mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
456 lines
21 KiB
456 lines
21 KiB
// make sure we wait for Display #46
waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46) && (!isNil "EPOCH_loadingScreenDone")};
// load favBar
'load' spawn epoch_favBar_draw;
// force update within 15 seconds
EPOCH_forceUpdate = false;
_forceUpdate = false;
// force update within 1 second
EPOCH_forceUpdateNow = false;
// start alive timer
_clientAliveTimer = diag_tickTime;
// Fade Black Screen
_fadedblack = false;
_UnFadeCheck = {
if(_fadedblack) then {
[] spawn {
uisleep 1.5;
TitleText ['','PLAIN DOWN'];
_fadedblack = false;
// init player stat vars
_gmVarsInit = ["CfgEpochClient", "gmVars", [["Temp",98.6],["Hunger",500],["Thirst",500],["Toxicity",0],["Stamina",10],["BloodP",100],["Alcohol",0],["Radiation",0]]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_gModeVarNames = _gmVarsInit apply {_x param [0,""]};
_gModeVarValues = _gmVarsInit apply {_x param [1,0]};
_customVarsInit = ["CfgEpochClient", "customVarsDefaults", EPOCH_customVarsDefaults] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_customVarNames = _customVarsInit apply {_x param [0,""]};
_defaultVarValues = _customVarsInit apply {_x param [1,0]};
_customVarLimits = _customVarsInit apply {_x param [2,[]]};
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Temp")) params [["_playerTempMax",100],["_playerTempMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Temp")) params [["_playerTempDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Hunger")) params [["_playerHungerMax",100],["_playerHungerMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Hunger")) params [["_playerHungerDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Thirst")) params [["_playerThirstMax",100],["_playerThirstMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Thirst")) params [["_playerThirstDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Energy")) params [["_playerEnergyMax",100],["_playerEnergyMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Energy")) params [["_playerEnergyDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Wet")) params [["_playerWetMax",100],["_playerWetMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Wet")) params [["_playerWetDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Soiled")) params [["_playerSoiledMax",100],["_playerSoiledMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Soiled")) params [["_playerSoiledDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Immunity")) params [["_playerImmunityMax",100],["_playerImmunityMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Immunity")) params [["_playerImmunityDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Toxicity")) params [["_playerToxicityMax",100],["_playerToxicityMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Toxicity")) params [["_playerToxicityDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Stamina")) params [["_playerStaminaMax",100],["_playerStaminaMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Stamina")) params [["_playerStaminaDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "BloodP")) params [["_playerBloodPMax",100],["_playerBloodPMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "BloodP")) params [["_playerBloodPDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Alcohol")) params [["_playerAlcoholMax",100],["_playerAlcoholMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Alcohol")) params [["_playerAlcoholDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Radiation")) params [["_playerRadiationMax",100],["_playerRadiationMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Radiation")) params [["_playerRadiationDefault",0]];
(_customVarLimits select (_customVarNames find "Nuisance")) params [["_playerNuisanceMax",100],["_playerNuisanceMin",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "Nuisance")) params [["_playerNuisanceDefault",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "AliveTime")) params [["_playerAliveTimeDefault",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "HitPoints")) params [["_playerHitPointsDefault",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "SpawnArray")) params [["_playerSpawnArrayDefault",0]];
(_defaultVarValues select (_customVarNames find "MissionArray")) params [["_playerMissionArrayDefault",0]];
// push inital vars to new gvars
_varDefault = _defaultVarValues select _foreachindex;
_varName = format["EPOCH_player%1",_x];
_varNameTmp = call compile format["_player%1Key",_x];
if !(isNil "_varNameTmp") then {_varName = _varNameTmp};
missionNamespace setVariable [_varName, missionNamespace getVariable [format["EPOCH_player%1",_x], _varDefault]];
} forEach _customVarNames;
missionNamespace setVariable [call compile "_playerRandomVarKey", round (diag_tickTime + random 99999)];
// only changed within this loop
_playerAliveTime = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerAliveTimeKey, _playerAliveTimeDefault];
// init Energy Max
EPOCH_playerEnergyMax = _playerEnergyMax;
// inline function to sync player stats to server
_fnc_forceUpdate = {
private _customVars = [];
private _varName = format["EPOCH_player%1",_x];
private _varNameTmp = call compile format["_player%1Key",_x];
if !(isNil "_varNameTmp") then {_varName = _varNameTmp};
_customVars pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable [_varName,_defaultVarValues select _foreachindex]);
} forEach _customVarNames;
_stats = [
["WalkDist",round _TotalWalkDist,true],
["PlayTime", round _PlayTime, true],
["PublicStats",missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_totalPublicStats",1], true]
[player,_customVars,Epoch_personalToken,_stats,_UpdateTopStats] remoteExec ["EPOCH_fnc_savePlayer",2];
_UpdateTopStats = false;
// disable fuel sources client side.
