mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
all markers now scaled based on sizing desired in the cfgMarkerSets. Adjustment of 2.25 to the mapScale was added to achieve smaller markers sooner and maintain non cluttered map markers
415 lines
17 KiB
415 lines
17 KiB
// init
_forceBloodRise = false;
_forceBloodDrop = false;
_forceFatigue = false;
_allowBloodDrop = false;
_forceStaminaDrop = false;
_playerBloodP = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerBloodPKey, _playerBloodPDefault];
_warnbloodPressure = _playerBloodP > 120;
_increaseStamina = true;
_val = 0;
// AR HUD Target start
_currentTarget = objNull;
_currentTargetMode = 0;
_cursorTarget = ([10] call EPOCH_fnc_cursorTarget);
if (!isNull _cursorTarget && {!(EPOCH_target isEqualTo _cursorTarget)}) then {
_interactType = typeOf _cursorTarget;
_interaction = (_cfgObjectInteractions >> _interactType);
if (isClass(_interaction)) then {
_currentTargetMode = getNumber (_interaction >> "interactMode");
_allowTarget = switch (getNumber (_interaction >> "aliveState")) do {
case 1: {!(alive _cursorTarget)};
case 2: {(alive _cursorTarget)};
default {true};
if (_allowTarget) then {
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
// AllVehicles = vehicles=0, bases=1
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_modular_F" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_static_F") then {
_currentTargetMode = 1;
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
EPOCH_currentTarget = _currentTarget;
EPOCH_currentTargetMode = _currentTargetMode;
// AR HUD target end
// dynamic HUD start
_x params [["_selectedVar",[]],["_HUDclass","topRight"],["_ctrlText",""],["_criticalAttributes",[]]];
_selectedVar params [["_selVarName",""],["_selVarType",""],["_selVarSubData",""],["_extraLogicRaw",[]],["_selVarLimits",[]]];
_varIndex = _customVarNames find _selVarName;
if (_varIndex != -1 || !(_selVarLimits isEqualTo [])) then {
if (_selVarLimits isEqualTo []) then {
_selVarLimits = _customVarLimits select _varIndex;
_currentVarVal = [_selVarName,_varIndex,_selVarType,_selVarSubData] call EPOCH_fnc_returnHudVar;
_selVarLimits params [["_playerLimitMax",100],["_playerLimitMin",0],["_playerWarnLimit",101],["_playerCriticalLimit",101],["_playerWarnLow",0],["_playerCriticalLow",0]];
_extraLogic = false;
if !(_extraLogicRaw isEqualTo []) then {
_extraLogicRaw params [["_extraLogicType",""],["_extraLogicCond",""],["_extraLogicData",""]];
_extraLogicVarName = "";
_extraLogicDefaultValue = "";
if (_extraLogicType isEqualType []) then {
_extraLogicType params [["_extraLogicVarName",""],["_extraLogicType",""],["_extraLogicDefaultValue",""]];
_extraVarIndex = _customVarNames find _extraLogicVarName;
_extraLogic = [([_extraLogicVarName,_extraVarIndex,_extraLogicType,_extraLogicDefaultValue] call EPOCH_fnc_returnHudVar),_extraLogicCond,_extraLogicData] call EPOCH_fnc_arrayToLogic;
if (_playerLimitMax isEqualType "") then {
_playerLimitMax = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerLimitMax, 0];
if (_playerLimitMin isEqualType "") then {
_playerLimitMin = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerLimitMin, 0];
_warnLow = _currentVarVal < _playerWarnLow;
_warnHigh = _currentVarVal > _playerWarnLimit;
_criticalLow = _currentVarVal <= _playerCriticalLow;
_criticalHigh = _currentVarVal >= _playerCriticalLimit;
if (_warnHigh || _warnLow || _extraLogic) then {
_hudIndex = missionNamespace getVariable [format["EPOCH_dynHUD_%1",_HUDclass],1];
_curCtrl = [_HUDclass,_hudIndex] call epoch_getHUDCtrl;
missionNamespace setVariable [format["EPOCH_dynHUD_%1",_HUDclass], _hudIndex + 1];
if (_ctrlText isEqualType []) then {
_ctrlText = if (_warnHigh) then {_ctrlText select 0} else {_ctrlText select 1};
_curCtrl ctrlSetText _ctrlText;
_critical = (_criticalHigh || _criticalLow);
if (_critical) then {
if ((_criticalAttributes param [0,""]) isEqualType []) then {
_criticalAttributes = _criticalAttributes select _criticalLow;
_forceUpdate = "forceUpdate" in _criticalAttributes;
_forceFatigue = "forceFatigue" in _criticalAttributes;
_forceBloodRise = "forceBloodRise" in _criticalAttributes;
_forceBloodDrop = "forceBloodDrop" in _criticalAttributes;
[_curCtrl,0.55] call epoch_2DCtrlHeartbeat;
// todo make this reversable or even limited to a color range.
