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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Configs: -Custom wrecks : ClassName string expected -Custom locations : Posistion Array{x,y,z} expected Description: -This upgrade was to provide maps without the built-in terrain objects "SHIPWRECK" to have this feature available with a few custom locations added to the servers config. Function Changes: -Custom Locations and Wrecks Classnames are pulled from the config variable. -Wrecks are created and added to the already gathered array of Terrain Objects "SHIPWRECK". -On Maps without these terrain objects, the original array will be empty[], and then the custom locations will populate it from there. -On Maps with these terrain objects, the custom locations are added to the already populated array of "SHIPWRECK"'s and will then become part of the random selection of all known shipwrecks and custom locations. Remember custom shipwrecks have a distance check and will stop a loot spawn if there is already another shipwreck within the configured amount.
390 lines
13 KiB
390 lines
13 KiB
Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Epoch Server Settings Config
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
#define _ARMA_
class CfgPatches {
class A3_server_settings {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
epochVersion = "1.1.0";
requiredAddons[] = {};
#include "build.hpp"
// inport loot tables
#include "configs\CfgMainTable.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_CUP.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_MAD.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_MADCUP.h"
// vehicle textures
#include "configs\CfgEpochVehicles.h"
// security checks
#include "configs\security\security_checks.h"
// props template
#include "configs\templates\CfgPropTemplate.h"
// import settings
class CfgEpochServer
#include "\@epochhive\epochah.hpp"
#include "\@epochhive\epochconfig.hpp"
// map config
class CfgEpoch
class Default
worldSize = 12000;
vehicleSpawnTypes[] = {
// Radiation System
radioactiveLocations[] = {"NameCityCapital", "NameCity", "Airport"};
radioactiveLocationsCount = 3;
// BlackList radioactive locations spawn by object and distance
radioactiveLocBLObjects[] = {"PlotPole_EPOCH"};
radioactiveLocBLDistance = 500;
// Custom Locations for Radiation
customRadioactiveLocations[] = {
// {{position , intensity , object},
// {{11650,11900,0}, 500, "Land_Device_assembled_F"},
// {{0,0,0}, 0, ""} //any of these will throw an error in the rpt
// Traders
traderBlds[] = {"House", "Building"};
traderHomes[] = {"House", "Building"};
traderUniforms[] = {"U_OG_leader", "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", "U_C_Poloshirt_blue", "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", "U_C_Poor_1", "U_C_WorkerCoveralls", "U_C_Journalist", "U_C_Scientist", "U_OrestesBody"};
// Debug Box
telePos[] = {};
lightPos[] = {
debugBoxClass = "Debug_static_F";
cloneClasses[] = {"clone_empty_static_F", "clone_male_static_F", "clone_female_static_F"};
// Settings for Events, Missions, etc
spawnDistanceFromPlayers = 500;
spawnDistanceFromJammers = 1000;
spawnDistanceFromTraders = 2000;
HeightenedPlayerVsPlayer = 1; // 0 = OFF
// Shipwrecks Loot Box Spawner
shipwreckLootEnabled = 1; // 0 = OFF
debugShipwreckLoot = 0; // 1 = ON
showBoatLootMarkers = 1;
maxSpawnedShipwrecks = 12;
distFromOtherShipwrecks = 750;
shipwreckDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown"; // decay changes icon (_markers select 2)
shipwreckCompromisedColor = "ColorRed"; // compromised changes active surround (_markers select 0)
shipwreckCustomWrecks[] = {"Land_UWreck_FishingBoat_F", "Land_UWreck_Heli_Attack_02_F", "Land_UWreck_MV22_F"};
shipwreckCustomLocs[] = {};
// Plant Spawner
debugPlantSpawner = 0;
showPlantMarkers = 1;
maxPlantSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherPlants = 2500;
plantDecayTime = 1200; //Half this time results in decayMarkerColor marker
plantDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
plantCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availablePlants[] = {"Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Poppy_EPOCH", "Pumpkin_EPOCH"};
// Carnival and Loot Box Spawner
debugCarnivalSpawner = 0;
showCarnivalMarkers = 1;
maxCarnivalSpawns = 2;
distFromOtherCarnivals = 5000;
carnivalDecayTime = 3600;
carnivalDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
carnivalCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
carnivalSpawnedObjects[] = {"Carnival_Tent", "Land_Slide_F", "Carnival_Tent", "Land_Carousel_01_F", "Carnival_Tent", "Carnival_Tent"};
// EarthQuake and Mineral Deposit Spawner
debugEarthquakeSpawner = 0;
showEarthquakeMarkers = 1;
maxEarthquakeSpawns = 3;
distFromOtherEarthquakes = 1500;
earthquakeDecayTime = 2400;
earthquakeDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
earthquakeCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availableMinerals[] = {"MineralDepositCopper_EPOCH", "MineralDepositGold_EPOCH", "MineralDepositSilver_EPOCH"};
// Container Spawner
debugContainerSpawner = 0;
showContainerMarkers = 1;
maxContainerSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherContainers = 3500;
containerDecayTime = 1200;
containerDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
containerCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
// Satellite Crash Spawner
debugSatelliteSpawner = 0;
showSatelliteMarkers = 1;
maxSatelliteSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherSatellites = 2500;
satelliteDecayTime = 2700;
satelliteDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
satelliteCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availableSatellites[] = {"Land_Wreck_Satellite_EPOCH"};
propsPos[] = {
// Will accept several variations of this entry to place objects on the map
// _className - STRING - Class name of the object to spawn
// _position - ARRAY - posATL of the object placement
// _direction - NUMBER or ARRAY - Accepts direction 0-360 or accepts Vector Direction and UP array
// _deSimulate - BOOLEAN - Turns simulation off at spawn to save on performance
// _dynamicSimulation(OPTIONAL) - BOOLEAN - Add the object to arma3 dynamic sim system
// _destruction(OPTIONAL) - BOOLEAN - Setting this to true will allow damage to the object
// _damage(OPTIONAL) - NUMBER - Preset damage limited to maximum 0.75 (75% damaged)
// {_classname, _position, _direction, _deSimulate, _dynamicSimulation, _destruction, _damage},
// 1 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, 119.966, true},
// 2 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, {{0,0,0},{0,0,1}}, true},
// 3 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, {{0,0,0},{0,0,1}}, true, true, false, 0},
staticNpcPos[] = {};
allowedVehiclesList[] = {
{"I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 3},
allowedVehiclesList_CUP[] = {
{"I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 2},
allowedVehiclesList_MAD[] = {
allowedVehiclesList_MADCUP[] = {
#include "configs\maps\bornholm.h"
#include "configs\maps\stratis.h"
#include "configs\maps\altis.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarusredux.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus_summer.h"
#include "configs\maps\australia.h"
#include "configs\maps\takistan.h"
#include "configs\maps\Zargabad.h"
#include "configs\maps\esseker.h"
#include "configs\maps\Sara.h"
#include "configs\maps\SaraLite.h"
#include "configs\maps\Sara_dbe1.h"
#include "configs\maps\Bootcamp_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Desert_E.h"
#include "configs\maps\Mountains_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Porto.h"
#include "configs\maps\ProvingGrounds_PMC.h"
#include "configs\maps\Shapur_BAF.h"
#include "configs\maps\Utes.h"
#include "configs\maps\Woodland_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Napf.h"
#include "configs\maps\tanoa.h"
#include "configs\maps\Malden.h"
#include "configs\maps\abramia.h"
#include "configs\maps\dingor.h"
#include "configs\maps\IslaDuala3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Kapaulio.h"
#include "configs\maps\lingor3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Panthera3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Winthera3.h"