{_x setFuelCargo 0;} foreach (missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_staticFuelSources", []]);
// setup display EH's
if (isNil "EPOCH_display_setup_complete") then {
EPOCH_display_setup_complete = true;
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [_x,(["CfgEpochClient", _x, ""] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];
} forEach (["CfgEpochClient", "displayAddEventHandler", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2);
// reset anim state
player switchMove "";
// setup Epoch Hud
call epoch_dynamicHUD_start;
player setVariable["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
// Background radiation
_outOfBoundsRadiation = ["CfgEpochClient", "outOfBoundsRadiation", 10] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_radsLevel = 0;
// Radiation screen effects threshold
_radiationEffectsThreshold = ["CfgEpochClient", "radiationEffectsThreshold", 10] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_prevEquippedItem = [];
_damagePlayer = damage player;
_isOnFoot = isNull objectParent player;
_panic = false;
_prevEnergy = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerEnergyKey, _playerEnergyDefault];
_EPOCH_Autorunspeed = 1;
// init config data
_antagonistRndChance = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistRngChance", 100] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_LootCleanupTime = ["CfgBuildingLootPos", "LootCleanupTime", 300] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_baseRadiationLoss = ["CfgEpochClient", "baseRadiationLoss", -0.1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_baseRadiationLossImmunityPenalty = ["CfgEpochClient", "baseRadiationLossImmunityPenalty", -0.1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_baseHungerLoss = ["CfgEpochClient", "baseHungerLoss", 2] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_baseThirstLoss = ["CfgEpochClient", "baseThirstLoss", 2] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_baseAlcoholLoss = ["CfgEpochClient", "baseAlcoholLoss", 0.17] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_lossMultiplier = if (["CfgEpochClient", "accelerateHTALoss", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then {timeMultiplier} else {1};
_energyCostNV = ["CfgEpochClient", "energyCostNV", 3] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_energyPowerSources = ["CfgEpochClient", "energyPowerSources", ["Land_spp_Tower_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V1_F","SolarGen_EPOCH","Land_Wreck_Satellite_EPOCH"]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_energyRegenInVeh = ["CfgEpochClient", "energyChargeInVeh", 5] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_energyRegenMax = ["CfgEpochClient", "energyRegenMax", 5] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_energyRange = ["CfgEpochClient", "energyRange", 75] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_hudConfigs = ["CfgEpochClient", "hudConfigs", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_radioactiveLocations = ["CfgEpochClient", "radioactiveLocations", ["NameCityCapital", "NameCity", "Airport"]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_radiatedObjMaxRange = ["CfgEpochClient", "radiatedObjMaxFalloutDist", 75] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_PlayerMarkerArray = getArray(('CfgMarkerSets' call EPOCH_returnConfig) >> 'PlayerMarker' >> 'markerArray');
_PlayerMarkerName = (_PlayerMarkerArray param [0,[]]) param [0,"EPOCH_PlayerMarker1"];
_DeathMarkerName = ((getArray (('CfgMarkerSets' call EPOCH_returnConfig) >> 'DeathMarker' >> 'markerArray')) param [0,[]]) param [0,"EPOCH_DeathMarker1"];
