{ _compromisedColor = getMarkerColor (_markers select 0); }; }; // Tick Counter +1 _counter = _counter + 1; missionNameSpace setVariable["EPOCH_HeliCrashCounter",_counter]; // ADD POSITION TO OTHERS ARRAY missionNameSpace setVariable["EPOCH_HeliCrashes", _others + [_pos]]; // SEND EVENT TO MONITOR _decayTime = getNumber(_cfgEpoch >> "HeliCrashDecayTime"); _serverSettingsConfig = configFile >> "CfgEpochServer"; _timeMultiplier = ([_serverSettingsConfig, "timeMultiplier", 1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry); _rEvents = missionNameSpace getVariable["EPOCH_RunningEvents",[]]; _thisEvent = [_pos, [_veh], [], "EPOCH_HeliCrashCounter", diag_tickTime, (_decayTime * _timeMultiplier), _showMarkers, _markers, _originalColors, _decayMarkerColor, _compromisedColor]; missionNameSpace setVariable["EPOCH_RunningEvents",_rEvents + [_thisEvent]]; _effects = []; { _x params ["_distance","_effect","_sleep"]; { if (!isnull _x) then { deletevehicle _x; }; } foreach _effects; if (isnull _veh) exitwith {}; _effects = []; _fireArray = switch _effect do { case "FIRE_BIG": { ["BigDestructionFire","BigDestructionSmoke"] }; case "SMOKE_MID": { ["","MediumSmoke"] }; case "SMOKE_BIG": { ["","BigDestructionSmoke"] }; default {[]}; }; if !(_fireArray isEqualTo []) then { _fireArray params ["_fire","_smoke"]; if (_fire != "") then { _eFire = "#particlesource" createVehicle (position _veh) ; _eFire setParticleClass _fire; _eFire attachto [_veh, [0,0,-1]]; _effects pushback _eFire; }; if (_smoke != "") then { _eSmoke = "#particlesource" createVehicle (position _veh); _eSmoke setParticleClass _smoke; _eSmoke attachto [_veh, [0,0,-1]]; _effects pushback _eSmoke; }; }; waituntil {uisleep _sleep; !((_pos nearentities _distance) select {isplayer _x} isequalto []) || isnull _veh}; } foreach [[200,"FIRE_BIG",15],[100,"SMOKE_BIG",5],[50,"SMOKE_MID",2]]; }; }; };