mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Added to Item Interactions for READ button on click Added to Reading Documents for info on each kit Added inherits from the respective ItemVehDoc so that it can be used for upgrading.
765 lines
21 KiB
765 lines
21 KiB
interactAction: 0 = examine, 1 = eat, 2 = drink, 3 = build
interactAttributes[] = {
/*[[[cog from arma_config_tools import *; json_to_arma()]]]*/
@author = "Aaron Clark - https://EpochMod.com";
@contributors[] = {"Andrew Gregory"};
@description = "Item interaction configs";
@licence = "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike";
@github = "https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp";
class CfgItemInteractions
class Default
interactAction = 0;
class Food_base : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class Food_TinCan_base : Food_base
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemEmptyTin";
class Food_Jar_base : Food_base
interactReturnOnUse = "emptyjar_epoch";
class Food_Cooler_base : Food_base
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCoolerE";
class Drink_base : Default
interactAction = 2;
interactText = "DRINK";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500}};
class Drink_Jar_base : Drink_base
interactReturnOnUse = "emptyjar_epoch";
class Soda_base : Drink_base
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSodaEmpty";
class Item_Build_base : Default
interactAction = 3;
interactText = "BUILD";
class Item_Packed_base : Default
interactAction = 14;
interactText = "UNPACK";
class honey_epoch : Food_Jar_base
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",30},{"BloodP",10}};
interactActions[] = {{"EMPTY","[1,[],'emptyjar_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"}};
class sardines_epoch : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000},{"Toxicity",7}};
class meatballs_epoch : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}};
class scam_epoch : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000}};
class sweetcorn_epoch : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class FoodBioMeat : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000},{"Toxicity",7}};
class TacticalBacon : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500}};
class ItemTrout : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Toxicity",5}};
class ItemSeaBass : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Toxicity",10}};
class ItemTuna : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",2500}};
class ItemTroutCooked : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class ItemSeaBassCooked : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}};
class ItemTunaCooked : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}};
class FoodMeeps : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500}};
class FoodSnooter : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}};
class ItemCooler0 : Food_Cooler_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}};
class ItemCooler1 : Food_Cooler_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3500}};
class ItemCooler2 : Food_Cooler_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",4000}};
class ItemCooler3 : Food_Cooler_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}};
class ItemCooler4 : Food_Cooler_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}};
class WhiskeyNoodle : Drink_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Toxicity",-1},{"Stamina",50},{"Alcohol",10}};
class water_epoch : Drink_Jar_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Toxicity",5,1},{"Stamina",50}};
class clean_water_epoch : Drink_Jar_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Stamina",50}};
class ItemSodaRbull : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Stamina",100}};
class ItemSodaOrangeSherbet : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}};
class ItemSodaPurple : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}};
class ItemSodaMocha : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",650},{"Stamina",150}};
class ItemSodaBurst : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}};
class FoodWalkNSons : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1200},{"Stamina",150}};
class ItemSodaAlpineDude : Soda_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",800}};
class jerrycan_epoch : Default
interactAction = 4;
interactText = "FILL";
interactReturnOnUse = "jerrycanE_epoch";
interactAttributes[] = {10};
interactActions[] = {{"DRINK","[2,[['Toxicity',100],['Alcohol',50]],'jerrycanE_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"},{"EMPTY","[2,[],'jerrycanE_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"}};
class jerrycanE_epoch : Default
interactAction = 5;
interactText = "SIPHON";
interactReturnOnUse = "jerrycan_epoch";
interactAttributes[] = {10};
class FAK : Default
interactAction = 13;
interactText = "USE";
class ItemLockbox : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "LockBox_SIM_EPOCH";
class ItemSafe : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Safe_SIM_EPOCH";
class JackKit : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Jack_SIM_EPOCH";
class EnergyPack : Default
interactAction = 9;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Energy",100}};
class EnergyPackLg : Default
interactAction = 9;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Energy",1000}};
class VehicleRepair : Default
interactAction = 10;
interactText = "USE";
class VehicleRepairLg : Default
interactAction = 11;
interactText = "USE";
