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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
[Added] Dynamic Debris Epoch Event. Dynamically spawns vehicle and other debris on the roadways. Scans the roads on startup and uses a random seed generator to determine the locations of debris. Debris is spawned using createSimpleObject and is made to conform with the upper most roadway surface. [Added] Epoch Events 3.0 - Supports events based on server side configs and pbos. - New server side events can be added by just dropping .pbo into @epochhive/addons folder. - To make your own standalone events you can use Dynamic Debris Event as a template. [Removed] Vehicle simulation handler, so we can use A3 Dynamic Simulation instead. [Changed] Safe Vehicle and token checks simplified to only check the vehicles a player is in. [Changed] Safe Vehicle classes can now be configured via server settings pbo CfgSecConf >> vehicles >> safeVehicles array.
144 lines
7.7 KiB
144 lines
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serverRestart = "false"; // true sends #shutdown command to server after the time specified in ForceRestartTime
forceRestartTime = 14400; // 4 hour restarts
StorageSlotsLimit = 1500; // Max storage slots allowed. Warning! Higher the number lower performance.
BuildingSlotsLimit = 1500; // Max building slots allowed. Warning! Higher the number lower performance.
// Time based
StaticDateTime[] = {}; // {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
timeDifference = 0; // Server uses real time this will allow you to offset just the hour.
timeMultiplier = 4; // Sets a time multiplier for in-game time. The command range is now capped at 0.1 - 120 to avoid performance problems.
lootMultiplier = 0.5; // 1 = max loot bias. This controls how much loot can payout per Epoch loot container.
// Events
WeatherStaticForecast[] = {}; // Default: {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{1,1}}; // Clear day; {19,1,{1,1,40},1,{5,5}}; // Cold Foggy Rainy Overcast Windy; Format: {temp <scalar>,rain <scalar>,fog <array>,overcast <scalar>,wind <array>}
events[] = {
{ 3600, "CarnivalSpawner", 0 , 1}, // SECOND <scalar>, EVENT <string>, INIT <scalar> 1 = run script at startup or 0 normal delay, PREPOSTFIX <scalar> 1 = use pre/postfix path (inside epoch settings pbo) 0 = use full file path
// { 1800, "PaydayEvent", 0, 1},
// { 1200, "MessageServer", 0, 1},
{ 2700, "AirDrop", 0 , 1},
{ 2400, "EarthQuake", 0 , 1},
{ 900, "ChangeWeather", 1 , 1},
{ 1200, "ContainerSpawner", 0 , 1},
{ 300, "PlantSpawner", 0 , 1} //No comma on last Entry
// Antagonists
antagonistChanceTrash = 0.09; //9% chance when player loot a trash object
antagonistChancePDeath = 0.33; //33% chance when player was killed from a other player (selfkill doesn't count)
antagonistChanceLoot = 0.09; //9% chance when player click "SEARCH" on a loot object
// Player Related
cloneCost = 100; // debt incurred on player death
MaxBankDebitforTrade = -50000; // If Player has less money on Bank, Crypto from Trade goes directly to Bank instead to Player
// Start Leadout
defaultUniformFemale = "U_Test_uniform";
defaultVestFemale = "V_F41_EPOCH";
defaultUniformMale = "U_Test1_uniform";
defaultVestMale = "V_41_EPOCH";
defaultGoggles = "";
defaultHeadgear = "";
defaultBackpack = "";
linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","EpochRadio0"}; // {"Item1","Item2",...}; These Items will be linked to the Players Inventory
itemsInContainers[] = {}; // {"Item1","Item2",...}; These Items will be put in the Players Cargo(s)
weaponsInContainers[] = {}; // {"Weapon1","Weapon2",...}; These Weapons will be put in the Players Cargo(s)
normalMagazines[] = {}; // {{"Magazine1",Ammocount1},{"Magazine2",Ammocount2},...};
weaponsAndItems[] = {
"srifle_EBR_F", // Active Weapon (in hand)
{ // Full equipped Weapons (put here equipped Weapons that should be in the Weapons Slots)
"srifle_EBR_F", // Weapon 1
"muzzle_snds_B", // Suppressor 1
"acc_pointer_IR", // Laser 1
"optic_DMS", // Optics 1
{"20Rnd_762x51_Mag",20}, // Magtype + ammo count 1
{}, // 2nd Magtype + ammo count 1 (Only needed for GL-Mags)
"bipod_02_F_blk" // Bipod 1
"Plunger", // Weapon 2
"", // Suppressor 2
"", // Laser 2
"", // Optics 2
{"stick_swing",1000}, // Magtype + ammo count 2
"", // Suppressor 3
"", // Laser 3
"", // Optics 3
{"10rnd_22X44_magazine",10}, // Magtype + ammo count 3
"" // Bipod 3
"srifle_EBR_F", // Primary Weapon
"Plunger", // Secondary Weapon
"ruger_pistol_epoch" // Handgun Weapon
// vehicles - Max vehicle slots is calculated from per vehicle limits below. Warning! Higher the number lower the performance.
