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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
[Changed] Dynamic sub menu for inventory item interaction and crafting options. (Double click item in your inventory) [Changed] Armor stat inventory feature now dynamic and no longer forced via config. [Changed] Group menu and requests are now on the self action menu.
105 lines
3.8 KiB
105 lines
3.8 KiB
Dynamic inventory sub menu
By Aaron Clark - Epoch Mod
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_activeControl","_bg","_btn_arr","_buffer","_buttonTXT","_button_gen","_button_texts","_cfgItemInteractions","_config","_control","_data","_display","_interactOption","_magCount","_pos","_start_idc","_type","_y2d"];
_button_texts = [];
_activeControl = uiNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_active_button_control", controlNull];
if (!isNull _activeControl) then {
_activeControl ctrlShow false;
ctrlDelete _activeControl;
_this call EPOCH_selectInventoryItem;
_data = EPOCH_InteractedItem select 1;
_interactOption = 0;
_buttonTXT = "";
_magCount = 1;
_config = (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _data);
_cfgItemInteractions = (('CfgItemInteractions' call EPOCH_returnConfig) >> _data);
if (isClass (_config)) then {
_type = getNumber (_config >> "type");
_interactOption = getNumber (_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactAction");
_buttonTXT = getText(_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactText");
} else {
_config = (configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _data);
_type = getNumber (_config >> "type");
_interactOption = getNumber (_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactAction");
_buttonTXT = getText(_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactText");
_magCount = getNumber (_config >> "count");
if (_buttonTXT != "") then {
_button_texts pushBack [_buttonTXT];
} else {
if (_magCount > 1) then {
_button_texts pushBack ["REPACK"];
} else {
_button_texts pushBack ["EXAMINE"];
_config = 'CfgCrafting' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
if (isClass (_config >> _data)) then {
EPOCH_CraftingItem = EPOCH_InteractedItem select 0;
_button_texts pushBack ["CRAFT","EPOCH_CraftingItem call EPOCH_crafting_load;"];
} else {
EPOCH_CraftingItem = "";
if !(_button_texts isEqualTo []) then {
_display = ctrlParent (_this select 0);
_pos = getMousePosition;
_control = _display ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars", 5678910];
uiNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_active_button_control", _control];
_control ctrlSetPosition [(_pos select 0)-0.03,(_pos select 1)-0.03,1,1];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_bg = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonTextOnly", 12349,_control];
_bg ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,1];
_bg ctrlCommit 0;
_bg ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseEnter",{
_activeControl = uiNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_active_button_control", controlNull];
if !(isNull _activeControl) then {
_activeControl ctrlShow false;
_buffer = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonTextOnly", 12345,_control];
_buffer ctrlSetPosition [0.02,0.02,0.25,0.0625 + (0.0625 * (count _button_texts))];
_buffer ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick",{
_activeControl = uiNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_active_button_control", controlNull];
if !(isNull _activeControl) then {
_activeControl ctrlShow false;
_buffer ctrlCommit 0;
_y2d = 0.06;
_btn_arr = [];
_start_idc = 12346;
_x params [["_btn_text","EXAMINE"],["_btn_code","call EPOCH_consumeItem;"]];
_button_gen = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu", _start_idc,_control];
_start_idc = _start_idc + 1;
_button_gen ctrlSetPosition [0.06,_y2d,0.20,0.06];
_button_gen ctrlSetText _btn_text;
_button_gen ctrlCommit 0;
_button_gen ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_btn_code + "(uiNamespace getVariable [""EPOCH_active_button_control"", controlNull]) ctrlShow false;"];
_y2d = _y2d + 0.0625;
_btn_arr pushBack _button_gen;
} forEach _button_texts;
reverse _btn_arr;
uiNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_active_controls", ([_control,_bg,_buffer] + _btn_arr) ];
// uiNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_active_buttons", _btn_arr ];
{ctrlSetFocus _x} forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_active_controls", []]);