_color = [_playerLimitMin,_playerLimitMax,_currentVarVal,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_curCtrl ctrlSetTextColor _color;
} forEach _hudConfigs;
// dynamic HUD end
// cause Fatigue if cold or hot, also increase blood pressure if thristy or hungry.
if (_forceBloodRise || _forceFatigue) then {
_increaseStamina = false;
} else {
_playerStamina = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerStaminaKey, _playerStaminaDefault];
if (_playerStamina > 0 && !_panic) then {
_allowBloodDrop = true;
// force Fatigue
if (_forceFatigue) then {
player setFatigue 1;
} else {
if (!_warnbloodPressure) then {
player setFatigue 0;
// force Blood Pressure Rise
if (_forceBloodRise) then {
_playerBloodP = [_playerBloodPKey, 0.05, _playerBloodPMax , _playerBloodPMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
} else {
if (_allowBloodDrop || _forceBloodDrop) then {
// allow player to bleed out or die from hypothermia
_lowerBPlimit = [100,0] select (isBleeding player || _forceBloodDrop);
_playerBloodP = [_playerBloodPKey, -1, _playerBloodPMax , _lowerBPlimit] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// check if player On Foot
_isOnFoot = isNull objectParent player;
if (_isOnFoot) then {
_val = log(abs(speed player));
_staminaThreshold = [0.7,0.3] select (underwater player);
if (_val > _staminaThreshold) then {
_forceStaminaDrop = true;
// Decrease Stamina
if (_forceStaminaDrop) then {
_playerStamina = [_playerStaminaKey, -(_val/4), EPOCH_playerStaminaMax , 0] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
} else {
// Increase Stamina if player is not Fatigued
if (_increaseStamina && (getFatigue player) == 0) then {
// EPOCH_playerStamina = (EPOCH_playerStamina + 0.5) min EPOCH_playerStaminaMax;
_playerStamina = [_playerStaminaKey, 0.5, EPOCH_playerStaminaMax , 0] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// ~ debug
if (EPOCH_debugMode) then {
private _hours = floor(servertime/60/60);
private _customVars = "";
if !(_x in ["AliveTime","SpawnArray","HitPoints","MissionArray","NotUsed"]) then {
private _varName = format["EPOCH_player%1",_x];
private _varNameTmp = call compile format["_player%1Key",_x];
if !(isNil "_varNameTmp") then {_varName = _varNameTmp};
private _val = missionNamespace getVariable [_varName,_defaultVarValues select _forEachIndex];
if (_x == "Temp") then {
_customVars = _customVars + format["<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>%1: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%2°F | %3°C</t><br/>", _x,_val,_val call EPOCH_convertTemp];
} else {
_customVars = _customVars + format["<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>%1: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%2</t><br/>", _x,_val];
}forEach _customVarNames;
hintSilent parseText format ["
<t size='1.25' font='puristaLight' align='center'>Welcome to Epoch!</t><br/>
<t size='1.18' font='puristaLight' align='center'>Current Version: %1</t><br/>
<t size='1.0' font='puristaLight' align='center'>Build: %2</t><br/>
" + _customVars + "
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Karma: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%17</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Fatigue: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Damage: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Bleeding: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Bleed Time: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Oxygen: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%7</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Air Temp: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%8</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Water Temp: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%9</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Rain: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%10</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Overcast: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%11</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Hours Alive: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%12</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>FPS: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%13</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Server uptime: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%14h %15m</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Server FPS: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%16</t><br/>",