_mapOnZoomSetMarkerSize = ["CfgEpochClient", "mapOnZoomSetMarkerSize", 0] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_PlayerMarkerEnabled = (["CfgEpochClient", "playerLocationMarkerGPSOnly", 0] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) isequalto 1;
_DeathMarkerEnabled = (["CfgEpochClient", "playerDeathMarkerGPSOnly", 0] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) isequalto 1;
_DeathMarker = profileNameSpace getVariable ['EPOCHLastKnownDeath',[]];
_chargeRate = 0;
_antagonistChanceDefaults = [
_antagonistChances = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistChances", _antagonistChanceDefaults] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
// Init antagonist spawn limits
_spawnIndex = [];
_spawnLimits = [];
_antagonistSpawnDefaults = [
["Epoch_Cloak_F", 1],
["GreatWhite_F", 2],
_antagonistSpawnLimits = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistSpawnIndex", _antagonistSpawnDefaults] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_mod_Ryanzombies_Enabled = missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_mod_Ryanzombies_Enabled",false];
_x params ["_spawnName","_spawnLimit"];
if (_spawnName isEqualTo "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1") then {
if (_mod_Ryanzombies_Enabled) then {
_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
} else {
_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
} forEach _antagonistSpawnLimits;
EPOCH_spawnIndex = _spawnIndex;
EPOCH_spawnLimits = _spawnLimits;
// default data if mismatch
_playerSpawnArray = missionNamespace getVariable [_playerSpawnArrayKey, _playerSpawnArrayDefault];
if !(_playerSpawnArray isEqualTypeParams _spawnIndex) then{
_playerSpawnArray = [];
{ _playerSpawnArray pushBack 0 } forEach _spawnIndex;
missionNamespace setVariable [_playerSpawnArrayKey, _playerSpawnArray];
// find radio
if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x)) == "ItemRadio") exitWith{
EPOCH_equippedItem_PVS = [_x, true, player];
} forEach assignedItems player;
// lootBubble Init
_masterConfig = 'CfgBuildingLootPos' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_lootClasses = [];
_lootClassesIgnore = ['Default'];
'_cN = configName _x;if !(_cN in _lootClassesIgnore)then{_lootClasses pushBackUnique (toLower _cN)}; true' configClasses _masterConfig;
_lastPlayerPos = getPosATL player;
_lastPlayerPos2 = getPosATL player;
_TotalWalkDist = missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_totalWalkDist",0];
_MaxAliveTime = missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_totalMaxAliveTime",0];
_PlayTime = missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_totalPlayTime",0];
_PlayTimeTimer = diag_ticktime;
_UpdateTopStats = false;
EPOCH_MyStatsPublic = !((missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_totalPublicStats",1]) isEqualTo 0);
_lootBubble = {
private["_jammer", "_others", "_objects", "_nearObjects", "_building", "_lootDist", "_lootLoc", "_playerPos", "_distanceTraveled","_AddBias","_dir","_minlootdist","_maxlootdist"];
if (!alive player) exitwith {};
if (speed vehicle player > 30) exitwith {};
_playerPos = getPosATL vehicle player;
if (_lastPlayerPos distance2D _playerPos < 30) exitwith {};
_lastPlayerPos = _playerPos;
if (missionnamespace getvariable ["InSafeZone",false]) exitwith {};
_objects = (player nearObjects ["Building", 60]) select {
!((_x getvariable ["Epoch_LastLootCheck",-10000]) > (diag_ticktime - _LootCleanupTime)) &&
{!(_x getvariable ["EPOCH_Skiploot",false])} &&
{(_x nearObjects ["PlotPole_Epoch", 100]) isEqualTo []} &&
{(_x nearObjects ["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", 25]) isEqualTo []} &&
{(_x nearEntities[["Epoch_Male_F", "Epoch_Female_F"], 15]) isEqualTo []} &&
{!(isObjectHidden _x)}
if !(_objects isEqualTo[]) then {
_LootsArray = [];
_building = _x;