class Venom_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Toxicity",20,1}};
class SnakeCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",10,1}};
class SnakeMeat_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}};
class RabbitCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",10,1}};
class CookedRabbit_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}};
class ChickenCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",25,1}};
class CookedChicken_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",2000}};
class GoatCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1}};
class DogCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1},{"Karma",-10}};
class CookedDog_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000},{"Karma",-10}};
class CookedGoat_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}};
class SheepCarcass_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1}};
class CookedSheep_EPOCH : Default
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}};
class KitSpikeTrap : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Spike_TRAP_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitMetalTrap : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Metal_TRAP_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitStudWall : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodLargeWall_EPOCH";
class KitWoodFloor : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodFloor_EPOCH";
class KitWoodHalfFloor : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodHalfFloor_EPOCH";
class KitWoodQuarterFloor : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodQuarterFloor_EPOCH";
class KitWoodStairs : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodStairs_EPOCH";
class KitWoodTower : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodTower_EPOCH";
class KitWoodRamp : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodRamp_EPOCH";
class KitTankTrap : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "TankTrap_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitHesco3 : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Hesco3_EPOCH";
class KitWoodLadder : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodLadder_EPOCH";
class KitFirePlace : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "FirePlace_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitTiPi : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Tipi_SIM_EPOCH";
isStorage = 1;
class KitShelf : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "StorageShelf_SIM_EPOCH";
isStorage = 1;
class KitWorkbench : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Workbench_SIM_EPOCH";
isStorage = 1;
class KitFoundation : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "Foundation_EPOCH";
class KitWoodFoundation : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodFoundation_EPOCH";
class KitSolarGen : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "SolarGen_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitPlotPole : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "PlotPole_SIM_EPOCH";
class KitCinderWall : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "CinderWallHalf_EPOCH";
class PaintCanBase : Default
interactAction = 12;
interactText = "USE";
class PaintCanClear : PaintCanBase
colorName = "None";
textureIndex = 0;
class PaintCanBlk : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Black";
textureIndex = 1;
class PaintCanBlu : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Blue";
textureIndex = 2;
class PaintCanBrn : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Brown";
textureIndex = 3;
class PaintCanGrn : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Green";
textureIndex = 4;
class PaintCanOra : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Orange";
textureIndex = 5;
class PaintCanPur : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Purple";
textureIndex = 6;
class PaintCanRed : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Red";
textureIndex = 7;
class PaintCanTeal : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Teal";
textureIndex = 8;
class PaintCanYel : PaintCanBase
colorName = "Yellow";
textureIndex = 9;
class Poppy : Default
interactAction = 6;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",10},{"Stamina",-100},{"BloodP",-10}};
class Goldenseal : Default
interactAction = 6;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Toxicity",-50}};
class Pumpkin : Default
interactAction = 6;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}};
class Towelette : Default
interactAction = 6;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Soiled",-25}};
class HeatPack : Default
interactAction = 7;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Temp",1}};
class ColdPack : Default
interactAction = 8;
interactText = "USE";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Temp",-1}};
class ItemHotwire : Default
interactAction = 2;
interactText = "USE";
class ItemKeyKit : Default
interactAction = 2;
interactText = "USE";
class ItemBarrelF : Default
interactAction = 4;
interactText = "FILL";
interactAttributes[] = {210};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBarrelE";
class ItemBarrelE : Default
interactAction = 5;
interactText = "SIPHON";
interactAttributes[] = {210};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBarrelF";
class ItemKey : Default
interactAction = 2;
interactText = "USE";
class ItemKeyBlue : ItemKey {};
class ItemKeyGreen : ItemKey {};
class ItemKeyRed : ItemKey {};
class ItemKeyYellow : ItemKey {};
class ItemDoc1 : Default
interactAction = 15;
