2015-12-07 10:24:52 -06:00

234 lines
7.6 KiB

Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
code that executes onEachFrame is used for 3d movment, ESP, and 3d icons.
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
if (EPOCH_velTransform) then {
if (EPOCH_playerEnergy > 0) then {
_pos1 = getPosASL EPOCH_target;
_vel1 = velocity EPOCH_target;
_dir1 = vectorDir EPOCH_target;
_up1 = vectorUp EPOCH_target;
_interval = 0.1;
if ((count EP_velocityTransformation) == 4) then {
EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation[_pos1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 0), _vel1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 1), _dir1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 2), _up1, (EP_velocityTransformation select 3), _interval];
else {
_pos2 = player modelToWorld[EPOCH_X_OFFSET, EPOCH_Y_OFFSET, EPOCH_Z_OFFSET];
if ((_pos2 select 2) < 0) then { _pos2 set[2, 0] };
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos2) then { _pos2 = ATLtoASL _pos2 };
if ((_pos1 distance _pos2) > 0) then {
EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation[_pos1, _pos2, _vel1, _vel1, _dir1, _dir1, _up1, _up1, _interval];
else {
EPOCH_velTransform = false;
if (!isNull EPOCH_currentTarget && vehicle player == player) then {
_currentTarget = EPOCH_currentTarget;
_distance = player distance _currentTarget;
if (_distance < 9) then {
_stability = 0;
_color = [1, 1, 1, 0.7];
_text = format ["Hold (%1)",EPOCH_keysAction call BIS_fnc_keyCode];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_question_ca.paa";
_interactOption = getNumber(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _currentTarget >> "interactMode");
switch _interactOption do {
case 0: {
_stability = 100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100);
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
_text = "Press (Inventory)";
if (_stability < 50) then {
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_stability < 25) then {
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
case 1: {
_text = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_text}, { format ["Press (%1)",EPOCH_keysBuildMode1 call BIS_fnc_keyCode] }];
_stability = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_currentTarget getVariable["stability", 100]}, {100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100)}];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
if (_stability < 50) then {
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_stability < 25) then {
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
case 2: {
if (alive _currentTarget) then{
_text = format["%1 - Press (Ctrl+%2)", if (isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled) then[{"Player"}, { name _currentTarget }],EPOCH_keysAcceptTrade call BIS_fnc_keyCode];
_stability = 100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100);
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
if (_stability < 50) then{
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_stability < 25) then{
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
} else {
//_text = "Press (Inventory)";
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_crossbones_ca.paa";
case 3: {
if (!alive _currentTarget && _distance < 2) then{
_text = format ["Gut Animal - %1",_text];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\ui_crossbones_ca.paa";
case 4: {
//_text = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{"Press (Space)"}, { "Press (Inventory)" }];
_text = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_text}, { format ["Press (%1) or (Inventory)",EPOCH_keysBuildMode1 call BIS_fnc_keyCode] }];
_stability = if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then[{_currentTarget getVariable["stability", 100]}, {100 - round(damage _currentTarget * 100)}];
_icon = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa";
if (_stability < 50) then{
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_stability < 25) then{
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
if (!isNull EPOCH_stabilityTarget) then {
if (([10] call EPOCH_fnc_cursorTarget) != EPOCH_stabilityTarget) then {
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
else {
_text = "";
if ((diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastTargetTime) >= 0.05) then {
_stability = (_stability - 1) max 0;
EPOCH_stabilityTarget setVariable["stability", _stability];
EPOCH_lastTargetTime = diag_tickTime;
if (_stability == 0) then {
switch EPOCH_buildOption do {
case 0: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_removeBUILD};
case 1: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_upgradeBUILDv2};
case 2: {EPOCH_stabilityTarget call EPOCH_fnc_SelectTargetBuild};
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
_pos = visiblePositionASL _currentTarget;
_pos set[2, (_currentTarget modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_size = 2.5;
drawIcon3D[format[_icon, _stability], _color, _pos, _size, _size, 0, _text, 0, _size / 60, "PuristaMedium"];
else {
EPOCH_stabilityTarget = objNull;
if (EPOCH_drawIcon3d) then {
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_endTime = _x getVariable["EPOCH_endTime", 0];
_num = (round(_endTime - diag_tickTime)) max 0;
_color = [1, 1, 1, 0.7];
if (_num < 7) then {
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_num < 5) then {
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
drawIcon3D[format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa", _num], _color, _pos, 4, 4, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"];
}forEach EPOCH_arr_countdown;
_distance = player distance _x;
if (_distance < 9) then {
_pos = _x;
_color = [1, 1, 1, 0.7];
_size = 1;
drawIcon3D["x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\snap_ca.paa", _color, _pos, _size, _size, 0, "", 1, _size / 60, "PuristaMedium"];
}forEach EPOCH_arr_snapPoints;
if (!isNull _x) then {
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
_color = [1, 1, 1, 0.7];
_dmg = damage _x;
if (_dmg > 0.5) then {
_color = [1, 0.5, 0, 0.7];
if (_dmg > 0.7) then {
_color = [1, 0, 0, 0.7];
_text = '';
if (isPlayer _x) then {
_text = format['%1 : %2m', name _x, round(player distance _x)];
else {
_text = format['%1 : %2m', typeOf _x, round(player distance _x)];
drawIcon3D["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\Member.paa", _color, _pos, 1, 1, 0, _text, 1, 0.025, "PuristaMedium"];
_viewDistance = viewDistance max 1000 min 2500;
if (!isNull _x) then {
_distance = round(player distance _x);
_pos = visiblePositionASL _x;
if (isPlayer _x) then {
if (EPOCH_ESP_PLAYER) then {
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 1.8]) select 2];
_text = '';
if (vehicle _x == _x) then {
_text = format['%1 (%2m)', name _x, _distance];
else {
_name = [];
{if (alive _x && isPlayer _x) then { _id = _name pushBack(name _x) }} count crew vehicle _x;
_text = format['%1 (%2m) - %3', _name, _distance, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf vehicle _x >> "displayName")];
drawIcon3D['', [1, 0, 0, abs((_distance) / _viewDistance - 1)], _pos, 0.2, 0.2, 0, _text, 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"];
else {
_pos set[2, (_x modelToWorld[0, 0, 0]) select 2];
drawIcon3D['', [0, 0.5, 1, abs((_distance) / _viewDistance - 1)], _pos, 0.2, 0.2, 0, getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), 1, 0.03, "PuristaMedium"];