_building setvariable ["Epoch_LastLootCheck",diag_ticktime];
_selectedConfig = typeOf _building;
if (_selectedConfig isEqualTo "") then {
(getModelInfo _building) params [["_modelName",""]];
if (!isnil "_modelName") then {
_selectedConfig = (_modelName splitString " .") joinString "_";
_config = _masterConfig >> _selectedConfig;
if (isClass(_config)) then {
_buildingLoot = [];
if ((random 100) < (getNumber (_config >> "EpochLootChance"))) then {
_buildingLoot = [_building,"EpochLoot",[]];
_cfgBaseBuilding = 'CfgBaseBuilding' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_loots = getArray(_config >> "loottypes");
_lootLimit = (round random(getNumber(_config >> "limit"))) max 1;
_possibleLoots = [];
_x params ["_posNameTMP","_class","_randomColor"];
_posName = _posNameTMP;
_positions = getArray(_config >> _posName);
_possibleLoots pushBack [_class,_randomColor,_x];
} forEach _positions;
} forEach _loots;
if !(_possibleLoots isEqualTo []) then {
for "_i" from 1 to _lootLimit do {
_possibleCount = count _possibleLoots;
if (_possibleCount > 0) then {
_randomIndex = (floor random(_possibleCount));
_selectedLoot = _possibleLoots deleteAt _randomIndex;
_selectedLoot params ["_class","_randomColor","_position"];
_position params ["_m2WPos","_relDir"];
_pos = _building modelToWorld _m2WPos;
if (_pos select 2 < 0) then {
_pos set[2, 0];
if (_class isEqualType []) then {
_class = selectRandom _class;
_dir = _relDir + (getDir _building);
_color = "";
if (_randomColor isEqualTo "true") then {
_colors = getArray(_cfgBaseBuilding >> _class >> "availableTextures");
if !(_colors isEqualTo[]) then {
_color = selectRandom _colors;
(_buildingLoot select 2) pushback [_class, _pos, _dir, _color];
else {
if ((random 100) < (getNumber (_config >> "GroundSpawnChance"))) then {
_buildingLoot = [_building,"GroundLoot",[]];
_MinGroundContainers = getNumber (_config >> "MinGroundContainers");
_MaxGroundContainers = getNumber (_config >> "MaxGroundContainers");
_lootType = getText(_config >> "lootType");
_loots = getArray(_config >> "loottypes");
_positions = [];
_x params ["_posName","_class","_randomColor"];
if !((tolower _posName) in ["cabinetpos","toolrackpos"]) then {
_positions = _positions + getArray (_config >> _posName);
} forEach _loots;
if !(_positions isEqualTo []) then {
for "_i" from 1 to (_MinGroundContainers + (round (random (_MaxGroundContainers - _MinGroundContainers)))) do {
if ((count _positions) > 0) then {
_position = _positions deleteat (floor (random (count _positions)));
_position params ["_m2WPos","_relDir"];
_pos = _building modelToWorld _m2WPos;
_pos vectoradd [0,0,0.1];
if (_pos select 2 < 0) then {
_pos set[2, 0];
(_buildingLoot select 2) pushback [_lootType,_pos];
if !(_buildingLoot isEqualTo []) then {
_LootsArray pushback _buildingLoot;
} foreach _objects;
if !(_LootsArray isEqualTo []) then {
[player,Epoch_personalToken,_LootsArray] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_spawnLoot",2];
// init weather temperature var if not already set
if (isNil "EPOCH_CURRENT_WEATHER") then {
_cursorTarget = objNull;
// init cfgBaseBuilding config var
_cfgBaseBuilding = 'CfgBaseBuilding' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_cfgObjectInteractions = 'CfgObjectInteractions' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_EPOCH_BuildTraderMisson = {
params ['_inGameTasksconfig','_taskName',['_unit',objnull],['_taskItem',objnull]];
_taskTitle = getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "title");
_taskSQF = getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "initsqf");
if !(_taskSQF isequalto '') then {
call compile format ["[_taskName,player,_unit,_taskItem] execVM ""%1""",_taskSQF];
_taskCall = getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "initcall");
