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Epoch Mod Survival Gamemode
Author: Epoch Mod Team - EpochMod.com
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
author = "Epoch Mod Team";
class Header
gameType = Survive;
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 200;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 600;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnButton = 0;
respawnOnStart = -1;
onPauseScript = "epoch_code\gui\scripts\Epoch_onPause.sqf";
onLoadMission= "Epoch";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Epoch Mod";
loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa";
OnLoadIntroTime = 0;
OnLoadMissionTime = 0;
onLoadName = "Epoch Mod";
disabledAI = 1;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
disableChannels[]={{0,true,true},{1,false,true},{2,true,true},{6,true,true}}; // allow text only on side chat
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
enableDebugConsole = 0;
joinUnassigned = 0;
forceRotorLibSimulation = 1;
saving = 0;
corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1200;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
disableRandomization[] = {"All"};
showHUD[] =
true, // Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command)
true, // Vehicle + soldier info
true, // Vehicle radar
true, // Vehicle compass
true, // Tank direction indicator
false, // Commanding menu
false, // Group Bar
true, // HUD Weapon Cursors
false // Squad Radar
#include "Configs\CfgServicePoint.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgItemSort.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgTraderMissions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgMissions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgMissionsTasks.hpp"
#include "Configs\cfgCrafting.hpp"
#include "Configs\cfgPricing.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgDynamicHUD.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgEpochClient.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgMasterLoop.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgBaseBuilding.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgSnapChecks.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgActionMenu\CfgActionMenu_core.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgEpochConfiguration.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgClientFunctions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgObjectInteractions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgItemInteractions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgSay3Dhandler.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgSwitchMovehandler.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgVehicleUpgrades.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgReadingDocuments.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgDynamicSimulation.hpp"
// A3 specific configs
#include "Configs\CfgFunctions.hpp"
#include "Configs\CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
class CfgEpochBuild
#include "build.hpp"