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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
add loot class override variable epochLootClass, to allow all zed classes to return BE filter updates for extra zombie classes added loot table for zombies. added looting of Dogs for meat with negative karma. cooking of dog meat. loot configs for shark interactAttributes format changed to an array ["Hunger",100,1] // CustomVarName, value, make value randomized. BE updates and fixes new function EPOCH_giveAttributes
182 lines
6.8 KiB
182 lines
6.8 KiB
Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
code that executes onEachFrame is used for 3d movment, ESP, and 3d icons.
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
if (EPOCH_velTransform) then {
if (EPOCH_playerEnergy > 0) then {
_pos1 = getPosASL EPOCH_target;
_vel1 = velocity EPOCH_target;
_dir1 = vectorDir EPOCH_target;
_up1 = vectorUp EPOCH_target;
_interval = 0.1;
if !(EP_velocityTransformation isEqualTo []) then {
EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation[_pos1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 0), _vel1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 1), _dir1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 2), _up1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 3), _interval];
} else {
_pos2 = player modelToWorld[EPOCH_X_OFFSET, EPOCH_Y_OFFSET, EPOCH_Z_OFFSET];
if ((_pos2 select 2) < 0) then { _pos2 set[2, 0] };
if ((_pos1 distance _pos2) > 0) then {
EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation[_pos1, AGLtoASL _pos2, _vel1, _vel1, _dir1, _dir1, _up1, _up1, _interval];
} else {
EPOCH_velTransform = false;
if (!isNull EPOCH_currentTarget && vehicle player == player) then {
_currentTarget = EPOCH_currentTarget;
_distance = player distance _currentTarget;
if (_distance < 9) then {
_stability = 0;
_color = [1, 1, 1, 1];
_text = format ["Hold (%1)",EPOCH_keysAction call BIS_fnc_keyCode];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_question_ca.paa";
switch EPOCH_currentTargetMode do {
case 0: {
_stability = 100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100);
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
_color = [100,0,_stability,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
case 1: {
_text = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_text}, { format ["Press (%1)",EPOCH_keysBuildMode1 call BIS_fnc_keyCode] }];
_stability = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_currentTarget getVariable["stability", 100]}, {100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100)}];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
_color = [100,0,_stability,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
case 2: {
if (alive _currentTarget) then{
// TODO move accept trade into dynamic menu
_text = format["%1 - %2", if (isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled && isPlayer _currentTarget) then[{"Player"}, { name _currentTarget }],_text];
_stability = 100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100);
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
_color = [100,0,_stability,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
} else {
//_text = "Press (Inventory)";
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_crossbones_ca.paa";
case 3: {
// Animals, Drone, Sappers
if (!alive _currentTarget && _distance < 2) then{
_text = format ["Gut - %1",_text];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_crossbones_ca.paa";
_color = [1,1,1,1];
case 4: {
// Base Objects With Storage
_text = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_text}, { format ["Press (%1) or (%2)",EPOCH_keysBuildMode1 call BIS_fnc_keyCode, ((actionKeys "Gear" select 0) call BIS_fnc_keyCode),_text] }];
_stability = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_currentTarget getVariable["stability", 100]}, {100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100)}];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
_color = [100,0,_stability,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
if (!isNull EPOCH_stabilityTarget) then {
if (([10] call EPOCH_fnc_cursorTarget) != EPOCH_stabilityTarget) then {
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
} else {
_text = "";
if ((diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastTargetTime) >= 0.05) then {
_stability = (_stability - 1) max 0;
EPOCH_stabilityTarget setVariable["stability", _stability];
EPOCH_lastTargetTime = diag_tickTime;
if (_stability == 0) then {
switch EPOCH_buildOption do {
case 0: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_removeBUILD};
case 1: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_upgradeBUILD};
case 2: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_fnc_SelectTargetBuild};
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
_pos = visiblePositionASL _currentTarget;
_pos set[2, (_currentTarget modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_size = 2.5;
drawIcon3D[format[_icon, _stability], _color, _pos, _size, _size, 0, _text, 0, _size / 60, "PuristaMedium"];
} else {
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
if (EPOCH_drawIcon3d) then {
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_endTime = _x getVariable["EPOCH_endTime", 0];
_num = (round(_endTime - diag_tickTime)) max 0;
_color = [10,0,_num,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
drawIcon3D[format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa", _num], _color, _pos, 4, 4, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"];
}forEach EPOCH_arr_countdown;
_distance = player distance _x;
if (_distance < 9) then {
_pos = _x;
_color = [1, 1, 1, 0.7];
_size = 1;
drawIcon3D["x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\snap_ca.paa", _color, _pos, _size, _size, 0, "", 1, _size / 60, "PuristaMedium"];
}forEach EPOCH_arr_snapPoints;
if (!isNull _x) then {
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_dmg = damage _x;
_color = [0,1,_dmg,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_text = format['%1 : %2m', [typeOf _x,name _x] select (isPlayer _x), round(player distance _x)];
drawIcon3D["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\Member.paa", _color, _pos, 1, 1, 0, _text, 1, 0.025, "PuristaMedium"];
_viewDistance = viewDistance max 1000 min 2500;
if (!isNull _x) then {
_distance = round(player distance _x);
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
if (isPlayer _x) then {
if (EPOCH_ESP_PLAYER) then {
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 1.8]) select 2];
_text = '';
if (vehicle _x == _x) then {
_text = format['%1 (%2m)', name _x, _distance];
else {
_name = [];
{if (alive _x && isPlayer _x) then { _id = _name pushBack(name _x) }} count crew vehicle _x;
_text = format['%1 (%2m) - %3', _name, _distance, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf vehicle _x >> "displayName")];
drawIcon3D['', [1, 0, 0, abs((_distance) / _viewDistance - 1)], _pos, 0.2, 0.2, 0, _text, 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"];
else {
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
drawIcon3D['', [0, 0.5, 1, abs((_distance) / _viewDistance - 1)], _pos, 0.2, 0.2, 0, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"];