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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
175 lines
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175 lines
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_currentTarget = objNull;
_currentTargetMode = 0;
_cursorTarget = ([10] call EPOCH_fnc_cursorTarget);
if (!isNull _cursorTarget && {!(EPOCH_target isEqualTo _cursorTarget)}) then {
// Land_MPS_EPOCH = ThingX 0
// container_epoch = ThingX 0
// Parent - Constructions_modular_F = ThingX
// Epoch_Female_F , Epoch_Male_F = 2
// Animal_Base_F = 3
// Buildable_Storage = 4
_interactType = typeOf _cursorTarget;
_interaction = (_cfgObjectInteractions >> _interactType);
if (isClass(_interaction)) then {
_currentTargetMode = getNumber (_interaction >> "interactMode");
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
// AllVehicles = vehicles=0 players=2 animals=3
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal_Base_F") then { // 3
if !(alive _cursorTarget) then {
_currentTargetMode = 3;
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_modular_F" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_static_F" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "Constructions_foundation_F") then {
_currentTargetMode = 1;
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Buildable_Storage") then {
_currentTargetMode = 4;
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
} else {
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "WeaponHolder") then {
_currentTargetMode = 0;
_currentTarget = _cursorTarget;
EPOCH_currentTarget = _currentTarget;
EPOCH_currentTargetMode = _currentTargetMode;
_increaseStamina = false;
_vehicle = vehicle player;
if (_vehicle == player) then {
_val = log(abs(speed player));
_staminaThreshold = 0.7;
if (EPOCH_playerIsSwimming) then {_staminaThreshold = 0.3};
if (_val>_staminaThreshold) then {
EPOCH_playerStamina = (EPOCH_playerStamina - (_val/4)) max 0;
} else {
_increaseStamina = true;
} else {
if (EPOCH_buildMode > 0) then {
EPOCH_buildMode = 0;
EPOCH_snapDirection = 0;
[format["<t size='1.6' color='#99ffffff'>BUILD MODE:%1</t>","DISABLED"], 5] call Epoch_dynamicText;
EPOCH_Target = objNull;
_increaseStamina = true;
// TODO: move back to vehicle configs
switch (typeOf _vehicle) do {
case "jetski_epoch": {
_clock_hour10 = floor ((date select 3)/10);
_clock_minute10 = floor ((date select 4)/10);
_vehicle setObjectTexture [_forEachIndex,_x];
format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles\data\num%1_ca.paa",(date select 3)-(_clock_hour10*10)],
format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles\data\num%1_ca.paa",(date select 4)-(_clock_minute10*10)],
format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles\data\fuel%1_ca.paa",floor(fuel _vehicle*10)]
case "ebike_epoch": {
_vehicle setObjectTexture [_forEachIndex,_x];
format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles\data\speed%1_ca.paa",floor(speed _vehicle/9) max 0],
format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles\data\energ%1_ca.paa",floor(fuel _vehicle*14)]
_envCold = EPOCH_playerTemp <= 95.0;
_envHot = EPOCH_playerTemp >= 106.7;
_hungry = EPOCH_playerHunger <= 0;
_thirsty = EPOCH_playerThirst <= 0;
_warnbloodPressure = EPOCH_playerBloodP > 120;
_thirst ctrlShow (EPOCH_playerThirst <= 625);
if (ctrlShown _thirst) then {
[_thirst,_thirsty] call _fadeUI;
_color = [2500,0,EPOCH_playerThirst,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_thirst ctrlSetTextColor _color;
_hunger ctrlShow (EPOCH_playerHunger <= 1250);
if (ctrlShown _hunger) then {
[_hunger,_hungry] call _fadeUI;
_color = [5000,0,EPOCH_playerHunger,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_hunger ctrlSetTextColor _color;
_playerOxygen = getOxygenRemaining player;
_oxygen ctrlShow (_playerOxygen < 1);
if (ctrlShown _oxygen) then {
[_oxygen,(_playerOxygen <= 0.55)] call _fadeUI;
_color = [0,1,_playerOxygen,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_oxygen ctrlSetTextColor _color;
_hazzard ctrlShow (EPOCH_playerToxicity > 35);
if (ctrlShown _hazzard) then {
[_hazzard,(EPOCH_playerToxicity >= 55)] call _fadeUI;
_color = [0,100,EPOCH_playerToxicity,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_hazzard ctrlSetTextColor _color;
_legDamage = player getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
_broken ctrlShow (_legDamage >= 0.5);
if (ctrlShown _broken) then {
[_broken,true] call _fadeUI;
_color = [1,0,_legDamage,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_broken ctrlSetTextColor _color;
if (_envCold || _envHot || _hungry || _thirsty) then {
if (_envHot || _envCold) then {
player setFatigue 1;
EPOCH_playerBloodP = (EPOCH_playerBloodP + 0.05) min 190;
_increaseStamina = false;
} else {
if (EPOCH_playerStamina > 0) then {
if !(_panic) then {
if (!_warnbloodPressure) then {
player setFatigue 0;
EPOCH_playerBloodP = EPOCH_playerBloodP - 1 max 100;
_critical = (damage player >= 0.7 || _warnbloodPressure);
_emergency ctrlShow _critical;
if (ctrlShown _emergency) then {
[_emergency,(EPOCH_playerBloodP > 140)] call _fadeUI;
_color = [180,100,EPOCH_playerBloodP,1] call EPOCH_colorRange;
_emergency ctrlSetTextColor _color;
if (EPOCH_playerBloodP >= 180) then {
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
if (_increaseStamina && (getFatigue player) == 0) then {
EPOCH_playerStamina = (EPOCH_playerStamina + 0.5) min EPOCH_playerStaminaMax;
if (EPOCH_debugMode) then {
call EPOCH_debugMonitor;
call EPOCH_TradeLoop;