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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
129 lines
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129 lines
4.3 KiB
private["_randomItemArray", "_quan", "_randomLootClass", "_type", "_randomItem", "_object", "_lootPaid", "_mags", "_lootItemWeightedArray", "_lootItemArray", "_weightedItemArray", "_weightedItemArrayCount", "_exit", "_maxPayout", "_lootTable", "_lootTableArray", "_weightedArray", "_weightedArrayCount"];
_object = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_randomizeMagazineAmmoCount = ["CfgEpochClient", "randomizeMagazineAmmoCount", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
if !(isNull _object) then{
_lootTable = [_type, "CfgMainTable", "tables"] call EPOCH_weightedArray;
// diag_log format["%1: lootTable %2", __FILE__, _lootTable];
_lootTableArray = _lootTable select 0;
_weightedArray = _lootTable select 1;
_weightedArrayCount = _lootTable select 2;
if !(_lootTableArray isEqualTo []) then {
_loots = [];
_config = configFile >> "CfgMainTable" >> _type;
_minLoot = getNumber(_config >> "lootMin");
_maxLoot = getNumber(_config >> "lootMax");
_maxPayout = ((random(_maxLoot) * EPOCH_lootMultiplier) min _maxLoot) max _minLoot;
for "_k" from 1 to _maxPayout do {
_loots pushBack (_lootTableArray select(_weightedArray select floor(random _weightedArrayCount)));
// diag_log format["%1: loots: %2", __FILE__, _loots];
// get weighted array
_lootItemWeightedArray = [_x, "CfgLootTable", "items"] call EPOCH_weightedArray;
// diag_log format["%1: lootItemWeightedArray1 %2", __FILE__, _lootItemWeightedArray];
_lootItemArray = _lootItemWeightedArray select 0;
if !(_lootItemArray isEqualTo[]) then {
_weightedItemArray = _lootItemWeightedArray select 1;
_weightedItemArrayCount = _lootItemWeightedArray select 2;
_randomItemArray = _lootItemArray select (_weightedItemArray select floor(random _weightedItemArrayCount));
_randomItem = _randomItemArray select 0;
_type = _randomItemArray select 1;
_quan = 1;
if ((count _randomItem) >= 3) then {
_quan = _randomItem select 2;
_loop = true;
_exit = false;
while {_loop} do {
switch _type do {
case "item": {
_object additemCargoGlobal [_randomItem, _quan];
_loop = false;
case "magazine": {
if (_randomizeMagazineAmmoCount) then {
// spawn a single Magazine with a random ammo count
_magazineSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _randomItem >> "count");
_object addMagazineAmmoCargo[_randomItem, _quan, ceil(random(_magazineSize))];
} else {
// spawn a single full Magazine
_object addMagazineCargoGlobal [_randomItem, _quan];
_loop = false;
case "backpack": {
_object addBackpackCargoGlobal [_randomItem, _quan];
_loop = false;
case "weapon": {
_object addWeaponCargoGlobal [_randomItem, _quan];
_mags = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _randomItem >> "magazines");
if !(_mags isEqualTo []) then {
if (_randomizeMagazineAmmoCount) then {
// spawn a single Magazine with a random ammo count
_magazineSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_mags select 0) >> "count");
_object addMagazineAmmoCargo[_mags select 0, 1, ceil(random(_magazineSize))];
} else {
// spawn a single full Magazine with weapon
_object addMagazineCargoGlobal [_mags select 0, 1];
_loop = false;
case "CfgLootTable": {
// go down the rabit hole
_lootItemWeightedArray = [_randomItem, "CfgLootTable", "items"] call EPOCH_weightedArray;
_lootItemArray = _lootItemWeightedArray select 0;
if !(_lootItemArray isEqualTo[]) then {
_weightedItemArray = _lootItemWeightedArray select 1;
_weightedItemArrayCount = _lootItemWeightedArray select 2;
_randomItemArray = _lootItemArray select(_weightedItemArray select floor(random _weightedItemArrayCount));
_randomItem = _randomItemArray select 0;
_type = _randomItemArray select 1;
} else {
_exit = true;
default {
_exit = true;
if (_exit) exitWith{ diag_log format["%1: CASE DEFAULT WITH %2", __FILE__, _this] };
//diag_log format["DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: %1 %2 %3 type:%4", typeOf _object, _x, _randomItem, _type];
} forEach _loots;