mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
163 lines
4.6 KiB
163 lines
4.6 KiB
ctrlShow[1600, false];
ctrlShow[2100, false];
ctrlShow[1000, false];
ctrlShow[41008, true];
ctrlShow[42000, true];
_index = _this select 0;
EPOCH_CraftItemData = "";
_activeDisplay = findDisplay -15;
_data = EPOCH_InteractedItem select 1;
// _craftingConfig = configfile >> "CfgCrafting" >> (_data);
_config = 'CfgCrafting' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_craftingConfig = _config >> _data;
if (isClass (_craftingConfig)) then {
_usedIn = getArray (_craftingConfig >> "usedIn");
_selectedRecipe = _usedIn select _index;
EPOCH_CraftItemData = _selectedRecipe;
_craftingConfig = _config >> _selectedRecipe;
if (isClass (_craftingConfig)) then {
_recipe = getArray(_craftingConfig >> "recipe");
_nearby = getArray(_craftingConfig >> "nearby");
_recipeItems = [1200,1201,1202,1203,1204,1205];
_recipeStatus = [42200,42201,42202,42203,42204,42205];
_recipetooltip = [43200,43201,43202,43203,43204,43205];
_recipeCounts = [41001,41002,41003,41004,41005,41006];
_recipeResources = [45202,45203,45204,45205,45206,45207];
_recipeResourcesbtn = [44202,44203,44204,44205,44206,44207];
ctrlShow[_x, false];
} forEach _recipeItems;
ctrlShow[_x, false];
} forEach _recipeStatus;
ctrlShow[_x, false];
} forEach _recipeCounts;
// check for nearby resources
_proceed = true;
// check nearby
_needType = _x select 0; // fire. alive, noclass
_needClasses = _x select 1; // ["ALL"]. ["filename.p3d"]
_needRange = _x select 2; // 3
_needCount = _x select 3; // 1
_needReason = _x select 4; // "Fire", "Water Source"
_needImage = _x select 5; // fire, fuel, water, electricity
_nearObjects = nearestObjects[player, _needClasses, _needRange];
_nearbyCount = 0;
switch (_needType) do
case "fire": {_nearbyCount = {inflamed _x} count _nearObjects; };
case "alive": {_nearbyCount = {alive _x} count _nearObjects; };
case "noclass": {
_needName = _x;
_nearbyCount = {((str(_x) find _needName) != -1)} count nearestObjects[player, [], _needRange];
if (_nearbyCount > 0) exitWith{};
} foreach _needClasses;
(_activeDisplay displayCtrl(_recipeResourcesbtn select _forEachIndex)) ctrlSetTooltip _needReason;
if (_nearbyCount < _needCount) then {
_proceed = false;
// display needed icons
_icon = format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\need_%1_ca.paa", _needImage];
//diag_log format["%1", _icon];
ctrlSetText[(_recipeResources select _forEachIndex), _icon];
} else {
// display needed icons
_icon = format["\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\has_%1_ca.paa", _needImage];
//diag_log format["%1", _icon];
ctrlSetText[(_recipeResources select _forEachIndex), _icon];
} forEach _nearby;
_recipeCount = 0;
_itemCount = 0;
_mags = magazines player;
_items = items player;
_recipeItem = _x;
_recipeQty = 1;
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") then {
_recipeItem = _x select 0;
_recipeQty = _x select 1;
_recipeCount = _recipeCount + _recipeQty;
_index = _forEachIndex;
_recipePic = _recipeItem call EPOCH_itemPicture;
ctrlSetText [(_recipeItems select _index), _recipePic];
_actualCount = 0;
if (isClass(configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _recipeItem)) then {
_actualCount = { _x == _recipeItem } count _items;
} else {
_actualCount = { _x == _recipeItem } count _mags;
ctrlSetText[(_recipeCounts select _index), format["%1/%2", _actualCount, _recipeQty]];
ctrlShow[(_recipeItems select _index), true];
ctrlShow[(_recipeStatus select _index), true];
ctrlShow[(_recipeCounts select _index), true];
(_activeDisplay displayCtrl (_recipetooltip select _index)) ctrlSetTooltip format["%1",(_recipeItem call EPOCH_itemDisplayName)];
if (_actualCount >= _recipeQty) then {
ctrlSetText [(_recipeStatus select _index), ""];
_itemCount = _itemCount + _recipeQty;
(_activeDisplay displayCtrl (_recipeCounts select _index)) ctrlSetTextColor[1, 1, 1, 1];
} else {
ctrlSetText [(_recipeStatus select _index), "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\ui\xicon.paa"];
(_activeDisplay displayCtrl (_recipeCounts select _index)) ctrlSetTextColor[1, 0, 0, 1];
} forEach _recipe;
if (_itemCount == _recipeCount && _proceed) then {
ctrlShow [1600, true];
ctrlShow [2100, true];
ctrlShow [1000, true];
for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
_num = _i + 1;
_index = lbAdd[2100, str(_num)]; lbSetValue[2100, _index, _num];
lbSetCurSel[2100, 0];
//diag_log format["DEBUG: EPOCH_craftItem %1 index: %2",_selectedRecipe,_index];
//diag_log format["DEBUG: EPOCH_craftItem %1 index: %2",_selectedRecipe,_index];