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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
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89 lines
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Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
P2P trade loop
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_array","_cryptoOffer","_index","_isAccepted","_isAcceptedOther","_item","_offerArray","_removeCount","_sizeOut","_tradeCryptoOffer","_tradeOffer"];
if (EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget distance player > 8) exitWith{ EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget = ObjNull; };
if (vehicle player != player || vehicle EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget != EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget) exitWith { EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget = ObjNull; };
if (!isNull EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget) then {
_sizeOut = lbSize 1501;
_array = [];
if (_sizeOut > 0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do {
_item = lbData [1501, _i];
_array pushBack _item;
_cryptoOffer = parseNumber(ctrlText 1400) min EPOCH_playerCrypto;
_offerArray = [_array, _cryptoOffer];
if !(EPOCH_prevOffer isEqualTo _offerArray) then {
player setVariable ["Offer", _offerArray, true];
EPOCH_prevOffer = _offerArray;
lbClear 1502;
_tradeOffer = EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget getVariable["Offer", [[],0]];
_index = lbAdd [1502, _x call EPOCH_itemDisplayName];
lbSetData [1502, _index, _x];
lbSetPicture [1502, _index, _x call EPOCH_itemPicture];
} forEach (_tradeOffer select 0);
_tradeCryptoOffer = (_tradeOffer select 1);
if (_tradeCryptoOffer > 0) then {
_index = lbAdd[1502, format["%1 Crypto", _tradeCryptoOffer]];
lbSetData[1502, _index, "Crypto"];
lbSetPicture[1502, _index, "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\cc_ca.paa"];
_isAcceptedOther = EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget getVariable["Accept", false];
_isAccepted = player getVariable ["Accept",false];
if (_isAccepted && _isAcceptedOther && !EPOCH_tradeDone) then {
EPOCH_tradeDone = true;
EPOCH_prevOffer = [];
_removeCount = 0;
if ([_x, "CfgWeapons"] call EPOCH_fnc_isAny) then {
if (_x in items player) then {
player removeItem _x;
_removeCount = _removeCount + 1;
} else {
if (_x in magazines player) then {
player removeMagazine _x;
_removeCount = _removeCount + 1;
}forEach _array;
if (_removeCount == count _array) then {
[player, EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget, _array, _tradeOffer, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_makeTrade",2];
(findDisplay -1900) closeDisplay 1;
// cancel close menu if men not open on other player
if !(EPOCH_p2ptradeTarget getVariable["TRADE_ACTIVE", objNull] == player) then {
(findDisplay -1900) closeDisplay 1;