mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- We no longer spawn antagonists on opening loot containers or trash. Instead we have the client spawn them from a new weighted array. Note: Admins can control what AI are spawning by removing from array (antagonistChances) or setting chance to 0 - moved EPOCH_spawnIndex and EPOCH_spawnLimits to master loop init instead of both_init as it is only needed client side. - loot table updates for extra logic condition.
91 lines
3.1 KiB
91 lines
3.1 KiB
Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Init Server Variables
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
EPOCH_BuildingSlots = [];
EPOCH_TraderSlots = [];
EPOCH_saveBldQueue = [];
EPOCH_saveVehQueue = [];
EPOCH_saveStorQueue = [];
EPOCH_saveBuildQueue = [];
EPOCH_cleanupQueue = [];
EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar = compileFinal str(EPOCH_defaultVars);
EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl_SEPXVar = EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl;
EPOCH_staticTraderLocations = [];
EPOCH_staticNPCTraderPos = [];
EPOCH_traderStoredVehicles = [];
EPOCH_traderStoredVehiclesCnt = [];
private _configArray = [
["serverRestart", false],
["forceRestartTime", 14400],
["BuildingSlotsLimit", 1500],
["StaticDateTime", []],
["timeDifference", 0],
["lootMultiplier", 0.5],
["WeatherStaticForecast", []],
["showEarthQuakes", true],
["showSatellites", true],
["showShippingContainers", true],
["cloneCost", 100],
["vehicleLockTime", 1800],
["antagonistChancePDeath", 0.33],
["taxRate", 0.1],
["starterTraderItems", [[], []]],
["SHOW_TRADERS", true],
["SHOW_JAMMERS", true],
["SHOW_BOATLOOT", true],
["NPCSlotsLimit", 50],
["forceStaticTraders", true],
["expiresBuilding", "604800"],
["expiresPlayer", "2592000"],
["expiresBank", "7776000"],
["expiresVehicle", "604800"],
["expiresAIdata", "604800"],
["expiresCommunityStats", "7776000"],
["hiveAdminCmdExec", false],
["hiveAdminSavePlayerList", true],
["hiveAdminCmdTime", 5],
["DEBUG_VEH", false],
["useOldLoadVehicles", false],
["enableUnitTestOnStart", 0],
EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry = {
private["_defaultData", "_config", "_varData"];
_defaultData = _this select 2;
_varData = _defaultData;
if (isClass(_this select 0)) then{
_config = (_this select 0) >> (_this select 1);
_varData = switch (typeName _defaultData) do {
case "SCALAR": {if (isNumber (_config)) then { getNumber _config } else {_defaultData} };
case "BOOL": {if (isText (_config)) then {(getText _config) isEqualTo "true"} else {if (isNumber (_config)) then {(getNumber _config) isEqualTo 1} else {_defaultData}}};
case "ARRAY": {if (isArray (_config)) then { getArray _config } else {_defaultData} };
case "STRING": {if (isText (_config)) then { getText _config } else {_defaultData} };
default {_defaultData};
// Cast default vars to global vars
// Note: TODO not all of these should be cast to a global var to save memory. If used only once use config lookup.
private _serverSettingsConfig = configFile >> "CfgEpochServer";
private _varData = [_serverSettingsConfig,_x select 0,_x select 1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
missionNamespace setVariable[format["EPOCH_%1", _x select 0], _varData];
}forEach _configArray;