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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Modified config for easier reading of each settings comments. Changed all events to PrePostFix 2 with move to that folder Removed events folder from epoch_settings pbo
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Weather Control System
by Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Improvements and or bugfixes and other contributions are welcome via the github:
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_fog","_force","_lightning","_overcast","_rain","_randomDayRainTemp","_randomDayTemp","_randomDirection","_randomFogAfterRainBase","_randomFogAfterRainDecay","_randomFogAfterRainValue","_randomFogBase","_randomFogDecay","_randomFogValue","_randomLightningValue","_randomNightRainTemp","_randomNightTemp","_randomOvercastValue","_randomRainValue","_randomWindStr","_staticWeatherForecast","_temp","_weatherChangeTime","_windVal","_windValX","_windValY"];
// Initalize variable for tracking time between runs.
if (isNil "EPOCH_lastWeatherChange") then {
EPOCH_lastWeatherChange = diag_tickTime;
// get the time between weather change events to use as tranistion time.
_weatherChangeTime = diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastWeatherChange;
// increment timer to current time.
EPOCH_lastWeatherChange = diag_tickTime;
_force = false;
// use config static weather if set.
_staticWeatherForecast = [];
if !(EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast isEqualTo []) then {
_staticWeatherForecast = EPOCH_WeatherStaticForecast;
} else {
// Make database call to get "Weather:InstanceID" that can be set in the database to allow for weather controls outside of the game.
(["Weather", (call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID)] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveGETRANGE) params [["_status", 0 ], ["_data", [] ]];
if (_status == 1 && _data isEqualType [] && !(_data isEqualTo[])) then {
_staticWeatherForecast = _data;
_staticWeatherForecast params ["_tempOVRD","_rainOVRD","_fogOVRD","_overcastOVRD","_windOVRD","_lightningOVRD"];
New weather configs
_randomNightTemp = [0,10,32];
_randomNightRainTemp = [-10,5,25];
_randomDayTemp = [50,95,112];
_randomDayRainTemp = [50,75,99];
_randomFogValue = [0,0.1,0.2] vectorMultiply (1-rain);
_randomFogDecay = [0,0.1,0.2] vectorMultiply (1-rain);
_randomFogBase = [0,10,20] vectorMultiply (1-rain);
_randomFogAfterRainValue = [0,0.15,0.25];
_randomFogAfterRainDecay = [0,0.20,0];
_randomFogAfterRainBase = [0,12,25];
_randomRainValue = [0,1,0];
_randomOvercastValue = [0,1,0];
_randomLightningValue = [0,1,0];
_randomDirection = random 360;
_randomWindStr = random 20;
// config end
_rain = if (isNil "_rainOVRD") then { random _randomRainValue } else { _rainOVRD };
_windVal = [cos _randomDirection,sin _randomDirection,0] vectorMultiply (_randomWindStr * _rain);
_windVal params ["_windValX","_windValY"];
// wind.
if (_rain > 0.1) then {
_randomNightTemp = _randomNightRainTemp;
_randomDayTemp = _randomDayRainTemp;
} else {
// use increase fog settings if just it rained
if (humidity > 0.5) then {
_randomFogValue = _randomFogAfterRainValue vectorMultiply humidity;
_randomFogDecay = _randomFogAfterRainDecay vectorMultiply humidity;
_randomFogBase = _randomFogAfterRainBase vectorMultiply humidity;
if !(isNil "_windOVRD") then {
_windValX = _windOVRD select 0;
_windValY = _windOVRD select 1;
// cooler at night
_temp = if (sunOrMoon < 1) then { random _randomNightTemp } else { random _randomDayTemp };
// force reduced fog if temps are out of range
if (_temp < 32 || _temp > 75) then {
_randomFogValue = _randomFogValue vectorMultiply 0.1;
_randomFogDecay = _randomFogValue vectorMultiply 0.1;
_randomFogBase = _randomFogValue vectorMultiply 0.1;
_fog = if (isNil "_fogOVRD") then { [random _randomFogValue, random _randomFogDecay, random _randomFogBase] } else { _fogOVRD };
_overcast = if (isNil "_overcastOVRD") then { random _randomOvercastValue } else { _overcastOVRD };
_lightning = if (isNil "_lightningOVRD") then { random _randomLightningValue } else { _lightningOVRD };
_weatherChangeTime setFog _fog;
_weatherChangeTime setOvercast _overcast;
_weatherChangeTime setRain _rain;
_weatherChangeTime setLightnings _lightning;
setWind[_windValX, _windValY, true];
// push temp to all players and JIP.
missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER", if (isNil "_tempOVRD") then { round(_temp) } else { _tempOVRD }, true];
// will force weather change if set to true (will cause lag).
if (_force) then {
diag_log format["Epoch: Weather Change - fog: %1 rain: %2 overcast: %3 wind: %4 wind-xy: %5 forced: %6", _fog, _overcast, _rain, [_randomDirection,_randomWindStr], [_windValX,_windValY], _force];