getText(configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "Epoch" >> "version"),
getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgEpochBuild" >> "build"),
(getFatigue player),
(damage player),
(isBleeding player),
(getBleedingRemaining player),
(getOxygenRemaining player),
format ["%1°F | %2°C",(EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER/2),(EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER/2) call EPOCH_convertTemp],
round diag_fps,
if (EPOCH_diag_fps isEqualType 0) then [{EPOCH_diag_fps},{"MANIPULATED"}],
missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_totalKarma",0]
// player to player trade loop
call EPOCH_TradeLoop;
// blank out unused hud elements and prepare for next loop
_hudIndex = missionNamespace getVariable [format["EPOCH_dynHUD_%1","topRight"],1];
for "_i" from _hudIndex to 9 do {
_c = ["topRight",_i] call epoch_getHUDCtrl;
_c ctrlSetText "";
missionNamespace setVariable [format["EPOCH_dynHUD_%1","topRight"], nil];
// EPOCH TraderMissions
if (!isnil "EPOCH_ResetTraderMission") then {
if (!isNil "EPOCH_taskMarker") then{
EPOCH_taskMarker params ["_mkrName","_taskMarkerVis"];
[player,_taskMarkerVis,_mkrName] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_removeMarker",2];
EPOCH_taskMarker = nil;
if !(_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray isequalto []) then {
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray params ["_mainblock"];
_mainblock params ["","","","","",["_missionCleanUpCall",""]];
call _missionCleanUpCall;
EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [];
_LastMissionTrigger = 0;
["Mission sucessfully resettet", 5] call Epoch_message;
EPOCH_ResetTraderMission = nil;
if !(EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission isequalto []) then {
if (_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray isequalto []) then {
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission call _EPOCH_BuildTraderMisson;
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray params ["_mainblock","_taskDelay","_triggerintervall","_taskDialogues","_taskEvents","_taskFailed","_taskComplete"];
if (diag_ticktime < _taskDelay) exitwith {};
if (diag_ticktime < _LastMissionTrigger + _triggerintervall) exitwith {};
_LastMissionTrigger = diag_ticktime;
_mainblock params ["_inGameTasksconfig","_taskName","_unit","_taskItem","_taskTitle","_missionCleanUpCall","_taskCleanup"];
_taskComplete params ["_taskCompleteCond","_taskReward","_taskCompleteDiags","_taskCompleteCall","_taskNextTrigger"];
_taskFailed params ['_taskFailedCond','_taskFailTime','_taskFailedDiags','_taskFailedSQF','_taskFailedCall'];
if (diag_ticktime > _taskFailTime || call _taskFailedCond) exitwith {
if (count _taskFailedDiags > 0) then {
_diag = selectRandom _taskFailedDiags;
[format ["%1",_diag], 5] call Epoch_message;
if !(_taskFailedSQF isequalto '') then {
call compile format ["[_taskName,_plyr,_unit,_taskItem] execVM ""%1""",_taskFailedSQF];
if !(str(_taskFailedCall) == "{}") then {
call _taskFailedCall;
if (!isNil "EPOCH_taskMarker") then{
EPOCH_taskMarker params ['_mkrName','_taskMarkerVis'];
[player,_taskMarkerVis,_mkrName] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_removeMarker",2];
EPOCH_taskMarker = nil;
call _missionCleanUpCall;
EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [];
_LastMissionTrigger = 0;
if (call _taskCompleteCond) exitwith {
if (count _taskCompleteDiags > 0) then {
_diag = selectrandom _taskCompleteDiags;
[format ["%1",_diag], 5] call Epoch_message;
if(count _taskReward > 0) then {
[player,Epoch_personalToken,_taskReward,[],objNull,false] remoteExec ["EPOCH_Server_createObject",2];
if !(str(_taskCompleteCall) == "{}") then {
call _taskCompleteCall;
if (_taskCleanup isequalto 1) then {
if (!isNil "EPOCH_taskMarker") then{
EPOCH_taskMarker params ['_mkrName','_taskMarkerVis'];
[player,_taskMarkerVis,_mkrName] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_removeMarker",2];
EPOCH_taskMarker = nil;
call _missionCleanUpCall;
if (count _taskNextTrigger > 0) then {
_nexttask = selectrandom _taskNextTrigger;
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [_inGameTasksconfig,_nexttask] call _EPOCH_BuildTraderMisson;
else {
EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [];
_LastMissionTrigger = 0;
_x params ["_taskEventCond","_taskEventCALL","_taskEventTasks"];
if (call _taskEventCond) exitwith {
call _taskEventCALL;
if (count _taskEventTasks > 0) exitwith {
_task = selectrandom _taskEventTasks;
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [_inGameTasksconfig,_task] call _EPOCH_BuildTraderMisson;
_taskEvents deleteat _foreachindex;
} foreach _taskEvents;
_x params ['_taskDiagCond','_taskDiag'];
if (call _taskDiagCond) exitwith {
_diag = selectRandom _taskDiag;
if !(_diag isequalto "") then {
[format ["%1",_diag], 5] call Epoch_message;
_taskDialogues deleteat _foreachindex;
} foreach _taskDialogues;
// AH use only
if !(isNil "EPOCH_GMODE") then {
_varDefault = _gModeVarValues select _foreachindex;
_varName = format["EPOCH_player%1",_x];
_varNameTmp = call compile format["_player%1Key",_x];
if !(isNil "_varNameTmp") then {_varName = _varNameTmp};
missionNamespace setVariable [_varName, _varDefault];
} forEach _gModeVarNames;
// Update read only vars
if !(_playerTempKey isEqualTo "EPOCH_playerTemp") then {
EPOCH_playerTemp = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerTempKey, _playerTempDefault];
EPOCH_playerHunger = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerHungerKey, _playerHungerDefault];
EPOCH_playerThirst = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerThirstKey, _playerThirstDefault];
EPOCH_playerAliveTime = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerAliveTimeKey, _playerAliveTimeDefault];
EPOCH_playerEnergy = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerEnergyKey, _playerEnergyDefault];
EPOCH_playerWet = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerWetKey, _playerWetDefault];
EPOCH_playerSoiled = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerSoiledKey, _playerSoiledDefault];
EPOCH_playerImmunity = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerImmunityKey, _playerImmunityDefault];
EPOCH_playerToxicity = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerToxicityKey, _playerToxicityDefault];
EPOCH_playerStamina = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerStaminaKey, _playerStaminaDefault];
EPOCH_playerBloodP = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerBloodPKey, _playerBloodPDefault];
EPOCH_playerAlcohol = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerAlcoholKey, _playerAlcoholDefault];
EPOCH_playerRadiation = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerRadiationKey, _playerRadiationDefault];
EPOCH_playerNuisance = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerNuisanceKey, _playerNuisanceDefault];
// Check for PlayerMarker and Update or Remove it
_config = 'CfgMarkerSets' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_markerArray = getArray(_config >> 'PlayerMarker' >> 'markerArray');
_markerName = (_markerArray select 0) select 0;
if(_markerName in allMapMarkers)then{
if!('ItemGPS' in (assignedItems player))then{
['PlayerMarker'] call EPOCH_fnc_deleteLocalMarkerSet;
if(((getArray(_config >> 'DeathMarker' >> 'markerArray') select 0) select 0) in allMapMarkers)then{
['DeathMarker'] call EPOCH_fnc_deleteLocalMarkerSet;
(_x select 0) setMarkerPosLocal (position player);
if(count(_x) >= 8)then{(_x select 0) setMarkerTextLocal (call compile (_x select 7))};
}forEach _markerArray;
if(getNumber(('CfgEpochClient' call EPOCH_returnConfig) >> 'mapOnZoomSetMarkerSize') isEqualTo 1)then{
_mapScale = ctrlMapScale ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51);
_mapMarkers = allMapMarkers;
if(isNil {EPOCH_lastMapScale})then{EPOCH_lastMapScale = 0};
if(_mapScale != EPOCH_lastMapScale)then{
EPOCH_lastMapScale = _mapScale;
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _mapMarkers) - 1) do {
_zoomMarker = _mapMarkers select _i;
private "_markerString";
_markerString = toArray _zoomMarker;
_markerString resize 6;
if (toString _markerString == "EPOCH_") then {
_mSize = missionNamespace getVariable[_zoomMarker,[0.8,0.8]];
_adjusted = _mapScale * 2.25;
_sizeX = (((_mSize select 0) / _adjusted) min 2.333) max 0.666;
_sizeY = (((_mSize select 1) / _adjusted) min 2.333) max 0.666;
_zoomMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [_sizeX,_sizeY];
// force update
if (EPOCH_forceUpdateNow) then {
EPOCH_forceUpdateNow = false;
call _fnc_forceUpdate;