vbawol 443c6e90bc 0.3.9 b566
fixed incorrect index in weighted array fnc when zombies not used
added 3 additional water sources
fixed BE kick when base building since b564
removed allowdamage false on player revive, that caused player immunity
to server side AI.
trade request text feedback changed
2016-07-10 08:54:27 -05:00

196 lines
7.5 KiB

Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Contributors: Raimonds Virtoss
check if building is allowed
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
_isAllowed = "" call EPOCH_isBuildAllowed;
_isAllowed = _objType call EPOCH_isBuildAllowed;
_this select 0: OBJECT - Base building object
private ["_cfgBaseBuilding","_buildingJammerRange","_buildingCountLimit","_buildingAllowed","_nearestJammer","_ownedJammerExists","_objectCount","_limitNearby","_restricted","_range","_config","_staticClass","_objType","_simulClass","_bypassJammer","_jammer","_restrictedLocations","_myPosATL"];
_buildingAllowed = true;
_ownedJammerExists = false;
_nearestJammer = objNull;
// reject building if in vehicle
if (vehicle player != player)exitWith{["Building Disallowed: Inside Vehicle", 5] call Epoch_message; false };
// defaults
_config = 'CfgEpochClient' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_cfgBaseBuilding = 'CfgBaseBuilding' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_buildingJammerRange = getNumber(_config >> "buildingJammerRange");
_buildingCountLimit = getNumber(_config >> "buildingCountLimit");
if (_buildingJammerRange == 0) then { _buildingJammerRange = 75; };
if (_buildingCountLimit == 0) then { _buildingCountLimit = 200; };
_buildingCountLeader = getNumber(_config >> "buildingCountLeader");
_buildingCountPerMember = getNumber(_config >> "buildingCountPerMember");
_storagecountLeader = getNumber(_config >> "storagecountLeader");
_storagecountPerMember = getNumber(_config >> "storagecountPerMember");
_minjammerdistance = getNumber(_config >> "minJammerDistance");
_maxbuildingheigh = getNumber(_config >> "maxBuildingHeigh");
_jammerpergroup = getNumber(_config >> "JammerPerGroup");
if (_buildingCountLeader == 0) then { _buildingCountLeader = _buildingCountLimit};
if (_storagecountLeader == 0) then { _storagecountLeader = 100};
if (_minjammerdistance == 0) then { _minjammerdistance = _buildingJammerRange*3};
if (_maxbuildingheigh == 0) then { _maxbuildingheigh = 100};
if (_jammerpergroup == 0) then { _jammerpergroup = 2};
// input
params ["_objType"];
_obj = objNull;
if (_objType isEqualType objNull) then {
_obj = _objType;
_objType = typeOf _objType;
_staticClass = getText(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "staticClass");
_simulClass = getText(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _objType >> "simulClass");
_bypassJammer = getNumber(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _staticClass >> "bypassJammer");
// Jammer
_jammer = nearestObjects[player, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], _minjammerdistance];
if !(_jammer isEqualTo []) then {
if (_objType in ["PlotPole_EPOCH", "PlotPole_SIM_EPOCH"]) then {
if (alive _x) exitWith{
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Existing Jammer Signal", 5] call Epoch_message;
} foreach _jammer;
} else {
if (alive _x && (_x distance player) <= _buildingJammerRange) exitWith{
_nearestJammer = _x;
} foreach _jammer;
if !(isNull _nearestJammer) then {
if ((getposatl player) select 2 < _maxbuildingheigh) then {
if ((_nearestJammer getVariable["BUILD_OWNER", "-1"]) in[getPlayerUID player, Epoch_my_GroupUID]) then {
_ownedJammerExists = true;
} else {
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Frequency Blocked", 5] call Epoch_message;
_objectCount = count nearestObjects[_nearestJammer, ["Constructions_static_F"], _buildingJammerRange];
_membercount = 0;
if (count Epoch_my_Group > 0) then {
