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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
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74 lines
2.6 KiB
Author: He-Man - Ignatz-Gaming
Contributors: Raimonds Virtoss
Start the Trader Trading Menu
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
private ["_config","_MainCategoriearray","_target","_slot","_index","_ok","_categorie","_idx"];
_config = 'CfgItemSort' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_MainCategoriearray = getarray (_config >> "MainCategories" >> "Classes");
_target = cursorTarget;
if (alive _target) then {
_slot = _target getVariable ["AI_SLOT",-1];
if (_slot != -1) then {
EPOCH_lastNPCtradeTarget = _target;
EPOCH_NpcTradePlayerItems = (items player)+(magazinesammo player);
if (primaryWeapon player != "") then {
EPOCH_NpcTradePlayerItems pushback [primaryWeapon player,"Hand"];
if (secondaryWeapon player != "") then {
EPOCH_NpcTradePlayerItems pushback [secondaryWeapon player,"Hand"];
if (handgunWeapon player != "") then {
EPOCH_NpcTradePlayerItems pushback [handgunWeapon player,"Hand"];
if (count backpackItems player == 0 && count backpackmagazines player == 0 && backpack player != "") then {
EPOCH_NpcTradePlayerItems pushback backpack player;
EPOCH_NpcTradeTraderItems = [[],[]];
_index = _foreachindex;
(EPOCH_NpcTradeTraderItems select _index) pushback _x;
} foreach _x
} foreach (_target getvariable ["AI_Items",[[],[]]]);
closeDialog 0;
_ok = createdialog "TradeNPCMenu";
if (!_ok) exitWith {};
9992 cutRsc["EpochGameUI2", "PLAIN", 2, false];
((uiNamespace getVariable "EPOCH_EpochGameUI2") displayCtrl 21208) ctrlSetText format["%1", EPOCH_playerCrypto];
_idx = 0;
if !(primaryweapon player isEqualTo "") then {
lbAdd [42101,format ["Fits your %1",(primaryweapon player) call EPOCH_itemDisplayName]];
lbSetColor [42101, _idx, [1, 1, 0, 1]];
_idx = _idx + 1;
if !(secondaryweapon player isEqualTo "") then {
lbAdd [42101,format ["Fits your %1",(secondaryweapon player) call EPOCH_itemDisplayName]];
lbSetColor [42101, _idx, [1, 1, 0, 1]];
_idx = _idx + 1;
if !(handgunweapon player isEqualTo "") then {
lbAdd [42101,format ["Fits your %1",(handgunweapon player) call EPOCH_itemDisplayName]];
lbSetColor [42101, _idx, [1, 1, 0, 1]];
_idx = _idx + 1;
_categorie = _x select 0;
lbAdd [42100,_categorie];
lbAdd [42101,_categorie];
} forEach _MainCategoriearray;
lbSetCurSel [42100, 0];
lbSetCurSel [42101, _idx];