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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- Vehicle Upgrade moved to DynaMenu - Hitpoints now also will be given to Vehicles from other BaseClasses (controlled by HitPointNames) - Added a security Check that Players must have a bit distance to upgrade - Fixed some errors in Colorscript for upgraded Vehicles. If it is only an upgrade, same color is used. If it is another Class, a new random color will be taken. - Removed Upgrade Vehicle from Inventory Click - Changed DynaMenu to make it possible to call a script to get iconpath (use "iconcode" instead of "icon" then)
84 lines
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84 lines
2.3 KiB
Author: He-Man / DirtySanchez
Upgrade Vehicle
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
private ["_vehType","_config","_reqMaterials","_crypto","_hasall","_missing","_has","_msg"];
params [["_veh",objnull],["_classUpgrade",""],["_displayname",""],["_mattxt",""]];
Ignatz_VehicleUpgradeArray = [];
if (isnull _veh) exitwith {
["Upgrade failed - Vehicle not found",5] call Epoch_message;
_vehType = typeOf _veh;
_config = 'CfgVehicleUpgrades' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
if !(isclass (_config >> _vehType)) exitwith {
["Vehicle not upgradeable",5] call Epoch_message;
_reqMaterials = getArray (_config >> _vehType >> _classUpgrade >> "ReqMaterials");
_crypto = 0;
if(_reqMaterials isEqualTo [])exitWith{
["Required Materials list not found, report this error to an admin",5] call Epoch_message;
_hasall = true;
_missing = [];
_x params ["_count","_item"];
_has = 0;
if (_item isequalto "Crypto") then {
_has = Epoch_Playercrypto;
else {
_has = {_x == _item} count ((magazines player)+(items player));
if (_has < _count) then {
_missing pushback [_count-_has,_item];
_hasall = false
}forEach _reqMaterials;
if (!_hasall) exitwith {
_msg = 'Missing:';
_msg = _msg + format [' %1 %2,', _x select 0, (_x select 1) call EPOCH_itemDisplayName];
} foreach _missing;
[_msg,5] call Epoch_message;
if !(local _veh) exitwith {
["Upgrade failed - Go in as Driver first",5] call Epoch_message;
if !(crew _veh isequalto []) exitwith {
["Upgrade failed - All passengers must leave the Vehicle",5] call Epoch_message;
if (player distance _veh > 15) exitwith {
["Upgrade failed - Vehicle to far away",5] call Epoch_message;
if (player distance _veh < 4.5) exitwith {
["Upgrade failed - Take a bit distance and try again",5] call Epoch_message;
_x params ["_count","_item"];
if (_item isequalto "Crypto") then {
_crypto = _crypto + _count;
else {
for "_i" from 1 to _count do{
player removeItem _item;
} forEach _reqMaterials;
[[_veh,_classUpgrade,_crypto],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_upgrade_vehicle",2];