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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
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//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_action","_class","_condition","_disabledDoor","_displayname","_doorIndex","_index","_position","_statement","_uniqueActions","_unlock","_useractions"];
lbClear 1550;
_class = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf EPCH);
if (isclass _class) then {
_useractions = _class >> "UserActions";
if (isclass _useractions) then {
_uniqueActions = [];
for "_u" from 0 to (count _useractions - 1) do {
_action = _useractions select _u;
_displayname = gettext (_action >> "displayname");
_position = gettext (_action >> "position");
_uniqueActions pushBackUnique _position;
_condition = gettext (_action >> "condition");
_statement = gettext (_action >> "statement");
_condition = [_condition,"this","EPCH"] call EPOCH_replaceWord;
_statement = [_statement,"this","EPCH"] call EPOCH_replaceWord;
if (call compile _condition) then {
_index = lbAdd[1550,_displayname];
lbSetData [1550, _index,_statement];
_doorIndex = _forEachIndex + 1;
_disabledDoor = EPCH getVariable [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_doorIndex],0];
if (_disabledDoor == 0) then {
_index = lbAdd[1550,"Lock Door"];
_unlock = format["EPCH setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_%1',1,true];",_doorIndex];
lbSetData [1550, _index,_unlock];
} else {
_index = lbAdd[1550,"Unlock Door"];
_unlock = format["EPCH setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_%1',0,true];",_doorIndex];
lbSetData [1550, _index,_unlock];
} foreach _uniqueActions;