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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Moving "Epoch_Itemdisplayname" also to server will rename it to "EPOCH_fnc_Itemdisplayname", so we now only link to the new function. Means, that you can now use: Client side: "EPOCH_Itemdisplayname" or "EPOCH_fnc_Itemdisplayname" Server side: "EPOCH_fnc_Itemdisplayname" So no eventually third-party scripts will take effect.
31 lines
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31 lines
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_object = _this;
_type = typeof _object;
if (({alive _x && isplayer _x} count (_object nearentities 6)) > 1) exitwith {
["You should not defuse Bombs next to other Players!",5] call Epoch_Message;
player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0';
player playMove 'AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd';
_object say3d 'vehicle_repair';
uisleep 5;
if (alive player && !isnull _object) then {
_reward = gettext (configfile >> "cfgammo" >> _type >> "defaultMagazine");
if !(_reward isequalto "") then {
_chance = ["CfgEpochClient", "DefuseBombChance", 0.4] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
if (_chance >= ((random 100) / 100)) then {
[_object,false,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteexec ["EPOCH_server_DefuseBomb",2];
else {
['Oh No... The Bomb will explode in a few seconds... RUN!!!!',5] call Epoch_Message;
for '_i' from 1 to 6 do {
playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\air\heli_attack_02\alarm.wss', player, false,getposasl _object, 1, 1, 300];
uisleep 1;
[_object,true,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteexec ["EPOCH_server_DefuseBomb",2];
else {
[format ['Sorry, can not defuse %1',_type],5] call Epoch_Message;