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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
logic to select low or high criticalAttributes forced blood drop if player is hypothermic. force blood pressure rise if toxicity or radiation is over 55 removed Radiation reduction in master loop so you can only reduce radiation with treatments players blood pressure must stay within 11-179 range or be killed.
213 lines
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213 lines
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if !(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[]) then {
[EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs] remoteExec["EPOCH_server_save_vehicles", 2];
EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];
if (damage player != _damagePlayer) then {
if (alive player) then {
_forceUpdate = true;
_damagePlayer = damage player;
// calculate total available power
// 1. number of power production devices within range 75m
// find share of power based on factors
// 1. number of players
// 2. Other sources of drain (Lights)
_energyValue = _chargeRate min _energyRegenMax;
_vehicle = vehicle player;
if (_vehicle != player && isEngineOn _vehicle) then {
if !(_vehicle iskindof "Bicycle") then {
_energyValue = _energyValue + 5;
if (currentVisionMode player == 1) then { //NV enabled
_energyValue = _energyValue - _energyCostNV;
_playerEnergy = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerEnergyKey, _playerEnergyDefault];
if (_playerEnergy == 0) then {
player action["nvGogglesOff", player];
["Night Vision Goggles: Need Energy", 5] call Epoch_message;
// Sets visual effect
_playerAlcohol = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerAlcoholKey, _playerAlcoholDefault];
if (_playerAlcohol > 20) then {
_drunkVal = linearConversion [0,100,_playerAlcohol,0.1,1,true];
[_drunkVal, 2] call epoch_setDrunk;
} else {
[0, 2] call epoch_setDrunk;
// Sets visual effect
_playerRadiation = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerRadiationKey, _playerRadiationDefault];
if (_playerRadiation > 1) then {
_radiationVal = linearConversion [0,100,_playerRadiation,0.1,1,true];
[_radiationVal, 2] call epoch_setRadiation;
// if player has geiger counter make sound based on rads level
if ('ItemGeigerCounter_EPOCH' in assignedItems player) then {
_level = round(linearConversion [0,100,_radsLevel,0,3,true]);
_sound = format ["geiger_%1",_level];
playSound _sound;
} else {
[0, 2] call epoch_setRadiation;
// Energy Handler
_playerEnergy = [_playerEnergyKey,_energyValue,_playerEnergyMax,_playerEnergyMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
if !(_playerEnergy isEqualTo _prevEnergy) then {
9993 cutRsc["EpochGameUI3", "PLAIN", 0, false];
_display3 = uiNamespace getVariable "EPOCH_EpochGameUI3";
_energyDiff = round(_playerEnergy - _prevEnergy);
_diffText = if (_energyDiff > 0) then {format["+%1",_energyDiff]} else {format["%1",_energyDiff]};
(_display3 displayCtrl 21210) ctrlSetText format["%1/%2 %3", round(_playerEnergy), _playerEnergyMax, _diffText];
_prevEnergy = _playerEnergy;
if (_playerEnergy == 0) then {
if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then {
EPOCH_buildMode = 0;
EPOCH_snapDirection = 0;
["Build Mode Disabled: Need Energy", 5] call Epoch_message;
EPOCH_Target = objNull;
_attackers = player nearEntities[["Snake_random_EPOCH", "GreatWhite_F", "Epoch_Cloak_F"], 30];
if !(_attackers isEqualTo[]) then {
(_attackers select 0) call EPOCH_client_bitePlayer;
_panic = true;
} else {
_toxicObjs = player nearobjects["SmokeShellCustom", 12];
if!(_toxicObjs IsEqualTo[]) then {
(_toxicObjs select 0) call EPOCH_client_bitePlayer;
_panic = true;
} else {
_panic = false;
// weather stats
_warming = true;
_wet = false;
_maxTemp = 98.6; // normal body temp
_increaseWet = 0;
_wetsuit = (getText(configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> uniform player >> "itemInfo" >> "uniformType") == "Neopren");