simulationHandlerOld = "false"; // When enabled this feature disables simulation on vehicles that are not nea players. Can help improve client fps at the cost of server fps.
vehicleLockTime = 1800; // Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle.
removevehweapons[] = { // remove these Weapons from spawned Vehicles
removevehmagazinesturret[] = { // Remove these Magazines from the given Turret from spawned Vehicles
// BaseBuilding
UseIndestructible = "false"; // Enable / Disable Indestructible BaseObjects
IndestructibleBaseObjects[] = { // Can be Names or Classes
ExceptedBaseObjects[] = { // Not Indestructible, also if in a Class of IndestructibleBaseObjects
// Traders
taxRate = 0.1; // controls the price increase for purchases
starterTraderItems[] = { { "ItemSodaBurst", "meatballs_epoch", "MortarBucket", "CinderBlocks", "VehicleRepair", "CircuitParts", "ItemCorrugated", "PartPlankPack", "ItemRock", "ItemRope", "ItemStick" }, { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 } }; // Starter Items for fresh spawned trader first array is classnames second is quantity.
NPCSlotsLimit = 20; // Max number of traders static or dynamic. Warning! Higher the number lower performance.
forceStaticTraders = "true"; // disables traders moving from work to home
forcedVehicleSpawnTable = ""; // leave blank for default. Options: "allowedVehiclesList","allowedVehiclesList_CUP","allowedVehiclesList_MAD","allowedVehiclesList_MADCUP"
forcedLootSpawnTable = ""; // leave blank for default. Options: "CfgLootTable","CfgLootTable_CUP","CfgLootTable_MAD","CfgLootTable_MADCUP"
// Markers
showEarthQuakes = "true"; // show mineral viens caused by earthquakes
showShippingContainers = "true"; // Show location of events based loots (plants, shipping container, Carnival)
SHOW_TRADERS = "true"; // Show locations of traders
SHOW_JAMMERS = "false"; // Shows location of base jammers
SHOW_BOATLOOT = "true"; // Shows the location of shipwreck loot
DEBUG_VEH = "false"; // DEBUG ONLY used to debug spawing of vehicles
// Hive Related
expiresBuilding = "604800"; // expiration date in seconds for buildings
expiresPlayer = "2592000"; // expiration date in seconds for players
expiresBank = "7776000"; // expiration date in seconds for players bank
expiresVehicle = "604800"; // expiration date in seconds for vehicles
expiresAIdata = "604800"; // expiration date in seconds for NPC Trader inventory
// Admin Features
hiveAdminCmdExec = "false"; // true = enables extra (To Be Released) feature to allow execution of code via hive.
hiveAdminSavePlayerList = "true"; // true = enables saving of playerUID array to hive value PLAYERS:#InstanceID.
hiveAdminCmdTime = 5; // how many seconds between each command queue call.
useOldLoadVehicles = "false";
enableUnitTestOnStart = 1; // enable extra debug for database calls. 1 = enabled.