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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- Added E-Pad to DynaMenu (can be disabled) - Fix to not close E-Pad on space release - Removed MapMarkers from Map-DynaMenu (moved into E-Pad)
210 lines
6.9 KiB
210 lines
6.9 KiB
class e_pad_config
LoadVarsFromProfile[] = { // Variables, that will be loaded from profile on connect
class Apps
class FullExample
ButtonText = "app10"; // Static Button Text
ButtonTextCode = "if (true) then {'Text'} else {''}"; // Variable Button Text - will overwrite static Button Text, if defined
Description = ""; // Static Description Text
DescriptionCode = "if (true) then {'Desctription'} else {''}"; // Variable Description Text - will overwrite static Description Text, if defined
Icon = ""; // Static Icon on Button
IconCode = "if (true) then {'addons\MyIcon.paa'} else {''}"; // Variable Icon - will overwrite static Icon, if defined
color[] = {1,1,1,1}; // default color for Icon / Button text
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1}; // Icon / Button color if toggleable and variable is toggled (true)
action = ""; // code to run on button click
Tooltip = "PLACE-HOLDER"; // Static Tooltip
TooltipCode = "if (true) then {'My ToolTip'} else {''}"; // Variable Tooltip - will overwrite static Tooltip, if defined
ToggleVar = ""; // Script will check this variable. If true, Button is toggled and color change to "colortoggled"
ToggleAble = "false"; // if "true", the defined variable will be toggled (and saved to profile) on buttonclick
class SubMenu { // On Buttonclick, a new submenu will be opened with defined classes here
class settings
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Settings";
Icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\settings_ca.paa";
color[] = {1,1,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltip = "Settings";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class EpadButton {
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Epad Dyna";
Icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\epoch_tablet_back.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltip = "Add / Remove E-Pad Button from DynaMenu (you can still open it with F10)";
ToggleVar = "EPOCH_EpadButtonOn";
ToggleAble = "true";
class Reset {
ButtonText = "Reset";
Description = "Reset Settings";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "[] spawn {_confirm = ['Reset all E-Pad Settings? Sure?','WARNING!',true,true] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage; if (_confirm) then {call Epoch_EPad_Reset; [] call EPOCH_EPad_dialog}}";
Tooltip = "Reset all settings";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class playerMarker
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Playermarker";
icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\gps.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "if (!EPOCH_PlayerMarkerOn) then {if !('ItemGPS' in (assignedItems player)) then {['You need a GPS to see your Position',5] call epoch_message}}";
tooltip = "Toggle player marker";
ToggleVar = "EPOCH_PlayerMarkerOn";
ToggleAble = "true";
class deathMarker
ButtonText = "";
Description = "DeathMarker";
icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\skull.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "if (!EPOCH_DeathMarkerOn) then {if ((profileNameSpace getVariable ['EPOCHLastKnownDeath',[]]) isequalto []) then {['You had no GPS on last death',5] call epoch_message}}";
tooltip = "Toggle death marker";
ToggleVar = "EPOCH_DeathMarkerOn";
ToggleAble = "true";
class Earplug {
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Auto-Earplugs";
icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\Earplugs.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltip = "Toggle Auto-Earplugs";
ToggleVar = "EPOCH_AutoEarplug";
ToggleAble = "true";
class SubSub {
ButtonText = "SubMenu";
Description = "Sub Menu";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltip = "Open Sub-Sub Menu";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class SubSub1 {
ButtonText = "SubSub1";
Description = "Sub Sub Menu";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltip = "App in SubSub Menu";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class info
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Server Info";
Icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\server_info_icon_ca.paa";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "createDialog 'server_info_picture'";
Tooltip = "Display server Info";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class debug
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Debug";
Icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\debug_ca.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "if !(EPOCH_debugMode) then {['Debug Mode Enabled', 5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,1,0,1]]] call Epoch_message;} else {['Debug Mode Disabled', 5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,1,0,1]]] call Epoch_message;hintSilent ''};";
Tooltip = "DebugMonitor";
ToggleVar = "EPOCH_debugMode";
ToggleAble = "true";
class reviveable
ButtonText = "";
Description = "Reviveable?";
Icon = "epoch_code\customs\images\Reviveable.paa";
color[] = {1,0,0,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "";
Tooltipcode = "if (Epoch_canBeRevived) then {'Reviveable: true'} else {'Reviveable: false'}";
ToggleVar = "Epoch_canBeRevived";
ToggleAble = "false";
class news
ButtonText = "News";
Description = "Tips";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""epoch_code\gui\scripts\e_pad\Apps\traderDiag_news.sqf""";
Tooltip = "News";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class web
ButtonText = "WEB";
Description = "Web links";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""epoch_code\gui\scripts\e_pad\Apps\web.sqf""";
Tooltip = "WEB LINK";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class vehs
ButtonText = "Vehicle";
Description = "Near Vehicle";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "[250,1000] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""epoch_code\gui\scripts\e_pad\Apps\traderDiag_nearVehicles.sqf""";
Tooltip = "Scan for near Vehicles (costs 250 energy)";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
class players
ButtonText = "Player";
Description = "Near Player";
Icon = "";
color[] = {1,1,1,1};
colortoggled[] = {0,1,0,1};
action = "[250,250] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""epoch_code\gui\scripts\e_pad\Apps\traderDiag_nearPlayers.sqf""";
Tooltip = "Scan for near Players (costs 250 energy)";
ToggleVar = "";
ToggleAble = "false";
}; |