if !(_taskCall isequalto '') then {
call compile _taskCall;
_taskDelay = diag_ticktime + (getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "triggerDelay"));
_triggerintervall = getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "triggerintervall");
_taskItems = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "items");
if !(_taskItems isequalto []) then {
[player,Epoch_personalToken,_taskItems,[],objNull,false] remoteExec ["EPOCH_Server_createObject",2];
_taskMarkerType = getnumber (_inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> 'markerType');
if (_taskMarkerType > 0) then {
_taskMarkerVis = getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "markerVisible");
_markerPos = [0,0,0];
if (isNil "EPOCH_taskMarkerPos") then {
if !(isNull _trgt) then {
_markerPos = getPos _trgt;
if !(isNull _unit) then{
_markerPos = getPos _unit;
if !(isNull _taskItem) then {
_markerPos = getPos _taskItem;
else {
_markerPos = EPOCH_taskMarkerPos;
_mkrName = format ["EPOCHTaskMark%1%2",_taskName,diag_tickTime];
EPOCH_taskMarker = [_mkrName,_taskMarkerVis];
_taskMarkerText = getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "markerText");
_taskMarkerRad = getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "markerRadius");
if(_taskMarkerType == 2)then{
_markerPos set [0, (_markerPos select 0) + (floor (random _taskMarkerRad) - (_taskMarkerRad / 2))];
_markerPos set [1, (_markerPos select 1) + (floor (random _taskMarkerRad) - (_taskMarkerRad / 2))];
[[_taskMarkerVis,player],_markerPos,"ELLIPSE","mil_dot",_taskMarkerText,"ColorYellow",[_taskMarkerRad,_taskMarkerRad], "SolidBorder", 42, 0.6,_mkrName] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_makeMarker",2];
_taskDialogues = [];
_x params [["_condition",""],["_dialogue",""]];
if !(_condition isequalto "" || _dialogue isequalto "") then {
_taskDialogues pushback [compile _condition,_dialogue];
} foreach (getarray (_inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> 'dialogues'));
_taskEvents = [];
_x params [["_condition",""],["_taskEventCALL",""],["_taskEventTasks",[]]];
if !(_condition isequalto "") then {
_taskEvents pushback [compile _condition,compile _taskEventCALL,_taskEventTasks];
} foreach (getarray (_inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> 'callevents'));
_taskFailedCond = compile getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "failedCondition");
_taskFailTime = (getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "abandonTime"));
if (_taskFailTime < 1) then {_taskFailTime=999999} else {_taskFailTime = _taskFailTime + diag_ticktime};
_taskFailedDiags = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "faileddialogues");
_taskFailedSQF = getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "failedSQF");
_taskFailedCall = compile getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "failedCall");
_nextTask = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "failedTask");
_taskCompleteCond = compile getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "completeCondition");
_taskReward = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "reward");
_taskCompleteDiags = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "completedialogues");
_taskCompleteCall = compile getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "completedCALL");
_taskNextTrigger = getArray ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "nextTask");
_missionCleanUpCall = compile getText ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "cleanUpCall");
_taskCleanup = getNumber ( _inGameTasksconfig >> _taskName >> "cleanUp");
_return = [
EPOCH_task_startTime = diag_ticktime;
_epoch_tradermissionarray = [];
EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_LastMissionTrigger = 0;