if (_isOnFoot) then {
if (underwater player) then {
// do nothing if player is wearing a wetsuit
if (!_wetsuit) then {
if (_waterTemp <= 50) then {
_warming = false;
_wet = true;
_increaseWet = 10;
} else {
_playerWet = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerWetKey, _playerWetDefault];
if (_playerWet > 50 && _airTemp <= 32) then {
_isNearFire = {inflamed _x} count (nearestObjects [player, ["ALL"], 3]);
if (!(call EPOCH_fnc_isInsideBuilding) && _isNearFire == 0) then {
_warming = false;
if (rain >= 0.25) then {
if (!_wetsuit) then {
_isNearFire = { inflamed _x } count(nearestObjects[player, ["ALL"], 3]);
if (!(call EPOCH_fnc_isInsideBuilding) && _isNearFire == 0) then {
_wet = true;
_increaseWet = rain * 10;
// allow player to over heat if air temp is high and player is Fatigued
if ((getFatigue player) >= 0.7 && _airTemp > 100) then {
_maxTemp = _airTemp;
// toxic fever and immunity increase
_playerToxicity = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerToxicityKey, _playerToxicityDefault];
// _playerImmunity = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerImmunityKey, _playerImmunityDefault];
if (_playerToxicity > 0) then {
_playerImmunity = [_playerImmunityKey,0.1,_playerImmunityMax,_playerImmunityMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
_playerToxicity = [_playerToxicityKey,-0.1,_playerToxicityMax,_playerToxicityMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// allow player to overheat
_maxTemp = _playerTempMax + 10;
// Body Temp handler
if (_warming) then {
_playerTemp = [_playerTempKey,0.01,_maxTemp,_playerTempMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
} else {
_playerTemp = [_playerTempKey,-0.01,_maxTemp,(_playerTempMin - 10)] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// wet/dry
if (_wet) then {
_playerWet = [_playerWetKey,_increaseWet,_playerWetMax,_playerWetMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
if (_playerWet > 50) then {
_soiledLossRate = 1;
_playerSoiled = [_playerSoiledKey,-_soiledLossRate,_playerSoiledMax,_playerSoiledMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
} else {
if (_warming) then {
_wetLossRate = 1;
_playerWet = [_playerWetKey,-_wetLossRate,_playerWetMax,_playerWetMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// Hunger / Thirst
_hungerlossRate = _baseHungerLoss * timeMultiplier;
_thirstlossRate = _baseThirstLoss * timeMultiplier;
_alcoholLossRate = _baseAlcoholLoss * timeMultiplier;
// Increase hunger if player is Fatigued
_playerStamina = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerStaminaKey, _playerStaminaDefault];
if (_playerStamina < 100) then {
if ((getFatigue player) > 0) then {
_hungerlossRate = _hungerlossRate + (_hungerlossRate*(getFatigue player));
} else {
// reduce hunger loss if player stamina is greater than 100
_hungerlossRate = (_hungerlossRate / 2);
// Alcohol Handler
_playerAlcohol = [_playerAlcoholKey,-_alcoholLossRate,_playerAlcoholMax,_playerAlcoholMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// Hunger Handler
_playerHunger = [_playerHungerKey,-_hungerlossRate,_playerHungerMax,_playerHungerMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// Thirst Handler
_playerThirst = [_playerThirstKey,-_thirstlossRate,_playerThirstMax,_playerThirstMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// Nuisance Handler
_playerNuisance = [_playerNuisanceKey,-1,_playerNuisanceMax,_playerNuisanceMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// Radiation Handler
if (_radsLevel > 0) then {
// increase rads based on radiation levels
_playerRadiation = [_playerRadiationKey,_radsLevel,_playerRadiationMax,_playerRadiationMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;
// calculate max stamina
EPOCH_playerStaminaMax = (100 * (round(_playerAliveTime/360)/10)) min 2500;
// process loot
call _lootBubble;