_membercount = count (Epoch_my_Group select 3) + count (Epoch_my_Group select 4);
if (_objType in ["WorkBench_EPOCH","StorageShelf_EPOCH","Tipi_EPOCH","LockBox_EPOCH","Safe_EPOCH","StorageShelf_SIM_EPOCH","LockBox_SIM_EPOCH","Safe_SIM_EPOCH","Workbench_SIM_EPOCH","Tipi_SIM_EPOCH"]) then {
_buildingCountLimit = _storagecountLeader + _storagecountPerMember*_membercount;
_objectCount = count nearestObjects[_nearestJammer, ["Buildable_Storage","Constructions_lockedstatic_F"], _buildingJammerRange];
else {
_buildingCountLimit = _buildingCountLeader + _buildingCountPerMember*_membercount;
_objectCount = count nearestObjects[_nearestJammer, ["Constructions_static_F","Constructions_foundation_F"], _buildingJammerRange];
if (_objectCount >= _buildingCountLimit) then {
_buildingAllowed = false;
[format["Building Disallowed: Frequency Overloaded: Limit %1", _buildingCountLimit], 5] call Epoch_message;
else {
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Max building heigh reached", 5] call Epoch_message;
else {
if (_objType in ["PlotPole_EPOCH", "PlotPole_SIM_EPOCH"]) then {
// TODO: rework not ideal to use allmissionobjects
_alljammer = allmissionobjects 'PlotPole_EPOCH';
_c = 0;
if ((_x getVariable["BUILD_OWNER", "-1"]) in[getPlayerUID player, Epoch_my_GroupUID]) then {
_c = _c+1;
} foreach _alljammer;
if (_c >= _jammerpergroup) then {
_buildingAllowed = false;
[format["Building Disallowed: Max %1 Jammer per Group!", _jammerpergroup], 5] call Epoch_message;
if !(_buildingAllowed)exitWith{ false };
// Max object
if (!_ownedJammerExists) then{
_limitNearby = getNumber(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _staticClass >> "limitNearby");
if (_limitNearby > 0) then{
// remove current target from objects
_objectCount = count (nearestObjects[player, [_staticClass, _simulClass], _buildingJammerRange] - [_obj]);
// TODO: not properly limiting simulated objects
if (_objectCount >= _limitNearby) then{
_buildingAllowed = false;
[format["Building Disallowed: Limit %1", _limitNearby], 5] call Epoch_message;
if !(_buildingAllowed)exitWith{ false };
// require jammer check if not found as owner of jammer
if (getNumber(_config >> "buildingRequireJammer") == 0 && _bypassJammer == 0) then{
if !(_objType in ["PlotPole_EPOCH", "PlotPole_SIM_EPOCH"]) then {
_buildingAllowed = _ownedJammerExists;
if !(_buildingAllowed) then {
["Building Disallowed: Frequency Jammer Needed", 5] call Epoch_message;
if !(_buildingAllowed)exitWith{ false };
if (getNumber(_config >> "buildingNearbyMilitary") == 0) then{
_range = getNumber(_config >> "buildingNearbyMilitaryRange");
if (_range > 0) then {
_restricted = nearestObjects [player, ["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F","Cargo_Tower_base_F","Cargo_HQ_base_F","Cargo_Patrol_base_F","Cargo_House_base_F"], 300];
} else {
_restricted = nearestObjects [player, ["Cargo_Tower_base_F","Cargo_HQ_base_F","Cargo_Patrol_base_F","Cargo_House_base_F"], _range];
_restricted append (nearestObjects [player, ["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F","Cargo_Tower_base_F","Cargo_HQ_base_F","Cargo_Patrol_base_F","Cargo_House_base_F"], 300]);
} else {
_restricted = nearestObjects [player, ["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F"], 300];
if !(_restricted isEqualTo []) then {
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Area Blocked", 5] call Epoch_message;
_restrictedLocations = nearestLocations [player, ["NameCityCapital"], 300];
if !(_restrictedLocations isEqualTo []) then {
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Area Blocked", 5] call Epoch_message;
_myPosATL = getPosATL player;
if ((_x select 0) distance _myPosATL < (_x select 1)) exitWith {
_buildingAllowed = false;
["Building Disallowed: Area Blocked", 5] call Epoch_message;
} forEach(getArray(_config >> worldname >> "blockedArea"));