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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Empty WH disappear after 1 second. If filling of WH takes longer than 1s, the WH disappears. This fix let the Server create the WH, if objnull
158 lines
6.4 KiB
158 lines
6.4 KiB
class prepForDelivery {
author = "axeman";
title = "Prep for Delivery";
simpleTask = 0;
items[] = {"ItemDocumentMission"};
triggerDelay = 2;
triggerintervall = 8;
markerType = 0;
markerVisible = 0;
markerRadius = 0;
markerText = "";
initcall = "";
cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil]";
dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}}
{"Pick up the Document to Start."}
"!(""ItemDocumentMission"" in magazines player)",
{"Come on Buddy, Pick it up !","It's right next to you on the floor, pick it up to start."}
callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
abandonTime = 240;
failedCondition = "false";
faileddialogues[] = {"I guess you have better things to do.","Try again later.","You didn't pick up the document. Misison Failed !"};
completeCondition = "('ItemDocumentMission' in magazines player)";
completedialogues[] = {"That's great, let's get out of here.","Good, you have the document, let's move on.","Ok, well done. We can start now."};
completedCALL = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders',(player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],500]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]}]";
reward[] = {};
cleanUp = 0;
nextTask[] = {"doDelivery"};
// Not used atm
taskLimit = 3;
itemSpawn = 3;
callEventBinTask = 0;
diagSquelch = 30;
abandonDist = 100;
class doDelivery {
author = "axeman";
title = "Do Delivery";
simpleTask = 0;
items[] = {};
triggerDelay = 8;
triggerintervall = 8;
markerType = 0;
markerVisible = 0;
markerRadius = 0;
markerText = "";
initcall = "";
cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil]";
dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}}
"(""ItemDocumentMission"" in magazines player)",
{"Ok, head off to another trader, you can't deliver to any nearby.","All set. Now take that document to another trader further away.","Take that message to another trader or trader city."}
"!('ItemDocumentMission' in magazines player)",
{"Don't leave that document anywhere.","If you lose that document you will fail the mission."}
"(count (player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],42]) > 0) && (count (((player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],42]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]}) select {_x in (uiNameSpace getVariable [""axeStartTraders"",[]])}) < 1)",
{"Well done, you have a trader nearby, go see him","Looks like you found another trader, well done, deliver the message.","UAV has spotted another trader nearby, go deliver the message."}
callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...},{"NextTask1","NextTask2", ...}}
"(EPOCH_task_startTime + 480 < diag_tickTime) && ((player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],500]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]} isEqualTo (uiNameSpace getVariable [""axeStartTraders"",[]]))",
"[""Hey, what are you doing here ? Get on with your task !"", 5] call Epoch_message",
abandonTime = 1800;
failedCondition = "false";
faileddialogues[] = {"Looks like you took too long buddy, Mission Over.","You need to be quicker next time, Mission Over !","Misison Failed - You took too long, better luck next time."};
completeCondition = "(count (player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],6]) > 0) && (count (((player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],6]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]}) select {_x in (uiNameSpace getVariable [""axeStartTraders"",[]])}) < 1)";
completedialogues[] = {"Hey there pal, it looks like you have something for me ?","Great Job there. Step into my office traveller.","You made it, time to take a look at that message."};
completedCALL = "";
reward[] = {};
cleanUp = 0;
nextTask[] = {"finishDelivery"};
class finishDelivery {
author = "axeman";
title = "Finish Delivery";
simpleTask = 0;
items[] = {};
triggerDelay = 8;
triggerintervall = 8;
markerType = 0;
markerVisible = 0;
markerRadius = 0;
markerText = "";
initcall = "axeRndBadNews = floor random 100";
cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil];axeRndBadNews = nil";
dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}}
"axeRndBadNews > 5",
{"That's interesting news. Thanks for bringing this.","Great news, you did well to bring this to me."}
callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...},{"NextTask1","NextTask2", ...}}
"(""ItemDocumentMission"" in magazines player)",
"player removeMagazine ""ItemDocumentMission""",
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...},{"NextTask1","NextTask2", ...}}
"axeRndBadNews < 6",
abandonTime = 240;
failedCondition = "false";
faileddialogues[] = {};
completeCondition = "diag_ticktime - EPOCH_task_startTime > 16 && axeRndBadNews > 5";
completedialogues[] = {"Take your reward, you have earnt it","Here is your reward, you are a great courier.","Any time you need work, come and see me, great job."};
completedCALL = "[objnull,""Pelican_EPOCH"",true,getposatl player] remoteExec [""EPOCH_serverLootObject"",2];";
reward[] = {};
cleanUp = 1;
nextTask[] = {};
class deliveryMissionBadNews {
author = "axeman";
title = "Delivery Gone Bad";
simpleTask = 0;
items[] = {};
triggerDelay = 0;
triggerintervall = 8;
markerType = 0;
markerVisible = 0;
markerRadius = 0;
markerText = "";
initcall = "[player,6] call EPOCH_callSapperMigration";
cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil]";
dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
{ // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}}
{"Oh my, that's terrible, why did you bring me this news ?","No no no, why would you do this to me, this is awful news."}
callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... }
abandonTime =240;
failedCondition = "false";
faileddialogues[] = {};
completeCondition = "diag_ticktime - EPOCH_task_startTime > 8";
completedialogues[] = {"You are going to pay for that, get out of my sight","Nobody does that to me, go away.","I would run buddy, I am not pleased."};
completedCALL = "";
reward[] = {};
cleanUp = 1;
nextTask[] = {};
}; |