interactText = "READ";
class ItemDoc2 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc3 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc4 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc5 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc6 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc7 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemDoc8 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemVehDoc1 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemVehDoc2 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemVehDoc3 : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemVehDoc4 : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {};
class ItemBulb : Default {};
class ItemBurlap : Default {};
class ItemBriefcaseE : Default {};
class ItemBriefcaseGold100oz : Default {};
class ItemBriefcaseSilver100oz : Default {};
class ItemAluminumBar : Default {};
class ItemAluminumBar10oz : Default {};
class ItemCopperBar : Default {};
class ItemCopperBar10oz : Default {};
class ItemTinBar : Default {};
class ItemTinBar10oz : Default {};
class ItemPlywoodPack : Default {};
class ItemComboLock : Default {};
class CircuitParts : Default {};
class Pelt_EPOCH : Default {};
class ItemPipe : Default {};
class ItemEmptyTin : Default {};
class ItemSodaEmpty : Default {};
class emptyjar_epoch : Default {};
class PartPlankPack : Default {};
class CinderBlocks : Default {};
class MortarBucket : Default {};
class ItemKiloHemp : Default {};
class ItemTopaz : Default {};
class ItemOnyx : Default {};
class ItemSapphire : Default {};
class ItemAmethyst : Default {};
class ItemEmerald : Default {};
class ItemCitrine : Default {};
class ItemRuby : Default {};
class ItemQuartz : Default {};
class ItemJade : Default {};
class ItemGarnet : Default {};
class ItemMixOil : Default {};
class ItemDocument : Default {};
class ItemDocumentMission : Default {};
class ItemSilverBar : Default {};
class ItemSilverBar10oz : Default {};
class ItemGoldBar : Default {};
class ItemGoldBar10oz : Default {};
class ItemRock : Default {};
class ItemStick : Default {};
class ItemRope : Default {};
class PartOre : Default {};
class PartOreSilver : Default {};
class PartOreGold : Default {};
class ItemPacked : Default {};
class ItemSolar : Default {};
class ItemCables : Default {};
class ItemBattery : Default {};
class ItemScraps : Default {};
class ItemCorrugated : Default {};
class ItemCorrugatedLg : Default {};
class 5Rnd_rollins_mag : Default {};
class CSGAS : Default {};
class sledge_swing : Default {};
class stick_swing : Default {};
class hatchet_swing : Default {};
class WoodLog_EPOCH : Default {};
class ItemCoolerE : Default {};
class lighter_epoch : Default {};
class Item_AssaultPack_cbr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_cbr";
class Item_AssaultPack_dgtl : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_dgtl";
class Item_AssaultPack_khk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_khk";
class Item_AssaultPack_mcamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo";
class Item_AssaultPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_ocamo";
class Item_AssaultPack_rgr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_rgr";
class Item_AssaultPack_sgg : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_sgg";
class Item_AssaultPack_blk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_blk";
class Item_Carryall_cbr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_cbr";
class Item_Carryall_khk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_khk";
class Item_Carryall_mcamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_mcamo";
class Item_Carryall_ocamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_ocamo";
class Item_Carryall_oli : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_oli";
class Item_Carryall_oucamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_oucamo";
class Item_FieldPack_blk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_blk";
class Item_FieldPack_cbr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_cbr";
class Item_FieldPack_khk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_khk";
class Item_FieldPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_ocamo";
class Item_FieldPack_oli : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_oli";
class Item_FieldPack_oucamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_oucamo";
class Item_Kitbag_cbr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_cbr";
class Item_Kitbag_mcamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_mcamo";
class Item_Kitbag_rgr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_rgr";
class Item_Kitbag_sgg : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_sgg";
class Item_TacticalPack_blk : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_blk";
class Item_TacticalPack_mcamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_mcamo";
class Item_TacticalPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_ocamo";
class Item_TacticalPack_oli : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_oli";
class Item_TacticalPack_rgr : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_rgr";
class Item_smallbackpack_red : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_red_epoch";
class Item_smallbackpack_green : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_green_epoch";
class Item_smallbackpack_teal : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_teal_epoch";
class Item_smallbackpack_pink : Item_Packed_base
interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_pink_epoch";