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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- I have no idea, where to upload the new needed pics for DynaMenu, so I have added them into the root folder. Please move to the correct location. - Added needed "PayCrypto" function serverside. This function can only remove Crypto from player. If someone try to add crypto, he will be killed (could also changed to ban?!) - I tried to avoid all Battleye filters (excepted remoteexec, of course). But I have not tested it with Battleye for now.
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if (vehicle player == player) exitwith {false};
if !(local vehicle player) exitwith {false};
if (speed vehicle player > 2 || speed vehicle player < -2) exitwith {false};
if (((getpos vehicle player) select 2) > 1) exitwith {false};
_config = 'CfgServicePoint' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_servicepoints = getArray (_config >> worldname >> 'ServicePoints');
_servicepointDist = ["CfgServicePoint", "ServicePointDist", 40] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
if (_servicepoints isequalto []) exitwith {false};
if !(({player distance _x < _servicepointDist} count _servicepoints > 0)) exitwith {false};
_Vehicle = vehicle player;
if (!(_Vehicle iskindof 'ship') && (((getposasl _Vehicle) select 2) < 1)) exitwith {false};